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Re: bluelucky post# 32887

Tuesday, 02/27/2018 7:42:44 AM

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 7:42:44 AM

Post# of 38634
Blue, They never broke it down and stated. They only stated that the revenue was mostly all from PAR. so that leads one to believe that the Seroquel revenue was negligible.

Which is why I said I felt if anything out of the numbers, the script count may be accurate. scripts of only 549, even if that number actually means 5,490. is disgraceful and meaningless to contribute to over all revenue.

I personally feel we can use that, if nothing else, to gauge market penetration. until that number is in the thousands or ten thousands, we will not be seeing any meaningful revenue from it. Which, knowing MNK wants to get rid of its generic business, makes me wonder just how committed they are to finding buyers.

I find it difficult to believe that after 9 months they can not penetrate the market any further. as small as what they are, they should be able to be competitive with larger operations. They have little to no overhead.