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Re: F6 post# 275992

Thursday, 12/28/2017 2:43:42 AM

Thursday, December 28, 2017 2:43:42 AM

Post# of 483144
“The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump”: Psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee on Growing Mental Health Concerns

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

Questions over President Donald Trump’s mental health continue to grow, following his speech on Wednesday where he slurred his speech and mispronounced words during an address on Israel. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded Thursday to the mounting concerns by announcing that Trump has scheduled a physical health exam. Meanwhile, Pentagon leaders last month told a Senate panel they would ignore any unlawful order by the president to launch a nuclear strike. The testimony came as part of the first congressional hearings in more than 40 years on the president’s authority to start a nuclear war. We speak with Dr. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist on the faculty of Yale School of Medicine and an internationally recognized expert on violence. She edited the best-selling book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


“There are Thousands of Us”: Mental Health Professionals Warn of Trump’s Increasing Instability

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Democracy Now!

As questions over President Donald Trump’s mental health grow, we continue our interview with Dr. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist on the faculty of Yale School of Medicine and an internationally recognized expert on violence. She edited the best-selling book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” Dr. Bandy Lee declares that she is not representing the views of Yale University, Yale School of Medicine or Yale Department of Psychiatry. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Full Show - DeepState Eruptions: McCabe Benghazi Cover-Up - 12/08/2017

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Rick Builds A Depressed Butter Serving Robot | Rick and Morty

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Comedy Central UK [ / , , ]

Morty is forced to enlist the help of Jerry for his school science fair, meanwhile Rick builds a high tech robot whose only purpose is to pass the butter. [with comments]


Full Show - Intel Officer Warns Of Imminent Attacks, Roy Moore Vindicated - 12/08/2017

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Friday, Dec. 8th 2017[, with an appearance by Jerome Corsi]: Trumpconomy - The job market is strengthening under President Trump, which underscores how the Democrats have abandoned the working-class by trying to remove Trump from office. Their gameplan is not jobs, but rather the importation of a migrant class on permanent welfare. Business author Ted Malloch reveals what's behind the curtain of globalism and how markets can thrive in a post-NWO world. Mike Cernovich hosts the fourth and final hour.

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia
A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.
January 10, 2017 Updated January 10, 2017 [with the complete dossier embedded scribd-style]

Trump Intelligence Allegations [the complete dossier] [with comments] [also, edited, at (additional text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch] [and see (all six of the must-watch segments of) The Rachel Maddow Show's December 8, 2017 special report on the dossier, below]


Swearing-In Ceremony for Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by The White House [ / , ]

The White House

Remarks by President Trump at Swearing-In Ceremony of Kirstjen Nielsen as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
Roosevelt Room
December 8, 2017 [official transcript] [with comments]


The President Is Terrorising South Park | South Park

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Comedy Central UK [ / , , ]

Tweek is freaking out after the President tried to hunt him down. It turns out he's not the only one who has seen him around town. [with comments]


Full Show - Trump Delivers Again, 2 Million Jobs Created - 12/08/2017

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by War Room [ , ]

Today's War Room highlights President Trump's total delivery on the economy, as the latest jobs numbers show he is coming through on his promises. Meanwhile, the deep state is trying everything to stop the American momentum, but falling apart in it's effort as Roy Moore's accuser admits to being a liar. All that and more, as the Department of Justice is announcing an investigation into Planned Parenthood.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also, edited, at (with comments)]


Press Gaggle by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah en route Pensacola, FL
Aboard Air Force One
En Route Pensacola, Florida
December 8, 2017 [official transcript]


Hope Hicks warned about emails from Russian operatives by FBI

The Beat With Ari Melber

FBI warned White House Communications Director Hope Hicks about emails from Russian operatives during the transition. Howard Fineman tells Ari Melber “there’s no doubt" this FBI warning reached Trump, due to their close relationship. Duration: 12:27



Author of “Collusion” on Mueller’s latest subpoenas

The Beat With Ari Melber

Luke Harding, the foreign correspondent who interviewed Steele Dossier author on Trump’s Russia ties, joins Ari Melber to discuss the dossier and Mueller subpoenas to Deutsche Bank. Duration: 4:13

©2017 , [with comments]


Fat Joe: Trump won’t last 4 years

The Beat With Ari Melber

Rapper Fat Joe tells Ari Melber he doesn’t think Trump will last 4 years as President because “he’s not supposed to be President”. Duration: 4:21

©2017 , [with comments]


Why These Alabama Voters Are Sticking By Roy Moore (HBO)

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by VICE News [ / , ]

These are the views of twelve conservative voters who gathered inside a Birmingham coffee house Thursday for a candid discussion about the senate race in their state. Voters dismissed many of the allegations against Moore — while saying behavior that was acceptable in Alabama decades ago shouldn’t be measured by modern standards.

