The 8 REASONS post that you were so kind to provide a link to is a must read...IMO
I agree with your assessment (reason #3), but with one caveat, "there are no worries" with the raising of the AS to 5 billion...IMO...only and so long as the dilution does not exceed the buying interest.
The chart is uptrending rather well at the moment, and the dots are connecting toward a direct acquistion of ARALOC. It could be big, but the market is watching for assurances to their speculation. I for one bought a starter and will add heavy with further confirmation.
On a sidenote, after seeing what happened with BVT* earlier this year, it is my opinion that volume and buying interest are the dictating factors...everything else is secondary when millions in rev's and a pink sheet company correlate.
Best of luck and happy speculations.