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Alias Born 05/10/2004

Re: None

Friday, 09/29/2006 1:12:33 PM

Friday, September 29, 2006 1:12:33 PM

Post# of 35788
I'll repost it to try to format better:

I've done a "complete" listing off all the assets of BIGN by
exhaustively picking apart the entire collection of PRs
listed on BIGNs web sight. I did this because I just got
tired of the misinformation that seems to get perpetuated on
the board. So, I just sat down and worked up a list for everybody
to scrutinize. Hope it helps everybody. It sure gives me a better
picture of the current company I've bought so much stock of.

Preleminary notes:

Due to incomplete data, it is unclear what ownership position BIGN
currently holds in properties owned by Tyche. The reasons for this
are that it appears that BIGN has been selling off (or deeding) its
Tyche ownership, but there is no way to ascertain from the press
releases the exact "who what or when" of this selling/deeding.
Here is my working list delineating the changes in Tyche ownership:
PR release 11/01/04 - BIGN buys 50% of "certain assets" of the
company that eventually changed its name to Tyche followed by the
PR release 12/13/05 - BIGN spins off 10% of the 37.5% ownership
it held in Tyche Energy, Inc. Evidently, sometime
between 11/01/04 and 12/13/15, BIGN disposed of
but did not disclose the "sale/transfer/deeding over" of 12.5% of
Tyche because it stated that it owned 50% on 11/01/04 and also
stated that it owned 37.5% on 12/13/05. To bring their current
position down to the 27.5% figure I use below in conjunction with
my references to Tyche, bear in mind that they spun off 10% as
stock to BIGN shareholders. And, I could be wrong in my
conclusions. It might not be 27.5%.

Regarding Hydroslotter, after this full review of all the documents
on BIGN's web page, I do not think that the information that was
posted on the web that the Hydroslotter relationship will run out
after the four wells at Grimes have been done is accurate. Please
refer to the article with the following release date: 2005.01.14.
Further, the most logical reading of the poorly worded PR dated
2006.08.09 seems to indicate that the relationship with Hydro-
slotter is not limited to the current wells being done at Grimes.

Also, please note that I skipped all the references to the acqui-
sition of the East Tesas LOIs due to the circumstances we currently
suffer under: ie... that the deal is simply a work in progress at
this time. In fact, this hilights a particular slant I have taken
here: I treat, to the greatest extent possible, only known deals
and events as truly existing. A reading of the known deals and
events is lengthy, so it is not any kind of a drawback, IMHO, to
have omitted the East Texas LOI deals at this time. If and when
it materializes, it can be added with accuracy.

Finally, please bear in mind that this was really hard to put
together because the PRs BIGN has issued are just a mixed up mess.
All kinds of things change from one PR to the next and no expla-
nation is given. So, I encourage anybody and everybody to edit
this list and correct any mistakes I've made. I am 100% sure of
only one thing, now that I've done this exercise, and that is that
there is a great need for a THOROUGH business report from BIGN.
So, please don't bust my chops if I got some of the details wrong.

Thanx & good reading

Imperial Whazoo

 Asset                                Article(s) on 

27.5% of a 10% GORR (gross over- 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
riding royalty interest) on oil and gas interest" &
petroleum and natural gas 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
produced from a 1,600 acre acquisition completed"
pooled spacing unit on Lake
STATUS: Producing 400 BOPD

27.5% of a second producing well 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
that was mentioned but never oil and gas interest" &
described. 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
STATUS: Producing but daily acquisition completed"
amount unknown


27.5% of 65.00% non-operated WI 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
before payout and 27.5% of oil and gas interest" &
48.75% WI after payout in the 2004.12.10 - "Biogenerics Ltd
Harwich 1-1-18-IV WCR gas well details acquisition of oil
located in Harwich Township, and gas assets..." &
Kent County, Ontario. 2005.02.15 - "Reports on
STATUS: Producing 465 MCFD (??) completion of well site
preparation" &
2005.11.14 - "Biogenerics
Announces Charring Cross
Natural Gas Project Update" &
2006.03.21 - "Tyche Energy
Inc. Commences Production at
Charring Cross Property"