“Forty years ago in Alabama, there's a lotta mamas and daddies that would be thrilled that their 14 year-old was getting hit on by a district attorney,” one voter said. “There was still clothes on,” another voter said of the first allegations against Moore. “As soon as the girl said she wasn't comfortable, he took her home.”

The panel was compiled and moderated by Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster well known for arranging focus groups with GOP voters.

This segment originally aired Dec. 8, 2017, on VICE News Tonight on HBO. [with (over 5,000) comments]


Congressman offered aide $5 million to carry his child

All In with Chris Hayes

Republican Rep. Trent Franks, a prominent member of the Freedom Caucus, announced his resignation as reports surfaced that he asked a female staffer at least four times if she’d be willing to act as a surrogate in exchange for money. Duration: 5:19



Trump asks GOP chairwoman to drop “Romney” from name

All In with Chris Hayes

Trump tapped Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, to head the RNC – but requested that she stop using her middle name publicly, likely in order to snub Mitt. Duration: 2:35

©2017 , [with comments]


Terminally ill man confronts Flake on health care cuts

All In with Chris Hayes

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake has spent a lot of effort presenting himself as the Republican resistance to Donald Trump, but he's voted in line with the president 90% of the time. An activist called the senator out on his latest vote for the GOP tax bill when they crossed paths on a plane to Phoenix. Duration: 1:59

©2017 , [with comments]


FBI warned Hope Hicks about Russia emails during transition

All In with Chris Hayes

The FBI was concerned that emails from Russians to Hicks, one of Trump’s closest advisors, “may have been part of a Russian intelligence operation,” reports the New York Times. Duration: 7:55



Trump holds rally in Florida

Streamed live on Dec 8, 2017 by Washington Post [ / , ]

President Trump holds a rally in Pensacola, Fla. [the preliminary festivities commence at c. the 19:50 mark; the main event commences at c. the 1:06:05 mark; Trump's performance begins at c. the 1:18:15 mark; with comments]


Trump dossier work began as Russian hack of DNC became known

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at the background of the former British spy, Christopher Steele whose memos would become known as the Trump dossier, and the early signs in the 2016 election that Russia was exerting undue influence. Duration: 10:11

©2017 [a must-watch]


Trump regard for Russia raised red flags for journalists in 2016

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow describes how American journalists began to pick up on clues that Russia had a peculiar relationship with the Trump campaign as Dossier author Christopher Steele began sharing his findings with the FBI. Duration: 7:20

©2017 [a must-watch]


First public news of dossier lost amid 2016 bombshells

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks back at how David Corn of Mother Jones was first to publish a story about the Trump dossier and its author, Christopher Steele, but public attention was drawn to the Access Hollywood tape and the FBI's announcement about Hillary Clinton's e-mail server. Duration: 5:57

©2017 , [with comments] [a must-watch]


Publication of Trump dossier triggered controversy and debate

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow examines the decision by Buzzfeed News to publish the Trump dossier as it became known that the memos were guiding high-level decision-making, and the resulting controversy, backlash, and debate. Duration: 8:22

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia
A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.
January 10, 2017 Updated January 10, 2017 [with the complete dossier embedded scribd-style]

Trump Intelligence Allegations [the complete dossier]

©2017 [a must-watch]


Steele dossier hotly debated as Trump Russia ties become scandal

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks at fallout and firings in the Donald Trump administration as Trump team ties to Russia turned into scandal and the Trump dossier continued to be a point of fierce controversy. Duration: 5:13

©2017 [a must-watch]


