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Re: biopharm post# 312368

Thursday, 09/21/2017 9:02:53 AM

Thursday, September 21, 2017 9:02:53 AM

Post# of 346961
What I do not notice now or ever is any announcements or acknowledgements by anybody coming pphm's way. All this academic BS amounts to nothing if it can't be monetized somehow before we are diluted to ashes. Hell they may not be able to get it monetized before the patents expire. Should have been in stronger hands a long time ago as many of us suggested. Many companies do it that way and succeed. Pphm happen to be run by greedy people with no skin in the game.

They were on their way to running pphm the way they run their other companies sucking out fees and salaries. Unfortunately. They stumbled upon some valuable IP which has complicated everything. How do we make it appear we are developing it and make the most money possible for ourselves
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