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Re: OwnThePlayOTC post# 28268

Saturday, 01/20/2018 5:12:35 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2018 5:12:35 PM

Post# of 38832
Grab a coffee, this will take awhile.... $PDXP

YOU: So RIDDLE ME THIS???? lower highs and lower lows and a stock that retraced almost 50% in 3 days with exceptional news is what you wanted?

ME: Lower highs and lower lows is not what I want no, but we also didn’t get or have a set of lower highs and lower lows to indicate a trend. I personally use a 3 day rule (signal +2) but that is my choosing based on experience. Since the lower highs and lower lows you mentioned were achieved via manipulation (on a Friday no less) and because it is not a “set” (more than 1) indicating a pattern, these indicators should be disregarded. One day doesn’t constitute anything relative to price change or trend unless it escapes and closes in a lower channel (we did not).

ME: For a self-proclaimed ‘technical guy’ you seem to be overlooking a huge part of the technical side of things. Like patterns. And chart comparisons with huge runs. And quite a few other significant indicators. I could list more than a hundred similar chart comparisons if I had a great forum to do it in but I don’t without great time expense, so I will leave it be. In fact I compiled a list of charts this week showing about 20 similar setups with huge runs that had the same action before they ran (almost exactly). Most took 2 days after news to fully setup before they ran. Some took 3 days and the exception was longer than 7 days after news occurred. The ones that understand what I’m talking about are posting here already, so this argument is already resolved from multiple sources besides me.

YOU: And this is good how? This is not a blue chip stock...this is the DIRTY DIRTY of "investments"!!! In and out is the name of the game.

ME: Definitely not an investment. Anyone construing that needs to seriously reevaluate. It is a short to mid-term trade that will result in extreme profits (non-investment like) in a MUCH smaller time frame. A very important distinction that will revolutionize account balances if implemented. Nothing else. No specific offense to anyone here, but people describing themselves as “long” aren’t really long. Holding long is holding more than 1 year. For traders that hold OTC that long, well, that is to be described as a lack of basic level awareness.
YOU: This is not a blue chip stock...this is the DIRTY DIRTY of "investments"!!! In and out is the name of the game.

ME: Correct. But a trader should also never use a generalization to characterize EVERY stock. Great traders know when to adjust/fluctuate their strategy and their entry/exits for specific chart types as well as trading patterns. Traders who continue to use the same basic business plan for every stock based on the ‘type’ are the ones destined for early failure and are losing out on most of the profits. Never forget #theresalwaysbetter

YOU: Holding to long is what gets you burnt here but I'm sure you know that....So what's going to make us run now. We got the PR for completion of debt conversion that was supposed to make us run to 0.01, next day we receive a PR saying we have secured $350,000,000 in
assets that was supposed to make us run to 0.01.

ME: I used to think like you do. Then I evaluated many years of trading and completed extensive research on pops, runs, timing of PR’s etc… I realized very quickly from the data presented otc stocks DO NOT run on news. This is a difficult concept for many to understand or trust. Tickers actually run on speculation and clean trading (no dilution) far more often (more buys than sells). They run for one reason and one reason only. People buying more than they are selling. The applicable lesson in this to $PDXP is that people are buying FAR more shares than they are selling. Indicated by the extreme rise in accumulation, extreme rise in On balance volume and large increase in volume in the last 90 days and the decrease in volume over the last 3 days (consolidation & manipulation days). Thus why the technicals and the chart are the best in the OTC at the moment. The actual reality is that people improperly associate runs with news because they occur generally around the same time. News is merely a tool to initiate the setup that was developing BEFORE the news happened. The stock runs on PR if the setup is complete before the news occurs. The stock runs well after the news if the setup is not yet complete. Thinking news is the sole reason for a run is misguided at best and results in a lot of other bad habits not relevant to the conversation at this time.

ME: “It was a fantastic week. Got everything I wanted. Can’t wait for next week!

Clarification: We got news the company is now debt free meaning we won’t see dilution for a long time. We got news of obtaining 350 mil in assets (a huge positive but not why I entered). As a result of the dilution ending, the chart/technicals got MUCH better faster because we lost an average of 40 million sells daily (oversupply), manipulation kicked in and the ones that wanted to sell on news did and are now gone. We obtained some serious compression, the bollies tightened significantly to the same level we were at when the price ran from trips to .0068, volume dropped during the manipulation phase, the tradeable float got a ton smaller and close to float lock conditions, we gained more shorts through the manipulation (thus trapping them to a greater extent) and the price continued to trade in the same channel for the last week (albeit much smaller and tighter) which increases compression. That is about the best scenario I could have imagined for one week for any stock so yes, I got everything I wanted and more. In addition, it presented everyone with the best kind of adding opportunity. The kind of adding opportunity that isn’t followed with a immediate threat to the downside via mass dilution. Furthermore, I was also able to raise my initial price targets specifically because of this action, which is always a huge plus.

YOU: I'm just curious now what is the catalyst?

