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Re: Meat3137 post# 6188

Tuesday, 12/05/2017 9:53:34 AM

Tuesday, December 05, 2017 9:53:34 AM

Post# of 53246
Newbies. Important DD. Please see company PR history.
This company does provide results.

Carryout SGMD crushed!

Stix from PR to Product again
SGMD is crushing it!

There was no guarantee Stix would launch.

Jimmy and the crew were in the packaging and shipping sector MJ was heating up, a no brainer for shareholder value,

SGMD crushed it by expanding into the cannabis packaging sector.

Now look at all of those pieces

Dab box
California supply



In case you do not see the forest through the trees

Merger with overseas vanity and Cabinets...

This allows for international connections!

Get it!

This is repetitive filing late but. Oh and delivering is tooo!!!!