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Alias Born 01/07/2013

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Tuesday, 12/12/2017 5:32:18 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 5:32:18 PM

Post# of 4773
Sometimes a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is not just a theory…

Department of Justice Assoc. Deputy Attorney General Bruce G. Ohr was demoted because he had working relationships with dossier author Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS; and -more importantly, or perhaps ‘conveniently’- according to James Rosen, Bruce Ohr did not reveal his October 2016 contacts with MI6 agent Steele or Glenn Simpson (Fusion-GPS) to DOJ leadership.

However, the ongoing Dossier story gets far more intriguing as it is now discovered that Bruce G. Ohr’s wife, Nellie H. Ohr, actually worked for Fusion GPS and likely helped guide/script the Russian Dossier.

Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.

But wait, it doesn’t stop there… Mrs. Nellie Ohr was not only a Fusion GPS contracted employee, but she was also part of the CIA’s Open Source Works, in Washington DC.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Ohr worked on a collaborative group project surrounding International Organized Crime. Page #30 Screen Shot Below

A month after Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS (April 2016) to sub-contract retired British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the opposition research report “the Trump Russia Dossier”, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr applied for a HAM radio license (May 23rd 2016); a communication tool that would allow Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele the ability to communicate outside the normal risk of communication intercepts.

Keeping in mind, both Bruce and Nellie Ohr’s subject matter skill-set within the DOJ would provide them with a comprehensive understanding of how to network and communicate with international actors outside the traditional risk of communication intercepts. In short, Mrs. Nelli Ohr would know that using HAM radio frequencies would be a way to avoid the risk of U.S. intelligence intercepts on her communications.

The Clinton Campaign hired Fusion GPS in April 2016. Fusion GPS then sub-contracted retired British Intel MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the Russian Dossier. A month later, May 23rd 2016, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr gets HAM radio license.

So are we to believe it’s COINCIDENTAL? All of a sudden, a 60(ish)-year-old woman decides to use a HAM radio the month after contracting with Christopher Steele for a Russian opposition research dossier on Donald Trump?


The more plausible scenario is MI6 Agent Christopher Steele and Mrs. Nellie Ohr knew any communication with foreign sources/actors could be easily monitored; and this need for communication was, most likely, going to lead to an organized operation where an FBI counterintelligence operation would exist -per Agent Peter Strzok- and, due to the subject matter being constructed, confidential communication would be required.

One way to ensure secure communications with parties external to the U.S. would be the use of HAM radio operations. You simply establish the frequency to use, and the time of the conversation, and presto. That’s it. “Red-Dog-One to Red-Dog-Two, come in?” etc.

Fortunately, this FCC license application now becomes evidence of an intent to subvert traditional communications intercepts… which, when combined with the other growing trails of evidence showing Fusion GPS schemes around the manufacturing of the Dossier, gets more interesting.

Mrs. Nellie Ohr, a Fusion GPS contracted employee, gets HAM radio license May 2016.

Following along the timeline:

In June/July 2016 an initial DOJ FISA request is denied. This is simultaneous to FBI agent Strzok direct contact with Christopher Steele and the preliminary draft of the Russian dossier.

Then in August 2016, Christopher Steele goes to Sir Andrew Wood to ask him to act as a go-between to reach Senator John McCain. [Trying to give his dossier credibility]

Meanwhile throughout July, August and Sept 2016 Fusion GPS is paying journalists (NYT, ABC, NBC, Washington Post and Mother Jones, etc.) to listen to Christopher Steele and simultaneously shopping the dossier to them.

Soon thereafter, October 2016 – The Obama administration, through FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, submits a new, more narrow application to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. The second FISA application is accepted and a surveillance warrant is granted.

Note the date of this tweet:


Simultaneously in October 2016 – Through the media in the past week we discover – Associate DOJ Deputy AG Bruce G Ohr, Nellie’s husband, is in direct contact with Christopher Steele, and the full dossier, along with secret meetings with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

December 12th – 2017 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #327U.S. Trade Ambassador Robert Lighthizer Tells World Trade Organization They are More Focused on Litigation than Trade… ?
Wife of DOJ Deputy Was Fusion GPS Employee, CIA Research Aid, and Applied for HAM Radio License Month After Contracting MI6 Agent Christopher Steele…
December 12, 2017
Sometimes a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is not just a theory…

Department of Justice Assoc. Deputy Attorney General Bruce G. Ohr was demoted because he had working relationships with dossier author Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS; and -more importantly or perhaps ‘conveniently’- according to James Rosen, Bruce Ohr did not reveal his October 2016 contacts with MI6 agent Steele or Glenn Simpson (Fusion-GPS) to DOJ leadership.

