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Alias Born 11/30/2016

Re: None

Thursday, 12/07/2017 4:44:45 PM

Thursday, December 07, 2017 4:44:45 PM

Post# of 53246
This has been trading like a champ.

Reasons to feel good!

1. MM's know more than us! (Typically!)

So SGMD holding .07-.08 should be seen as positive (200 day .06) (50 day.07) (7 day .08)

2. When you think a stock is lights out too the moon, it tanks. When you think a stock is doomed, it rockets!

Two 30 mill deals and closes less than .10

Sentiment was $1.00

No fins sentiment is scam.

Holds above major moving average. .08

Time to see the Genie in the bong!

Take a toke relax and soon sugarmade can die canes will be dancing in your head.