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Alias Born 10/07/2007

Re: None

Friday, 10/06/2017 10:42:19 AM

Friday, October 06, 2017 10:42:19 AM

Post# of 80983
Medinah 1998 the theft and fraud GROWS by leaps and bounds.

We arrived February 1998 to North Van, broke and with threats against our lives.

I started to check in the Internet for any revealing postings re Medinah Energy - MDM OTC BB, Later changed to MDHM Medinah Mining Inc, and now to Medinah Minerals.

It is pathetic the way that these guys have conducted their fraud and kept it under wraps with threats gainst me.

Price denied upon my arrival, to have "anything to do" with the Ian Dow's run (President) Sierra La Plata S.A. he sought my continued advise and promised to "settle" our arrears...very soon.

Soon, I found Price suing Dayton using our "unpaid expenses"
Note that Ian Dow suspended our work at Churrumata, 3 days before we were to start processing Gold at the site.

Bringing in the New Lawyer - General Manager, Dow stole our audit, our shares and shut down Churrumata. Daytoin used such as an excuse, later bulldozed the facilities and called the inspectors to "demosnstrate abandonment". Price and Dow were interested in the US$ penalty to Dayton and they did not even own the legal rights to sue.

I alerted Price and he sent me to Chile with 100,000 shares of Medinah to give to Julio Tornero and "buy the right to sue Dayton"...later announced by Medinah as such - legally".
Of course, Price wqas just using us both, for he never paid me the promised shares, nor Tornero the contracted shares and instead he entered into a Settlement with me for 700,000 shares of US$29 cents each with a "buy back agreement". Price defaulted, sold my shares and never paid it.

Instead, he resolved to fraud me once again:_+

Cristobal sent me Legal right to sue Price and I told him, he offered 300,000 shares to Cristobal "ON TOP OF" the 700,000 of my CONTRACTED Settlement to replace the 1.8 Million shares contracted to be given to me when I went to Chile and still not delivered by Nov.1998.

Of course, Price aided by Dow and Pamela Fitzpatrick Executive Secretary since 1996 ex Metro Plus, and rigged a text that "appear to release them from Lawsuits from Cristobal or me. *** Note, They brought the stock from 45 cents to 29 and later to 6 cents when I traded the 300,000 shares with the people promised the 700,000 settlement shares. Price scammed me and my party of the 700,000 shares

1998 ended with Price's plagiarism of

Sierra de La Plata mining District - Sierra La Plata S.A.
Cerro Dorado Mining Co. - Cerro Dorado Gold Inc.The altar boy does not stop there... his carrer has grown to 1999 the year of living dangerous.........

************* 1999 the fraud grows and losess mount********

Prompt response

Barrick et al:_+

Pascua Lama (18 million ounces of Gold and 600 Million ounces of Silver) is under _+^%

Preventive embargo 14th Civil Court of Santiago.

Granted as requested

Definitive Embargo 14th Civil Court of Santiago.

Granted as requested.

Both Ebmbargoes gave reasons for Criminal Charges and Cause at the First Court of Crime in Santiago.

All parties involved in the fraud will be "free room and boarders at a Chilean jail"....5 years and one day per imaginary contract or false negotiation...more???

Re Price Medinah's et al...

We are making new accomodations for free room and Board, however... there is no other Planet to

China..... wait and see... Barrick will be nothing in comparison...

Now that I answered truly...

tell me if you are brave...

Who are you... how much have you profiteered with the innocent shareholders? Are you the TEXAN or a hired smoke gun or smoke screen?

Ask and ye shall receive TRUE answers NO SPIN DOCTORING>>>>>

ear 2000 ... the money has to be spent.....


Price, Medinah's et al, did not pay their options in Chile and maintained most of them in default and arrears, including small petty bills for services rendered, big bills and settlements alike.

Yet... they used Quijano to "spend in illegal use of procedures" the monies raised for other properties...
Hence... Quijano's properties go to reprersented get stabbed in the back by Price and Quijano and Quijano, Munoz, Larry Regis, et al go after Jorge Lopehandia and family with vendetta.

First Leslie Price and Taschuck agree to Settle once again fro 700,000 shares with my Lawyer. They issued a US$20,000 check to my wife while I was in London and had her sign a form that appears to send her to buy US$20 K of Medinah stock believe or not.

The same tenor is used later as excuse to keep defaulting the rest of the payments and Les is happy with giving me checks here and there instead, with false "shares at the transfer agent - lost in the courier - at my Lawyers safe stories"...

The year goes by and I received a request for PROXI from Medinah on my stock? (come up clean Les Price). I go to see Leslie Price and confronted him, he promised to payme US$50,000 prior to leaving for the Annual meeting 2000.

As expected he left without my proxi, with my shares and again kept me broke. (This time, fully aware of my London Financing connection - connected to the Government of China as well... and may be to Medinah in TIL - TIL....)

September 2000 Finally price gives me my first TAXABLE information, illegally retained since 1996 to date.

To my surprise in listed monies

1996 = US$0 Yea Les, what about the contracts and my audit?
1997 = US$3000 Yeah Les, what about the US$250,000 imported via the Central Bank of Chile for Mining property payments and expenses? Sorry pal, I am not a MONEY LAUNDERER, use Sam Ponnayya Junior of EZ Car Rental for that.. NOT ME.

