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Alias Born 03/20/2017

Re: None

Friday, 01/19/2018 2:10:38 AM

Friday, January 19, 2018 2:10:38 AM

Post# of 269
Silver is a well-known factor, when aiming for zinc. If we take a look at the property next door - there silver ratio where high. So the name of the company is somewhat misleading, the indication of silver as well as zinc is famous in this area.

Kootenay Zinc, is hot again. Take a look at the trading pattern lately -
you will see the technical indication; "strong buy".

Now is the time they can start deliver news again; there has not been much drilling there lately, beacause of the weather conditions.

The season for work on the property is off and now we will see a strong anticipation - I reckon some "older" investors will be back again, as well as new ones will arrive for this mega project; get the zinc-jackpot !

With the experience from last season, I think they know much more now. It takes time to get to know all of the property - and each time you drill a new hole... it`s not cheap, lucky for us they are well financed and ready to get down to it.
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