Many themes of Trump dossier have borne out over time

The Dossier - A TRMS Special Report
The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews how recent revelations and admissions by Trump team members have shown many of the themes of the Trump dossier to have merit. Duration: 7:04

©2017 [a must-watch]


Lawrence: Hope Hicks' loyalty tested as she meets Mueller team

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Hope Hicks has been a member of Donald Trump’s inner circle from the beginning of his campaign – and this week, she was interviewed by Robert Mueller’s team of investigators, only a week after Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Duration: 8:07

©2017 , [with comments]


Ex-US Atty: Hope Hicks could be "crown jewel" in Mueller probe

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

New reports say the WH Communications Director was interviewed by Mueller's team for 2 days. Ex-U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance says Hicks could be Mueller's "key witness" since she's handled all communications for so long. Natasha Bertrand and Neera Tanden also join. Duration: 9:12



President Trump fully endorses Roy Moore at Florida rally

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Donald Trump urged Alabamians to vote for accused child molester Roy Moore in Tuesday's special election, saying the GOP can't afford to lose a Senate seat. Max Boot says the "once-great" GOP has entered the state of "moral oblivion." Joyce Vance also joins. Duration: 7:38

©2017 , [with comments]


NYTimes: Mueller team interviews Trump aide Hope Hicks

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The New York Times is reporting that longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks spoke with the Special Counsel's team for two days. What could it mean for the Russia investigation? Jeremy Bash, Ken Dilanian, & Philip Rucker discuss. Duration: 6:50


[originally aired December 8, 2017]


At Florida rally Trump tells Alabama to vote for Moore

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Trump told Alabama voters to vote for Roy Moore from a rally just across the state line in Pensacola, FL. We discuss with Jonathan Allen, Heidi Pryzbyla, & Matthew Nussbaum. Duration: 7:36


[originally aired December 8, 2017] , [with comments]


Rep. John Lewis to skip Civil Rights event citing Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Civil Rights leaders, including Rep. John Lewis, are planning to skip the opening of Mississippi's new Civil Rights museum because Pres. Trump plans on attending. Jason Johnson & Eugene Scott join to discuss. Duration: 6:42


[originally aired December 8, 2017]


Jon Meacham on Trump, Moore & Alabama's complex history

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Pulitzer Prize-winning author & historian Jon Meacham discusses Alabama's complicated political history tying it to recent comments & actions by Pres. Trump, including his endorsement of Roy Moore & his plan to visit Mississippi's new Civil Rights Museum. Duration: 2:46


[originally aired December 8, 2017] , [with comments]


It's been 45 years since humans walked on the moon

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Pulitzer Prize-winning author & historian Jon Meacham discusses the final NASA mission to the moon, Apollo 17, which took place 45 years ago. Duration: 1:31


[originally aired December 8, 2017] , [with comments]


Trump Wants You to Tip Restaurant Owners, Not Servers

Published on Dec 13, 2017 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

If the Trump administration has its way, the tip you leave your waiter or waitress could end up in the pocket of the restaurant owner instead of the person who served you.

This week, Trump’s Labor Department proposed rescinding an Obama-era rule that made the logical point that tips are the property of the servers and cannot be taken by the restaurant owner.

The administration’s proposal would allow restaurant owners who pay their wait staff as little as $7.25 per hour to collect all the tips left by patrons and do whatever they want with them—regardless of what diners intended.

Full story:

[originally aired December 8, 2017] [with comments]


Ginni Thomas & Pulp Fiction´s Pawn Shop (HILARIOUS)

Published on Dec 12, 2017 by Mike Malloy

Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a right-wing activist, presented “Impact Awards” to a dozen other right-wing activists on Wednesday. The awards were granted by United in Purpose, a group that mobilizes conservative evangelical voters and played a crucial role in turning out white evangelicals to vote for Donald Trump. The ceremony was held—of course—at Donald Trump’s hotel in Washington, D.C.

A press release from United in Purpose said the Impact Awards were Ginni Thomas’s idea, and were designed to honor “conservative leaders who are making a transformational impact on American culture.” Thomas praised the honorees as “the bravest, most effective, most dedicated, determined warriors defending the values that are the real strength of America. They have shown moral courage in the face of desperate times.”

