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Alias Born 01/31/2012

Re: None

Friday, 01/19/2018 9:50:37 AM

Friday, January 19, 2018 9:50:37 AM

Post# of 46345
FROM FANNIE MAE BOARD COURTESY OF RED CLOUD - Various "plans" for Fannie, Freddie....

Moelis, Average Joe, ect...

Which one screws us the least, the most? That's pretty much the dialogue, isn't it?
To that extent, The Powers That Be seem to be controlling the narrative, which is: Shareholders are going to get screwed; the question is: how hard, for how long, and who will be screwed harder - preferred or common shareholders.

So, here's my plan. Let's call it the "Truth and Justice" plan. My plan is comprised of the following facts and strategies:

1) Fannie and Freddie never needed to be bailed out. They were forced into conservatorship during a financial panic.

2) Subsequent to that, Fannie and Freddie were used as a repository for toxic loans - forced to purchase them from the TBTF banks.

3) Rather than being a cause of the financial crisis, Fannie and Freddie were victims of Wall Street Fraud. You can tell by all of the millions and millions of dollars F 'n' F were awarded in damages, paid by the perpetrators of said fraud (and, of course, expropriated by our Government).

4) Once they became captives of the Conservatorship, our Federal Government found it to be so very convenient to steal all of the profits from Fannie and Freddie to help fund various government programs, the funding for which ALL of our politicians are unwilling to raise taxes.

5) Certain politicians, those advocating strongly for the dismantling of Fannie and Freddie, unquestionably have strong financial ties to financial institutions who would profit handsomely from eliminating Twins. Think Bob Corker and Wells Fargo (I still can't figure out who Mark Warner belongs to, though).

Certain government functionaries, those who created the "bailout" and "conservatorship", and who have perpetuated the seizure of Fannie and Freddie, unquestionably have strong financial ties to institutions who benefited substantially. Think Hank Paulson, Steven Mnuchin and Goldman Sachs.

6) Now that the Government has stolen so much for so long under such false pretenses, in order to do The Right Thing - return Fannie, Freddie and all the wrongfully expropriated profits to the rightful shareholders - the Government is facing an extraordinary difficult circumstance. The Government would have to admit it lied Lied LIED, stop stealing ALL of our dividends, cancel the warrants, fully recapitalize and release Fannie and Freddie, and pay back all of the money it has stolen, with interest and penalties, to the shareholders.

To avoid doing The Right Thing, the government instead has continued to lie and steal, frustrate discovery in the courts, and perpetuate this bullshit narrative "...the shareholders are going to get screwed, it's only a question as to who, how hard and for how long...". We must give credit where credit is due: there is much debate taking place regarding how hard and in what manner we shareholders should be screwed out of our property and wealth, and many shareholders are now participating in this debate.

In consideration of the foregoing, here's my "Truth and Justice" plan for Fannie and Freddie:

1) A full, thorough, complete and independent investigation into the "bailout" and "conservatorship" of Fannie and Freddie shall be conducted in order to reveal the actual nature and extent of Federal Government wrongdoing.

2) The Government shall admit to all of the wrongdoing mentioned above, (and to anything and everything else which may come to light),

3) All warrants are cancelled

4) All money paid to the Government above and beyond any so-called "bailout" money forced upon Freddie and Fannie shall be repaid and used to recapitalize The Twins,

5) Freddie and Fannie shall be fully released from conservatorship

6) Fannie and Freddie shall be relisted on the NYSE

7) The Government shall compensate shareholders, through the payment of interest and appropriate financial penalties, for wrongfully expropriating our property and dividends.

8) Any and all parties who committed perjury, securities fraud or other criminal acts related to the seizure and "conservatorship" of Fannie and Freddie shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

9) Said individuals shall be held personally financially liable to shareholders for monetary damages related their crimes.

10) The "Truth and Justice" plan shall be implemented and effective as of February 1st, 2018.

Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?