ME: As stated previously, this week went exactly like we needed and I wanted. Superficial traders look for guaranteed constant profits (however small they might be). Excellent traders look for specific signs. I’m focused on technical setup and events that increase positive speculation (not focused on price change). The price change I anticipate becomes an automatic if I see what I want. It is rare to see everything I want to see but in this instance I have. By virtue, $PDXP is a unicorn. Absolutely my opinion based on a very wide-ranging experience and extensive success in similar setups.

YOU: Since you seem to be the PDXP spokes person I figured you have some insight that maybe the rest of us don't or maybe you are just dumping shares on us as you scream buy 40s, buy 38s, blah blah blah....hence why this week went perfect for YOU! I haven't lost a dime here (only potential profits) and wasn't brought here by a group...

ME: This is so absurd its not even worth answering but I’ll give you more consideration than you gave me. 1) I wasn’t brought here by a group and I certainly don’t participate in groups except to lead those who want to learn from me. 2) Nobody is “dumping” as you describe because the price would have already fell well below the major support at .003 and into the lower trading channel long before Friday. Yet, we can clearly see it stayed in the same channel and closed two supports above the lower channel. Has the price been controlled? Yes. Does it matter, yes, but only to the positive side. The price wouldn’t be controlled above .003 or above .0035 if it were going to go negative as the technicals get better. Hint. Technicals don’t get better when downside is coming, they get worse. A kiss below .0035 supports on a tiny amount of shares means nothing. A close below .003 on large volume would.

YOU: I'm here on technicals alone, SS mainly and a chart that is doing everything it can to stay above the 50dma. The RSI never even had a chance to reach the overbought zone before peps started dumping.

ME: I agree. The technical are excellent. Moreover, the technicals are better now than they were on Tuesday and Wednesday when the news came out largely in part because of the ‘manipulation’ we have seen. If you being here on technicals alone were true, you wouldn’t be watching your account % rise and fall because you would understand that this is trading in the EXACT same channel as it has been. Just FYI, .0065(recent high) is in the same channel as .003) because of the period of time the prices occurred, the size of the tradeable float (not paper float) and a few other factors. When the price fluctuates between the bottom and the top of the channel, no big deal. When it fluctuates outside the confines of that same channel and changes channels or multiple channels in a single trading day, GAMECHANGER.

This changes the ‘technicals’ and indicates this information to the masses much later than I would prefer to pick up on them. Exactly why I watch a much different combination of indicators than most. Great traders don’t watch their % gains/losses. They focus on the individual signs that dictate price change before the change occurs which happens to dictate the result they want, therefore removing the need to constantly watch their account balance. In other words, they pay attention to channels and the signals that occur within rather than immediate % change. The fluctuations are meaningless. In fact, 30-35% daily fluctuations are the norm in OTC.

As the float and share structure get smaller (with no dilution present), the channel becomes wider as a result of larger spreads and price swings. If in the event you have a tighter swing in a wider channel (like we have), this indicates the price is compressing due to manipulation (really bullish). More so since we had two HUGE things get announced this week. If stuck on the wrong side of a fluctuation, I understand why you would be upset. We’ve all been there. Ultimately however, it’s just impatience.

$PDXP channel is growing tighter and the float much smaller which means the run coming will be much higher and further than it would have if it had run immediately on the “news” you proclaim pennies always run on. The trading action here is clear. As more shares get accumulated, the float gets smaller and smaller. As more shares get shorted to continue the manipulation and entice some retail sells (and allowing MM’s to accumulate more), this increases the likelihood of an EPIC short squeeze because the short volume is increasing significantly by the day and the bid support is soaking up and overpowering the short volume.

To clarify, because we have had a significant jump in short sales (small 10k lots) but we have had a higher level of bids and buys), the shorts have to spend more money to accomplish their original goal to force the price down for cover. This increases the amount of shares short (and at higher prices) and because there isn’t enough shares for them to cover at these prices, they will be forced to buy them at higher prices gradually. It’s a dead end street really and thus why we have seen with previous chart patterns the process typically only lasts 2-3 days in most cases, with 7-10 days being much less common. This is largely why we see a daily fluctuation of price or the perceived “decrease” despite there being no relative price decrease below the channel. In other words, the price is trading exactly where it has been for the last two weeks). Better for you and everyone else that has a position here because it sets up the next leg to see a much higher gain. Did it take more time? Yes. Does it matter? Not in the slightest.

YOU: I'm not sure how positive I feel about PDXP right now...Hook me up with a chart that is setup similar to PDXP that exploded, a stock that had similar news that retraced then exploded...something.
Pinkies almost always run on news immediately then retrace the next day. losing faith here honestly as a lot of people seem to be! Hope I'm wrong.

ME: Not even close to accurate. Perception is NOT reality. The devil is in the details, specific to each ticker. In this case, the $PDXP chart dictates otherwise. No dilution and as a result far more accurate technicals, which allows ability to analyze with far greater accuracy. No debt, multiple revenue producing catalysts with more to come and a CEO who has carried through with every single thing he has stated.

Trade OTC's with charts, INVEST in big board stocks on fundamentals. Don't confuse the two!