27.5% of 3 additional shut-in 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
oil and gas wells, mentioned oil and gas interest" &
but never described. 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
STATUS:SHUT-IN acquisition completed"


27.5% of a 50% WI in over 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
15,000 acres of producing and oil and gas interest" &
nonproducing crown exploration 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
licenses on Lake Erie. acquisition completed"
STATUS:Not producing


27.5% ownership of over 2,000 2004.10.20 - "Acquisition of
kilometers of seismic data and oil and gas interest" &
extensive aeromagnetic and 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
gravity survey data covering acquisition completed"
oil and gas exploration
fairways in Lambton, Kent and
Essex Counties, Ontario

Formed a joint venture with 2005.01.14 - "Biogenerics
privately-held, Toronto-based forms joint venture"
Hydro Slotter Corporation
wherein Biogenerics receives
50% of the profits derived
from utilizing the company's
hydroslotting technology.

18.33% ownership in unspecified 2005.02.15 - "Reports on
WI in the the Mosa 6-13-III gas completion of well site
well located in the Silurian preparation" &
Grimsby sand stone formation in 2005.03.29 - "JV partner
southwestern Ontario. Tyche Energy forms
NOTE: Completion was pending agreement with
for this well & it was announced Torque Energy Inc." &
that it was to be hydroslotted, 2005.04.08 - "JV Partner
but there was no final report. Tyche Energy completes
Also, 1/3 of the 27.5% was given second agreement" &
to Torque Energy to for explor- 2005.07.19 - "Biogenerics
ation & development, so the WI JV Partner Tyche Energy
is reduced to 18.33% Reports on Completion
STATUS: Unknown Operations at Well No. 1
in Mosa Township and
Commencement of Hydro
Slotting Process"

Unspecified "wholly-owned subsid- 2005.02.15 - "Reports on
iaries", info on which was completion of well site
promised but never released. preparation"
STATUS: Unknown

27.5% ownership in over 4000 2005.03.04 - "Commencement
acres of petroleum and natural of drilling operations"
gas leases within the fairway on
the expanding Silurian Grimsby
sandstone gas play in south-
western Ontario.
STATUS: Unknown


80% WI until cost recovered, 2005.07.26 - "Biogenerics
then 40% WI thereafter Strategic Partner Hydro-
(Grimes #1??) Slotter Corporation
STATUS: 14,400 MCFD Completes California Well
to Meter Site" &
2005.10.11 - "Biogenerics
Announces Update on

Agreements on four additional 2005.08.23 - "Biogenerics
gas wells in California Signs Agreement to Tap
NOTE: Reports that this is Four Additional Gas Wells
evidence that the relationship in California" &
between Hydroslotter & BIGN 2005.01.14 - "Biogenerics
expires after Grimes are not forms joint venture"
true. A careful reading of
this agreement reveals that
BIGN has agreed to employ
Hydroslotter technology; this
is not an agreement signed
between Hydroslotter & BIGN.
STATUS: Grimes #2 completed
Grimes #3 & #4 in progress
Grimes #5 uncertain

27.5% of 1.95% GORI (gross 2005.09.19 - "Biogenerics
overriding royalty interest) Completes Acquisition of
in the Talisman Romney Rubicon Petroleum" &
8-194-TRS horizontal oil well, 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
the longest horizontal well acquisition completed"
drilled in North America to

27.5% interest in over 5,996 2005.09.19 - "Biogenerics
gross acres of non-producing Completes Acquisition of
interests/exploration licenses Rubicon Petroleum" &
on Lake Erie, thru the purchase 2004.11.01 - "Oil and gas
of the petroleum and natural acquisition completed" &
gas assets of Rubicon Petroleum. 2005.12.01 - "Biogenerics'
Tyche now holds a 50 percent WI JV Partner Tyche Energy
in 2,560 acres of exploration Adds State-of-the-Art
licenses immediately offsetting 'N2Vision' Seismic Data
the Romney 8-194-TRS well, and Technology to Lake
BIGN owns 27.5% of this 50%. Erie, Ontario Oil Field
STATUS: Undeveloped Project"