The top prize—the Outstanding Impact Award—went to Fox pundit and propagandist Sean Hannity, who gave the keynote address:

Full story:

[originally aired December 8, 2017] [with comments]


Letters To Santa From The Trumps

Published on Dec 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

What do you get the person who already has inherited everything?

[originally aired December 8, 2017] [with comments]


President Trump's Pedophile Stump

Published on Dec 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

One accused sexual predator held a rally encouraging voters to elect another (ahem, Roy Moore).

[originally aired December 8, 2017] [with comments]


Does God Believe In Mike Pence?

Published on Dec 9, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

A profile of Mike Pence revealed that the Vice President believes in God, and that God believes in him. Stephen asks the only guy who would know.

[originally aired December 8, 2017] [with comments]


Sarah Sanders Make-Up Tutorial | Chelsea | Netflix

Published on Dec 7, 2017 by Chelsea [ , ]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Fortune Feimster) shows you how to get her signature make-up look.

[from the December 8, 2017 episode] [with comments]


BREAKING NEWS: Should Sen. Al Franken Resign? | Chelsea | Netflix

Published on Dec 7, 2017 by Chelsea

Chelsea and Sen. Barbara Boxer discuss whether or not Al Franken should resign from the Senate.

[from the December 8, 2017 episode] [with comments]


Donald Trump's Impeachment Party | Chelsea | Netflix

Published on Dec 7, 2017 by Chelsea

Before the end of the show, Chelsea makes sure to celebrate Donald Trump's impeachment.

[from the December 8, 2017 episode] [with comments]


The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: "You're Not Normal"

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth shows off some new technology that can hear the tiny voice in the back of Donald Trump's head. [with comments]


Amber Ruffin Apologizes to Seth like a Sexual Harasser

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night writer Amber Ruffin takes a moment to show off what she's learned from the dozens of powerful men who have been accused of sexual harassment. [with comments]


"Day 323" Donald Trump Zionist Regime Lights the Middle East on Fire !

Published on Dec 8, 2017 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

On "Day 323" the Donald Trump Zionist Regime lights the Middle East on Fire ! Great Job Donnie ! [with comments]


stashed December 8, 2017:

Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents
Exclusive: Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents
( )
The September 4 email was sent during the final stretch of the 2016 race
Congressional investigators are uncertain who the sender is
Washington (CNN) — Candidate Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and others in the Trump Organization received an email in September 2016 offering a decryption key and website address for hacked WikiLeaks documents, according to an email provided to congressional investigators.
The September 4 email was sent during the final stretch of the 2016 presidential race -- two months after the hacked emails of the Democratic National Committee were made public and one month before WikiLeaks began leaking the contents of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's hacked emails.
The email came less than three weeks before WikiLeaks itself messaged Trump Jr. and began an exchange of direct messages on Twitter. Trump Jr. told investigators he had no recollection of the September email.
Congressional investigators are trying to ascertain whether the individual who sent the September email is legitimate and whether it shows additional efforts by WikiLeaks to connect with Trump's son and others on the Trump campaign. The email also indicated that the Trump campaign could access records from former Secretary of State Colin Powell, whose hacked emails were made public by a Russian front group 10 days later.


Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
Leaders or state media in at least 15 countries use the president’s favorite denunciation to quell dissent, question human rights violations.
Authoritarian rulers across the globe are adopting President Donald Trump’s favorite phrase to limit free speech, with prominent leaders or state media in at least 15 countries using his “fake news” line to denounce their critics, according to a POLITICO review.
By aligning themselves with Trump’s words, despots have been able to use the U.S. president as a shield for their attacks on press freedom and human rights, said Joel Simon, executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists.
“I’m seeing it more and more,” he said. Trump, he added, “is providing a context and framework for all sorts of authoritarian leaders—or democratic leaders and others who are dissatisfied or upset by critical media coverage—to undermine and discredit reporting.”
In February, for example, Syrian President Bashar Assad brushed off an Amnesty International report that some 13,000 people had been killed at one of his military prisons by saying, “You can forge anything these days, we are living in a fake news era.”
In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte has complained of being “demonized” by “fake news.” Last month, with Trump laughing by his side, he called reporters “spies.”
And in a meta-moment in July, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro complained to RT, the Russian propaganda outlet, that the world media had “spread lots of false versions, lots of lies” about his country, adding, “This is what we call 'fake news' today, isn't it?”
Over the weekend, a state official in Myanmar attracted notice when he said, “There is no such thing as Rohingya. It is fake news,” referring to the persecuted ethnic group.
Those are hardly the only examples of Trump’s phrase being deployed internationally: In March, Chinese state media dismissed a prominent rights activist’s account of torture as “fake news.” And in May, the People’s Daily ran an op-ed with the headline, “Trump is right, fake news is the enemy, something China has known for years.”
During a July press conference in Warsaw with Polish President Andrzej Duda, Trump complained about “fake news” CNN, before turning to Duda and asking if he dealt with the same problems. Duda, who has cracked down aggressively on the press, smiled and nodded. That same day, after a mini-controversy over whether Duda’s wife snubbed Trump for a handshake, the Polish president declared on Twitter, “Contrary to some surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mrs. and Mr. Trump @POTUS after a great visit. Let's FIGHT FAKE NEWS.”
Last week, Libyan media jumped on a Trump tweet accusing CNN of reporting “fake news” to attempt to undermine a report by the network on modern day slavery within the country.
The Russian foreign ministry’s website drops big red “Fake news” stamps on stories it deems untrue.
Even Spain’s foreign minister said that police violence against Catalonians during their independence referendum was “fake news,” despite photos and videos to the contrary.
The list goes on to Uganda, Somaliland, Angola, Cambodia and Turkey. Leaders in Singapore, a country known for restricting free speech, have promised “Fake news” legislation in the new year.
“These governments, they’re pushing the boundaries of what it’s possible to get away with in terms of controlling their national media,” said Steve Coll, the dean of Columbia Journalism School, “and there’s no question that this kind of speech makes it easier for them to stretch those boundaries.”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed back against the idea that Trumps bears responsibility. “This story is really ridiculous,” she said in an email. “The president isn’t against free speech but we do think reporting should be accurate.”
The phrase’s spread has come against a backdrop of rising violence and persecution against journalists—at the end of 2016, the Committee to Protect Journalists counted 259 reporters jailed around the world, more than any year since it began counting in 1990. (The organization expects updated numbers for 2017 soon.)
Trump’s go-to insult has become such a touchstone that members of far-right groups or political parties in countries like the Netherlands or Germany often write “fake news” in English in their tweets, said Cas Muddle, an international affairs professor at the University of Georgia.
“I have seen it particularly in social media used by radical right leaders who have been clearly influenced by Trump’s use,” he said. “Even if they have a tweet in Dutch, there will be a hashtag #fakenews in it.”

Congressional Democrats Left Out of White House Hanukkah Party

'Especially Special' Hanukkah at the White House
Associated Press

Trump’s Slurred Speech Tied to Low Battery in Putin’s Remote
By Andy Borowitz


Israeli forces, Palestinians clash on Gaza border; 1 protester reported killed


Republicans Will Cut Social Security and Medicare After Tax Plan Passes, Says Marco Rubio - and Paul Ryan on or shortly before 12-7-17

Senator’s Shaky Obamacare Deal Poses Challenge for Tax Plan
Collins says she’s ‘confident,’ others say ‘she got rolled’
GOP’s three key issues center on Maine’s moderate Republican


Exclusive: U.S. spy chief orders changes in 'unmasking' policy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. intelligence official [Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats] has ordered tighter restrictions on how the names of Americans kept secret in intelligence reports can be revealed during presidential transitions, according to documents seen by Reuters.
The move follows unsubstantiated charges by President Donald Trump and his allies that his predecessor’s administration spied on Trump and improperly “unmasked” the identities of his associates during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition.
Current and former senior U.S. intelligence officials who have reviewed the documentation dispute those claims by the president.
In September, the U.S. Justice Department said in a court filing that it had no evidence to support the president’s claim that President Barack Obama ordered surveillance of his Trump Tower campaign headquarters.
In a Nov. 30 letter sent to Representative Devin Nunes, Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and other top lawmakers, the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said the new unmasking policy is due by Jan. 15.
Nunes was among the first to charge that U.S. intelligence agencies collected information on Americans involved in Trump’s transition team. A Nunes spokesman declined comment.
Coats wrote that the new policy will reinforce existing procedures that “make clear that IC (intelligence community) elements may not engage in political activity, including dissemination of U.S. person identities to the White House, for the purpose of affecting the political process of the United States.”
“In addition, this policy will require heightened levels of approval for requests made during a Presidential transition when those requests relate to known members of a President-elect’s transition team,” Coats wrote in the letter, which was sent to the top Republicans and Democrats on the Intelligence and Judiciary committees in both the House and Senate.
A spokesman for Coats had no comment.
Reuters has also reviewed a draft presidential order that, if enacted, would make similar changes to unmasking procedures that relate to presidential transitions.
The draft Trump order can be seen at ( ).

