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Alias Born 03/07/2014

Re: None

Friday, 01/19/2018 3:13:00 PM

Friday, January 19, 2018 3:13:00 PM

Post# of 106841

SOooo... IF GACP, A PRIVATE LLC, who CEO Tomas and CSO Comella now "WORK FOR" (that mean they be getting paid bucks from GACP, probably financed by USRM if you ask me) if ole GACP wouldn't buy these shares at .078 each, then why the hell should, or would ANYONE ELSE? WHAT SENSE WOULD THAT GACP sure as H knows the "inside baseball" on this operation, as they're the one's who did the SALE/LEASE-BACK and are making nothing but BANK of lil ole USRM the penny special...SHAZAM again.."TERMINATED" that ole Tomas classic "investment agreement" as FAST AS THEY COULD...ran from it like Forrest Gump.....

NO $5 MILLION "investment" to come from GACP, SHAZAM, imagine that??? LOL !! Like I'd of never imagined that one happening? Another BS sandwich classic for the BHRT/USRM history books if you ask me.

Remember those magic words, "UP TO", as in "Will invest up to $5 million, by buying 67 million shares of stock" or whatever"?????

Well, ole GACP bought a lousy $250K shares worth, and now per the 10-Q, TERMINATED THE OLE "AGREEMENT", LOL !! Beautiful baby. USRM/Bioheart CLASSIC AGAIN.

Looks to me like it was all classic hype-n-pump, same as always with this mess.

PAGE 19:

"On April 7, 2017, the Company entered into an investment agreement whereby the Company agreed to sell an aggregate of 63,873,275 shares of its common stock for a net purchase price of $5,000,000 ($0.07828 per share). At the execution of the agreement, the Company sold 3,193,664 shares for a purchase price of $250,000 with the remaining sale to be completed within 30 days. The investor has the right to terminate the agreement upon written notice and not complete the purchase. Upon completion of the investment, the investor, or his designee, shall fill one vacancy on the Company’s Board of Directors. On May 18th, 2017 the Company received notice from the investor terminating the agreement and, as such, no other shares were sold."


NO investy no $5 million, LOL !! Another "agreement" gone BUST. What a dang surprise????


NOT much, or hardly any from improvement in operations, LOL !

MOST of their cash-on-hand increase (while LOSSES increased even more and SG&A expenses ballooned up), the cash increase came from the sale of approx 3.2 million shares to GACP, who then TERMINATED their "share purchase agreement" and is NOT going to be buying anymore USRM shares, and sure as H not the bogus $5 million that Tomas used in a typical pump-n-hype format, so typical of their "methods" IMO, going waaaay, way back.

The ole BS "UP TO" a "$5 million investment", then a lousy $250K gets sold in shares to GACP, then AGREEMENT TERMINATED, LOL ! They've got no more source of incoming cash now from GACP. Likely will go back to toxic debt IMO, now that Tomas and Comella just got their "deal" to work for GACP, while sucking their massive paychecks and "cash bonuses" out of USRM, the penny stock funding machine for them.

Prior SEC 10-Q, three months ago:

Cash on hand = $619K

This 10-Q, just issued, with CASH FLOW INCREASE from "investing activities" of $250K, from sale of shares to GACP

Cash on hand = $929K

$929K - $619K = $310K

$310K - $250K = $60K

So if they hadn't sold $250K worth of share to GACP, WHO TERMINATED their share buying "agreement" ASAP and will NOT be buying any more shares, then the cash-on-hand would have been pretty close to flat at best, and IF, IF they'd actually been paying down debts owed, paying down accounts payable of $1.3 MILLION and CURRENT LIABILITIES of $6.4 MILLION, then their cash would be GONE for all intents and purposes.

It's called SANDBAGGING THE BOOKS if you ask me. CLASSIC. They're delaying paying their bills when due, they're using FACTORING LOANS to borrow against incoming revenues, and then they're using cash to pay "RELATED PARTY NOTES OWED" and other bull crap to themselves largely, as far as I can tell.

Look at the related party notes owed paid in this 10-Q, while the CEO and CSO just took off to go and draw pay and perks and probably PROFITS from a private held LLC called "GACP" and their derivative created PRIVATE HELD LLC's, one of which is "STEM CELL CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE":

Just issued SEC 10-Q:

PAGE 32:

"Financing Activities

Net cash used in financing activities was an aggregate of $766,716 in the six month period ended June 30, 2017 as compared to cash provided of $172,560 in the six month period ended in June 30, 2016. In the six month period ended June 30, 2017, we received $250,000 from the sale of our common stock and proceeds from restructuring of financing agreement of $51,700,
net with repayments of notes payable of $251,746 and $816,670 related party notes."

PAYING THEM INSIDERS...while their other debts and current liabilities go largely unpaid- it's like they're hollowing out the public traded company USRM, more and more and more by the day if you ask me. They sold it's only real "asset", the stem banking biz, and now the CEO and CSO are "in bed" with the very dude they just sold that one and probably only asset to, GACP and all his recently created sub and sub-sub LLC corps.

Oh, and they ain't spending JACK CRAP on R&D, so "RMAT" was a smoke-n-mirrors special if you ask me. Not enough R&D spending to bring a new style toothbrush to market as a "approved medical device", IMO, LOL !

NOT EVEN A MENTION of "RMAT", LOL !! What a ruse and pump and smoke-blow that one was, if you ask me. Another textbook classic series. OTC-ville on steroids.

Posts are only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. They are not any type of investment advice. Do one's own due diligence.