Biogenerics has financing 2005.10.18 - "Biogenerics
agreement with an institutional Announces Financing Plan
investor (Royal Petroleum) in for the Hydroslotter
place for hydroslotting at 8.5% Roll Out" &
interest as needed and secured 2005.10.20 - "Biogenerics
by current production. Limited Prepares for Dual
NOTE: This agreement was SECURED Listing in UK & Reiterates
by existing production!!! Impact of Recently Announ-
STATUS: Unclear ced Royal Petroleum Finan-
cing Commitment"

Memorandum of Agreement with 2005.12.01 - "Biogenerics'
Productive Geoscience pursuant JV Partner Tyche Energy
to which they will apply the Adds State-of-the-Art
they will apply its proprietary 'N2Vision' Seismic Data
N2Vision seismic interpretation and Technology to Lake
technology to evaluate the Erie, Ontario Oil Field
petroleum and natural gas Project"
potential of selected offshore
Lake Erie lands in which Tyche
owns an interest.
STATUS: In Process??

27.5% in an unspcified ORI 2005.12.01 - "Biogenerics'
(overriding royalty interest) JV Partner Tyche Energy
that Tyche owns in 1,260 acres Adds State-of-the-Art
of producing offshore Lake Erie 'N2Vision' Seismic Data
lands located in Romney Technology to Lake
Township, Kent County, Ontario. Ontario Oil Field
STATUS: Unknown Project"

27.5% interest in the 19,000 2005.12.01 - "Biogenerics'
plus acres of exploration lands JV Partner Tyche Energy
in Ontario and Northeast, BC. Adds State-of-the-Art
to which Tyche currently holds 'N2Vision' Seismic Data
varying working interests. Technology to Lake
STATUS: Undeveloped Ontario Oil Field

BIGN announces it owns 37.5% 2005.12.13 - "Biogenerics
of Tyche & that it will spin Provides Business Summary
off 10% to current share- of Tyche Energy Spin-Off"
holders, leaving 27.5% owner-
ship position in Tyche.
STATUS: Completed

Biogenerics Limited signs a 2006.02.27 - "Biogenerics
LOI with Productive Geoscience Limited: Independent Con-
and Tyche Energy whereby PG tractor Retained to Pro-
and Tyche will provide vide Geological, Geophy-
geological, geophysical and sical and Management
management expertise to Expertise"
explore and develop petroleum
and natural gas projects in
Canada and the United States
for between 3 and 10 years.
STATUS: In Effect

Ophelia 1 comes online, Grimes 2006.05.18 "Biogenerics
property, California; BIGN Limited Announces 2nd
ownership interest unspecified. Grimes Well is Online"

BIGN investst in N-C02 gas 2006-07-20 - "Biogenerics
injection production stimula- Limited Comes to Agree-
tion technology agreement; ment with N-C02 Technology
details of agreement Company"
STATUS: In Effect

BIGN is listed on the Frankfurt 2006.08.02 - "Biogenerics
Exchange in Frankfurt, Germany. Limited Listed on
The symbol assigned to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange"
Company is as follows:
D9G ISIN: US09063F1012
WKN: A0HG80.

Hydroslotter Corp. reports that 2006.08.09 - "Biogenerics
the drilling and rigging equip- Provides Update on Hydro-
ment is currently working on slotting Progress in
wells No. 3 and No. 4 and that Grimes California Site"
the Hydroslotting process to
complete well No. 3 is in
progress. Upon completion of
well No. 3, the crew will
proceed immediately to well
No. 4 and initial results from
the wells are expected in
approximately 2 weeks.
Regarding additional wells to
be slotted, Biogenerics will
evaluate its position to
continue on with other wells
located nearby.
STATUS: Still waiting

BIGN and WW Oil & Gas Inc sign 2006.09,19 - "Biogenerics
LOI to share a 50% interest in Partner WW Oil & Gas In
properties located in Ward Process of Acquiring Oil
County & in Borden County and Gas Assets From East
Texas. WW Oil & Gas Inc. has Texas Oil Properties"
committed to commence work on a
first well for re-completion in
early September. The Ward
County property includes
multiple wells for recompletion.
STATUS: Pending

"Just my opinions, folks. Do your own due diligence & make your own decisions. DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT make any investment decisions on my comments. They are my opinions. That's all they are... OPINIONS."