Roy Moore Believes America Was Great During Slavery. Twitter Users Detonate.
“Families were united” then, the Senate candidate actually told an African-American person.

Roy Moore Slams America, Says ‘Maybe Putin Is Right’
U.S. Senate candidate says the United States “promotes a lot of bad things.”

Ryan Zinke Spent $6,250 To Ride A Helicopter To Go Ride Horses With Mike Pence
Get to the chopper.

Inside The Real (And Really Secret) Middle East Peace Process
Tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran now defines the world’s most combustible region the way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict once did.

Tomi Lahren Says It’s Wrong To Believe Every Sex Assault Claim
“Let’s get over this,” the Fox News contributor says on “Hannity.”

DOJ Moves To Investigate Planned Parenthood Over Fetal Tissue Practices - Reuters
The probe will likely revive the controversy over fetal tissue transfers, which was sparked by debunked videos released by the anti-abortion group in 2015.

House Ethics Committee To Investigate Blake Farenthold Over Sexual Harassment Claim
The Texas congressman is accused of settling with the woman he fired using a taxpayer-funding account.

GOP Congresswoman Calls On Rep. Blake Farenthold To Resign
Farenthold, a Texas Republican, reportedly settled a sexual harassment claim with taxpayer money.

Get Up, Stand Up
The “resistance” so far is woefully inadequate.

The Widening Gap Between Our Politics And Our Civil Society

The Top 10 Lies Of 2017
Shameless cover-ups, unbelievable denials and, of course, our liar-in-chief.

[Missouri governor] Greitens prepares for $9B ‘educational sting’

Hospitals Find Asthma Hot Spots More Profitable To Neglect Than Fix

For Foster Care Kids, College Degrees Are Elusive
Only 20 percent of foster kids who graduate from high school end up going to college, compared with 60 percent of high school graduates overall.

Urban Air Pollution Negates Health Benefits Of A Long Walk On City Streets
A new study focused on the impact of dirty air on those at least 60 years old.