2000 Late... suddenly the knives a "la Leslie Price - Medinah et al...) shgow up from the London base group (fully aware of Las Dos Marias and Alto Lipangue) we negotiated a similar deal for Price in London.... (Sucker me) thinking that Price was hgoing to act honorably.

Suddenly Price dissapeared until January 07 2001.

4 years to our contract originally stroke in Jan 07 1997.

************ 2001 The year of showing the true colors of fraud, theft and deceit *************

*********** 2001 After playing with the stock like YOYO at will from his North Van Office and changing companies like musical shares... Price finally comes out of the shell...'

It so happens that our Altar boy is now convinced that his Suspension by the BCSC was expired WRONGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!

And he appoints himself finally the CEO of Medinah.

Never mind that Larry Regis, David di Ricco, Ian Dow, Russell Goodwin, Pamela Fitzpatrick and Sam Ponnayya Jr. ignored my plights, Leslie Price had higher ideas for me.

I went to see him in January and he gave me a small check and promised a US$50,000 again for my "next visit".

When I went, he was not there... it was a set up... Pamela Fitzpatrick ex RCMP worker and her husband ex RCMP, she knew some... and also procedures... She called 911 on me.


The next weeks I contacted Price who gave me his "apologies" a new check for US$5000 that bounced and when I went to request for it to be paid again... hostility.

Several weeks later I was invited again, this time by Leslie Price... I showed up and they started a new "SHOW' and called 911 again to discredit me.

RCMP attended and again asked me to leave politely. Taschuck threatened to drop me from the third floor in front of the Police and was lucky to scape the charge.

To date.... the next we see is that Price announces a London based investment.

In Chile... The Chinese announced an investment in Til - Til
would it be true?..........

Stay Tunned...

When I went public at the end of 2001, three times someone and several times extrangers attempted against my life.

Is that the PAY-OFF that we get for making you all filthy rich?

This memo is to assist the true people that Price sued (laughing in my face while commenting it).

The truth of the matter is the WLD - Win Loose or Draw, is mildly bang on.

He jsut did not know the extent of the fraud or the seriousness of the threats against my life.

When I wanrted to collect, Price told me of a guy in Seattle in the 17th floor that went to "collect a debt" and was found with a bullet in the head and no gun. "the whole thing was declared suicide - he added looking at me smiling"

I am sorry for all you folks.

The truth is

Medinah was built in Fraud by an BCSC suspended trader and disbared Accountant (for life) Leslie Phillip Price.

These animals kept our families in starvation mode for half a decade and our kids lost educartion and health while they are still spending our wealth.

Enough is enough.

The truth is out.


We do not care, the contracts were signed and Notarized and are in record.


See ya in Court ... do not try to kill me again or it will be worse for ya... you are under legal public advise.

Jorge R. Lopehandia

Rightful Owner of a great percentage of Medinah's business.
Legal nemesis of fraudulent public stock promoters.
Legal Owner of Barricks Largest asset Pascua Lama.

A poor, broke, but decent citizen of Canada.

A Chilean born Mining professional

An International Mining Executive and President and CEO of Mining Companies duly registered and HONEST.

A father of three Canadian children.

Brother of 13 brothers and sisters and over 70 immediate family members.

Legal representative of over 1000 families in Chile by business extension.

An honest citizen of the world.

A human being that hates crime.

Dear Missinformed

From the horses mouth.

Your stock will be as good as sand in the Desert.

The only connection between Medinah and Barrick is Large Mining Fraud, Shareholders money theft, theft of mining property, falsification of contracts in Chile, Falsification of information in the Internet, intentional witholding of serious material facts affecting the stock price, stock manipulation, +++++

Do not feel proud of the association of names.

Look at the facts and then open your mouth.

We do not deal in Off shore accounts,

No like Barrick or Price and Medianh.... we are too honest for that.

Sorry Pal.

Wrong dart.

Think again...

maybe just maybe... you will save money and face.

A true miner.

I herein challenge my accusers or detractors, spreaders of innuendo and falsehoods to an open forum (Public or TV - Radio) I challenge the Stock regulators, Market analysts, Police and Law enforcement agencies to get to the bottom of my very well documented truth.

Medinah is a Money Laundering Enterprise, no other explanation for their record to date will be able to save them in a Court of LAW.

Medinah sustained since 1997 to 1998 to have sold 200 Metric tons of Copper from Mina Claudia to ENAMI III Region

The facts

There is no geological evidence of mining at that pace not even in 2002 at Mina Claudi. We only had one road then.

ENAMI has NO records of sales by Sierra La Plata S.A.
Medib=nah frauded expenses saying that it was exploring our mine.

The truth they were in arrears not p[aying, claim jumping and buying assets eslewhere with the raised funds.

They never owned our grounds and they never will.

Long lives the TRUTH... so help me GOD.

Jorge Lopehandia.

*** I have never posted before so do not blame me for othjer postings or donot blame the person that lend me this computer either.

It is just me, the guy that took Price, Dow, Fraser, Gordon House et al, in their first Chilean adventure and serious mining projects.

If my projects were bad as Price said...why did they option them?

If they were good...why did they not pay?