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Re: Big Poppa Pump post# 13

Friday, 09/08/2017 7:25:55 AM

Friday, September 08, 2017 7:25:55 AM

Post# of 26
Hard to say, could be good, all going to depend on the starting price. There has been a few tiny trades, here and there, but just couple share bidwhacks, it has only traded around 150 shares total all there really hasn't been a true IPO yet.

I was going to put a bid in the other day, this strikes me as the type of company that could begin trading by dropping a few hundred thousand shares cheap. However, TDA does not allow trades on this right now, so I'd presume it's either non DTC eligible or TDA has a chill on it for some reason.

I've read these guys are getting into the MVNO arena, TGRP and BDGN are also OTC Malaysian MVNO plays to keep an eye on.