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Alias Born 11/12/2017

Re: BriarPatch post# 250965

Wednesday, 02/21/2018 5:03:31 AM

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:03:31 AM

Post# of 290031
So you post rules. Nice , but i still dont see a license with nuleaf and trtcs name on it. Still 50-50 to say anything else is ignorant.

I use to think pearl, and magnum didnt have any vision about this company. Now fast forward 2.5 years later, 20ish conference calls later and im bitching too. Kind of ironic.

You say cultivation wasn't operating because of the rules.

Lets play along with this notion...
Assuming all rules where in place by july 1st 2017 a compitent company would have already started construction on their cultivation sites with 9 months of rules. As a business owner (one that has to operate in the bkacm to stay operational) i would of had a design in mind and tweaked that design one week after the rules where realsed. And tried to have the ground broken within a month.

Two more questions. How did trtc buy wholesale pot on july 1st if there where no faculities ?

How did trtc competition build their faculities?

I know i know dd is not my strong point good answer.
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