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Friday, 10/06/2017 3:13:03 PM

Friday, October 06, 2017 3:13:03 PM

Post# of 202
Future Mining Technologies Could Change The Face Of Large Copper projects Like Los Azules

In these two examples you can add Values up to 1500 percent

Everyday Los Azules Becomes More and More Valuable Because of Upcoming Technologies

Will Soon Sell Itself to some major player IMO


The use of plasma technology can boost the yield of precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum from complex ores by more than 1,000% compared to conventional metallurgical processes.

Toss Plasma Technologies (TPT), a company based in the US, has developed a new radio frequency (RF) plasma technology by which complex ores such as zinc, nickel, copper and lead are heated applying ultra-high temperatures of between 8,000-12,000 degrees Celsius to break down the ore structure and free up the latent precious materials contained therein for recovery and purification using conventional techniques.

In a recent test of the new radio frequency plasma technology conducted by the company on Myanmar tungsten ore samples, the amount of gold yielded was about 1,500% more than what could be recovered through traditional methods.

Plasma technology

Copper-eating bacteria

Mining companies normally either dispose tailings as waste or use them as substitutes for other chemical processes although some mineral content, uneconomical to recover, is still left in the tailings. However, increasingly rare minerals such as copper are highly valued and mineral recovery from tailings could become economically viable in the future. Brazilian mining company Vale is developing a promising innovative technology in collaboration with the University of São Paulo to recover copper mineral from the tailings using micro-organisms, which if extended to other minerals, would transform the handling of tailings and boost mineral production. The path breaking technology would be immensely helpful in the production of rare minerals such as copper, whose pure form occurs in just 1% per tonne of ore extracted.

Vale deposits tailings waste from its Sossego copper mine in Northern Brazil at a nearby lake. The tailings disposal facility is estimated to contain approximately 90 million tonnes of waste containing 0.07% of copper which, if recovered, can provide additional revenue for the company. Recovering mineral from the residual waste will also help fund part of the waste treatment expenses.
The R$15m ($6.6m) research project, in which Vale's investment amounts to R$3m ($1.3m), has identified 35 bacteria from the tailings dam near Sossego. The bacteria are being studied in order to discover the right micro-organism which would be suitable for eating the copper present in the tailings. The copper will be extracted from the bacteria and will be reprocessed before sale.

Ten technologies with the power to transform mining

The Internet of Things, robotics and plasma are transforming mining into a safer and more productive industry. picks ten technologies with the potential to transform mining.


Preliminary Economic Assessment for Los Azules

In September 2017 McEwen Mining announced the results of an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA). Using the assumptions of $3.00/lb copper, $1,300/oz gold, and $17/oz silver, the Los Azules project generates a robust $2.2 billion After-Tax Net Present Value (NPV) (discounted at 8%) and 20.1% After-Tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results of the 2017 PEA demonstrate that Los Azules is a robust, high margin, rapid pay-back, and long-life open pit mine at current copper, gold and silver prices.
Estimate of Mineral Resources for Los Azules

The PEA also includes an updated resource estimate, which incorporates the results of the 2016-2017 drilling program. The copper resource contains 10.2 billion pounds Indicated and 19.3 billion pounds Inferred. Other resources are presented in the table below.
