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Re: gak906 post# 20612

Thursday, 02/22/2018 5:19:04 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2018 5:19:04 PM

Post# of 25303
If you look at the last big move down they we’re bailing
Wheathr for good or not shall see
If we stay down in these numbers could mojo gone somewhere else
would watch volume to see if mojo
/volume comes back

To get wild swing we been having need lotza volume
One poster from here lost 90 k on vix....
he is no longer posting here
Has he left credit suizze entirely
Not sure

Would someone like a hedge fund drop someone’s money into credit Suizze
After them shutting their doors like they did
who knows

Best of luck to you n yours


which ever way the HERD goes....GO the other way