Farm, you were supposed to give me an example of my pumping.
"I think AMEP has the assets, expertise and cojones to get the job done."
That's the best you can do? That's a pump?
farm: When you bought your AMEP shares - if you did, which seems about as likely as a snowball in hell - did you not do so based on:
1) AMEP's 7,000 Barnett Shale acreage, 193 oil wells and several drilling rigs? (ASSETS)
2) Charles Bitters years of experience in the oilfield? (EXPERTISE)
3) a conviction that he had the ability to do the job? (COJONES)
You didn't just throw a dart and invest based on what it happened to hit, did you?
So then your investment decision was the same as mine - based on the same criteria.
And you haven't sold, although you had many opportunities, didn't you?
So then you must share my opinions that AMEP has the assets and the expertise...don't know exactly how you feel about cojones.