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Re: Serpico2005 post# 37626

Friday, 10/06/2017 2:57:27 PM

Friday, October 06, 2017 2:57:27 PM

Post# of 63535
If you are talking about screwing, then people that had been in this for awhile are still up 100% to 400%. Most should already just be holding free shares. If people buying in the 004+ range, then that is different story but those people came in just 2-3weeks ago.

This is still 150% from July. People all panic and everything. Everyone know Reg A = 1Billion+ shares. No one panic then. Everyone expect $10million investors to buy at 01 when they could have used the $10Million to buy SNMN when it was at 0007 to 002 and got their billion for 90% discount on the open market. Reg A had been around since APril.

Somehow $10million investor has to be more dumb than retail investors that have $10,000 buying power. This is offer at 001 not 0001. JUst retarded anyone thinking it will go to 0001.

Do not trust CEO/PR, it's time to sell and move on. CEO will still be there. This is not NYSE