How Monsanto’s GM cotton sowed trouble in Africa

Franken Is Leaving and Trump Is Still Here
By Michelle Goldberg
At 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, Al Franken, the Democratic senator from Minnesota, stood on the Senate floor and announced his intention to resign. He didn’t admit to allegations of groping and unwanted kisses, but argued that they’d become too great a distraction for him to serve effectively. “Minnesotans deserve a senator who can focus with all her energy on addressing the challenges they face every day,” he said, implying he’ll be replaced with a woman.
While Franken is on his way out of the Senate, Roy Moore, Republican of Alabama, may be on his way in. Moore stands credibly accused of molesting a 14-year-old whom he picked up outside her mother’s custody hearing and of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old after offering her a ride home from her waitressing job. Nevertheless, Moore has President Trump’s endorsement. The Republican National Committee, which pulled financial support for Moore in November, has restored it. Recent polls show him leading in the special election set for Tuesday.
Franken noted the asymmetry in his resignation speech: “I of all people am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party.”
This irony reveals the limits of the #MeToo movement. This week, Time magazine named those who’ve spoken out against sexual harassment — collectively called “The Silence Breakers” — as its Person of the Year. “When multiple harassment claims bring down a charmer like former ‘Today’ show host Matt Lauer, women who thought they had no recourse see a new, wide-open door,” the cover article says. In truth, however, this new door is open for only some people — those whose harassers are either personally or professionally susceptible to shame.
Since October, when the movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was outed as a serial sexual predator and shunned by the social worlds he once ruled, an astonishing number of powerful and famous men have been fired and disgraced. It sometimes feels as if we’re in the midst of a cultural revolution where the toll of sexual harassment on women’s lives and ambitions will finally be reckoned with.
But the revolution is smaller than it first appears. So far, it has been mostly confined to liberal-leaning sectors like entertainment, the media, academia, Silicon Valley and the Democratic Party. It hasn’t rocked the Republicans, corporate America or Wall Street — with some exceptions — because these realms are less responsive to feminist pressure.
Certainly, Fox News has jettisoned men exposed for egregious misconduct, like Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly. But the Fox Business anchor Charles Payne is back on the air despite a lawsuit from the former Fox pundit Scottie Nell Hughes, who claims that he raped her. Republicans are not lining up to demand the resignation of Blake Farenthold, the Texas congressman who recently agreed to pay back $84,000 in public money he used to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit by a former employee. Moore has the president’s support.
Then, of course, there’s Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault or harassment by over a dozen women, but has faced few consequences. His administration is hostile to sexual harassment victims; in March, for example, he reversed a 2014 Obama administration rule that made it harder for federal contractors to keep sexual harassment and discrimination cases secret.
The difference with the Democrats is stark. True, Democratic Party leaders initially dithered in their responses to Franken, as well as to John Conyers, the Michigan representative who, like Farenthold, used public funds to pay off a former employee who accused him of sexual harassment. But eventually, the party decided that given its stated beliefs and progressive constituency, keeping accused harassers in office was politically untenable.
It’s not similarly untenable for Republicans, because the Republican Party is not the party of people who are fundamentally opposed to sexual harassment. Democrats, by and large, want their politicians held accountable. Republicans, by contrast, just want Democratic politicians held accountable. In a November HuffPost/YouGov survey, a majority of both Democrats and Republicans said sexual harassment is either a very serious or a somewhat serious problem in the Democratic Party. Only 36 percent of Republicans said the same about the Republican Party. Most Republicans said that Franken should resign, but only 31 percent said Moore should drop out.
So while the current frenzy to expose sexual harassers is, in large part, a reaction to the trauma of Trump’s election, it has not yet touched Trump himself.
A great many liberal women were forever changed when they saw the grotesque beauty pageant impresario defeat the first female major-party candidate for president. In response, women all over America have poured into local politics, determined to find places where it’s still possible for them to have influence. The same impulse led some women to go public about sexual harassment and abuse. As Susan Fowler, a former engineer at Uber who exposed a pervasive culture of sexual harassment at that company, told Time: “When Trump won the election, I felt a crushing sense of powerlessness. And then I realized that I had to do something.”
For doing something, she and all the others who have exposed the sexual degradation that mars so many professional lives deserve our gratitude and admiration. They’ve made things tangibly better for the women in their industries. But ultimately, the cultural currency of the #MeToo movement is not a substitute for political power. The incendiary rage unleashed by Trump’s election needs to be directed back at him. Otherwise, only those who already advocate women’s equality will be forced to grant it.

Footage of a Police Shooting That Jurors Chose Not to Punish
( )
Daniel Shaver was unarmed and begging for his life. This week, a jury found the police officer who killed him not guilty of murder or manslaughter.

Who Is Daniel Shaver? Graphic Video Shows Arizona Cop Philip Brailsford Killing Texas Dad


Inside the day that set in motion Michael Flynn’s guilty plea


Court filing highlights breadth of Mueller's investigation into Manafort - this and following further to
Prosecutors obtained 15 search warrants, seizing thousands of documents and dozens of electronic devices.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates case: Robert Mueller obtained 15 search warrants and more than 400,000 documents

Mueller Team Hands Over 400,000 Items Of Evidence To Manafort And Gates


Dina Powell, deputy national security adviser, to depart Trump White House

Powell to leave White House in early 2018

Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell To Leave The White House


Zinke booked government helicopters to attend D.C. events


Russian social media executive sought to help Trump campaign in 2016, emails show


Roy Moore: America was great in era of slavery, is now ‘focus of evil in the world’

The Internet Is Outraged That Roy Moore Told a Black Man That America Was Great During Slavery