However, the ongoing Dossier story gets far more intriguing as it is now discovered that Bruce G Ohr’s wife, Nellie H. Ohr, actually worked for Fusion GPS and likely helped guide/script the Russian Dossier. (Link)

Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.

But wait, it doesn’t stop there… Mrs. Nellie Ohr was not only a Fusion GPS contracted employee, but she was also part of the CIA’s Open Source Works, in Washington DC (link)

Both Mr. and Mrs Ohr worked on a collaborative group project surrounding International Organized Crime. (pdf here) Page #30 Screen Shot Below

But wait, it gets even better.

A month after Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS (April 2016) to sub-contract retired British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the opposition research report “the Trump Russia Dossier”, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr applied for a HAM radio license (May 23rd 2016); a communication tool that would allow Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele the ability to communicate outside the normal risk of communication intercepts.

Keeping in mind, both Bruce and Nellie Ohr’s subject matter skill-set within the DOJ would provide them with a comprehensive understanding of how to network and communicate with international actors outside the traditional risk of communication intercepts. In short, Mrs. Nelli Ohr would know that using HAM radio frequencies would be a way to avoid the risk of U.S. intelligence intercepts on her communications.

The Clinton Campaign hired Fusion GPS in April 2016. Fusion GPS then sub-contracted retired British Intel MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the Russian Dossier. A month later, May 23rd 2016, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr gets HAM radio license.

So are we to believe it’s COINCIDENTAL? All of a sudden, a 60(ish)-year-old woman decides to use a HAM radio the month after contracting with Christopher Steele for a Russian opposition research dossier on Donald Trump?


The more plausible scenario is MI6 Agent Christopher Steele and Mrs. Nellie Ohr knew any communication with foreign sources/actors could be easily monitored; and this need for communication was, most likely, going to lead to an organized operation where an FBI counterintelligence operation would exist -per Agent Peter Strzok- and, due to the subject matter being constructed, confidential communication would be required.

One way to ensure secure communications with parties external to the U.S. would be the use of HAM radio operations. You simply establish the frequency to use, and the time of the conversation, and presto. That’s it. “Red-Dog-One to Red-Dog-Two, come in?” etc.

Fortunately, this FCC license application now becomes evidence of an intent to subvert traditional communications intercepts… which, when combined with the other growing trails of evidence showing Fusion GPS schemes around the manufacturing of the Dossier, gets more interesting.

Mrs. Nellie Ohr, a Fusion GPS contracted employee, gets HAM radio license May 2016.

Following along the timeline:

In June/July 2016 an initial DOJ FISA request is denied. This is simultaneous to FBI agent Strzok direct contact with Christopher Steele and the preliminary draft of the Russian dossier.

Then in August 2016, Christopher Steele goes to Sir Andrew Wood to ask him to act as a go-between to reach Senator John McCain. [Trying to give his dossier credibility]

Meanwhile throughout July, August and Sept 2016 Fusion GPS is paying journalists (NYT, ABC, NBC, Washington Post and Mother Jones, etc.) to listen to Christopher Steele and simultaneously shopping the dossier to them.

Soon thereafter, October 2016 – The Obama administration, through FBI Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, submits a new, more narrow application to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. The second FISA application is accepted and a surveillance warrant is granted.

Note the date of this tweet:

Hillary Clinton
Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
5:36 PM - Oct 31, 2016
6,086 6,086 Replies 12,474 12,474 Retweets 15,858 15,858 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Simultaneously in October 2016 – Through the media in the past week we discover – Associate DOJ Deputy AG Bruce G Ohr, Nellie’s husband, is in direct contact with Christopher Steele, and the full dossier, along with secret meetings with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

Again, Timeline Recap:

?April ’16 Clinton hires Fusion GPS
?April ’16 Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele
?May ’16 Nellie Ohr gets HAM radio license.
?June/July ’16 FBI Agent Strzok meets w/ Steele
?June ’16 DOJ FISA request denied.
?July ’16 FBI counterintelligence operation begins
?Oct. ’16 Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr meet w/ Christopher Steele
?Oct. ’16 FISA request granted.

Last week U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, the judge that appears to have granted Oct ’16 FISA request, is mysteriously recused *AFTER* accepting Mike Flynn plea in the first hearing.

No explanation is given for the recusal or why Judge Contreras waited until after the initial plea hearing.

