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Alias Born 07/08/2011

Re: None

Monday, 10/16/2017 11:42:24 PM

Monday, October 16, 2017 11:42:24 PM

Post# of 80985
There are brick walls and then there's those who are just looking for someone to blame for their investment failure's. In case anyone is interested, the brick wall is easier to talk to.
I don't really care who, did what, with the contract in the Chilean room! Wish it was Colonel Mustered but we all know we got screwed over by the share molester plain and simple.
It's easy to continue to look for those to blame but facts are facts, we were in a predicament, no money, no stocks and facing certain bankruptcy with lawsuits pending, especially if Auryn decided to sue for breach and several other reasons.
Back bone, balls, whatever anyone wants to call it doesn't rectify the fact that we had any choice.
We owe gratitude to the few who did step up and keep us from going under. Sounds like we may have had to give up some stipulations. I don't know I thought we had seen the contract in it's entirety but I couldn't swear to that.
I'm still in the mindset that something from something is better than nothing at all.
Hopefully we soon have clarification...