In September, Moore Said America Was Great Was During Slavery

Roy Moore: Last Time America Was 'Great' Was During 'Slavery'

Roy Moore's incredible 'even though we had slavery' quote


F.B.I. Warned Hope Hicks About Emails From Russian Operatives

Russian operatives tried to contact Hope Hicks, NYT reports

Hope Hicks met with special counsel's team for interviews - two days, 12-7-17 and 12-8-17


George Papadopoulos' fiancee: He's a patriot, not a Trump campaign coffee boy

Papadopoulos' fiancée says he was in contact with Bannon, Flynn during campaign

Papadopoulos' fiancee says he didn't act 'without campaign approval'
Papadopoulos' role on the Trump campaign has been the subject of intense debate
His fiancee said she is speaking out now because he cannot


GOP Congressman: “Diversity Is Not Our Strength”
In a tweet, Steve King also quoted the Hungarian prime minister’s remarks condemning “mixing cultures.”

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Steve King tweet: 'Assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength'

Rep. Steve King: 'Diversity is not our strength'


Roy Moore admires Vladimir Putin’s morality
“Maybe he’s more akin to me than I know.”

Roy Moore Slams America, Says ‘Maybe Putin Is Right’
U.S. Senate candidate says the United States “promotes a lot of bad things.”

original source:
'Maybe Putin is right': Republican Senate frontrunner on Russian leader
Roy Moore, a former Alabama judge and top contender to fill Jeff Sessions’ vacant seat, said the Russian leader could be ‘more akin to me than I know’
10 August 2017
Roy Moore speaks to the Guardian: 'Maybe Putin is right'
Published on Dec 11, 2017 by Guardian News
In a conversation recorded this summer, Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks to Paul Lewis of the Guardian about the Ten Commandments, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
'The perfect Alabama candidate': Republicans warm to Vladimir Putin | Anywhere but Washington
Published on Aug 10, 2017 by The Guardian
Vladimir Putin’s favorability ratings have tripled among Americans in recent years – and the polls say he’s most popular among Republicans. To find out why, Paul Lewis travels to deeply conservative Alabama in the run-up to next week’s Republican Senate primary to choose a replacement for Jeff Sessions. He finds Putin’s rising popularity may actually be explained through the same Christian evangelical community backing Roy Moore, Alabama’s famed ‘Ten Commandments Judge’ turned Senate frontrunner.


Vaderlimulus: Prehistoric Crab That Looks Just Like Darth Vader Discovered in Idaho

Scientists name 245-million-year-old Horseshoe crab after Darth Vader

LOOK: This Prehistoric Horseshoe Crab Fossil Looks Like Darth Vader's Helmet

Vaderlimulus - 245-Million-year-old Horseshoe Crab Fossil named after Star War’s Darth Vader


Channelized Melting Drives Thinning Under a Rapidly Melting Antarctic Ice Shelf
10 October 2017
Ice shelves play a vital role in regulating loss of grounded ice and in supplying freshwater to coastal seas. However, melt variability within ice shelves is poorly constrained and may be instrumental in driving ice shelf imbalance and collapse. High-resolution altimetry measurements from 2010 to 2016 show that Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS), West Antarctica, thins in response to basal melting focused along a single 5 km-wide and 60 km-long channel extending from the ice shelf's grounding zone to its calving front. If focused thinning continues at present rates, the channel will melt through, and the ice shelf collapse, within 40–50 years, almost two centuries before collapse is projected from the average thinning rate. Our findings provide evidence of basal melt-driven sub-ice shelf channel formation and its potential for accelerating the weakening of ice shelves.
Plain Language Summary
Ice shelves act as safety bands around the Antarctic ice sheet. Many ice shelves are currently thinning, leading to acceleration of the grounded ice behind. Here we show that ice shelves' thinning is stronger along a channel structure formed by the ocean circulation under the ice shelf. The thinning is 3 times higher than the ice shelf's average, hence leading to a more rapid weakening of the ice shelf. This study provides evidence of basal melt-driven sub-ice shelf channel formation and its potential for accelerating the weakening of ice shelves.

Earth’s Hum: Scientists Record the Very Sound of Earth—But Don't Know Why It Happens

Scientists Have Finally Caught The Eerie Hum of Earth Deep Under The Sea



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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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