It would be EXPLOSIVE if it turned out the October 2016 FISA warrant was gained by deception, misleading/manipulated information, or fraud as a result of the Russian Dossier; and exponentially more explosive if the dossier was -in part- organized by the wife of an investigative member of the DOJ who was applying for the FISA warrant; the same warrant that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of the Trump campaign and General Flynn, and was authorized by FISA Court Judge Contreras.

Representative Jim Jordan establishes “The Predicate“:

Representative Jim Jordan is “convinced the Steele Dossier was the underlying evidence for the October 2016 FISA warrant”. Part II:

CTH absolutely concurs with Jim Jordan’s outline and subsequent belief. All evidence points in only one direction. No evidence goes in any other direction.

The Steele dossier is a product aided by Nellie Ohr that underpinned the FISA application. The FISA application was a product constructed by FBI agent Strzok and DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr under the authority granted to them by senior FBI and DOJ leadership.

Remember, as Director Chris Wray stated this past week, the FBI Director would be personally responsible for signing off on the October 2016 FISA application. In October 2016 that FBI Director was James Comey.

Can The FBI Flat Out Refuse To Show Congress How It Got A Warrant To Spy On The Trump Campaign?

FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers Thursday he could not “lawfully” give them access to a confidential warrant application for permission to surveil members of the Trump campaign, but President Donald Trump could lawfully order him to do just that through his subordinates at the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ).

The FBI’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court warrant application would reveal whether the bureau relied upon the Steele dossier – unverified opposition research on President Donald Trump financed by the Clinton campaign – to obtain a warrant allowing them to surveil Trump campaign officials.

During his Thursday testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Wray managed to conceal the extent to which the FBI relied upon the Steele dossier to obtain a warrant from the secretive FISA court, citing the document’s confidential status and deference to the ongoing inspector general (IG) investigation into whether the conduct of FBI officials was politically motivated.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio pressed Wray to turn over the FISA court application, pointing out that doing so would immediately clear up whether the FBI relied on the dossier, which amounted to a collection of unverified claims indicating Kremlin officials compromised Trump.

“Is there anything prohibiting you from showing this committee [that application]?” Jordan asked.

“I do not believe that I can legally and appropriately share a FISA court submission with this committee,” Wray responded. “When I sign FISA applications, which I have to do almost every day of the week, they are all covered with a ‘classified information’ cover.”

Wray also cited the ongoing IG investigation in refusing to answer questions related to whether anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok’s political bias led to him modify former FBI Director James Comey’s description of Clinton’s handling of confidential information from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

He similarly cited the IG probe when he refused to elaborate on what steps are being taken to ensure decision making at the highest levels of the FBI remain untainted by partisanship.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board called Wray’s invocation of the IG probe “an excuse, not a serious reason,” and noted the IG office “was never intended to supplant congressional oversight, much less be an excuse for executive officials to protect their decisions from scrutiny.”

As for Wray’s insistence that the classified status of the FISA warrant prevents him from furnishing it for congressional investigators – the Judiciary Committee has the requisite clearance to view the document in a closed setting. However, it should be noted that having clearance doesn’t automatically mean a person is granted access to all classified materials. The person requesting access must have a need to know, which members of the Judiciary Committee are claiming.

Trump could lawfully intervene and override Wray’s effort to limit FBI transparency by ordering deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to make the FISA warrant available to the House Judiciary Committee.

Rosenstein would likely have to issue the directive as Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from matters related to the Russia investigation.

“As a legal matter, my understanding is that if the FISC [FISA court] records are in the government’s possession they can be released subject to whatever security classifications have been put on those records. Approval of the FISA court is not required,” Samuel Estreicher, who teaches U.S. foreign relations law at NYU School of Law, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“As a policy/political matter, the President would be ill-advised to intervene directly. He could ask the AG or Rosenstein to review the matter and get back to him,” he added.

The question of whether the FBI was motivated to survey Trump campaign officials due to the contents of the Steele dossier was made all the more relevant in early December when Fox News reported, and the DOJ confirmed, that top DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr was in contact with Christopher Steele, the British spy who compiled the dossier, prior to the election. Ohr was later demoted, which suggests those contacts were unapproved.

The report regarding Ohr’s contacts with Steele closely followed a damning CNN report that Strzok — the FBI official who opened the Clinton email investigation and the investigation into the Trump campaign — was removed from the special counsel team after it was discovered he exchanged text messages critical of Trump with a colleague.

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