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Alias Born 06/20/2009

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Tuesday, 08/29/2017 7:25:38 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 7:25:38 PM

Post# of 255763
The $$Evolution of $$CEO $$Steve $$Berman....could the $$Evolution of $$Pps be far behind.
News as of 8/29/17 Released on Ihub, OTC Newswire & Twitter. Heard a rumor Marketwired (any able please supply that link, thanks) Berman seems to have kept to his word "PR Releases etc" as was relayed or exceeded, if released on Marketwire as well. All of the investing public can see for themselves below.

@ times tough to get a hold of but appears to be much easier as his CEO tenure has progressed.

Trying to get this guy on the phone for over a month...

He said it's $600+ to get the news out everywhere and he's not going to spend that kind of money right now.

$200 IHUB
$400 PRWEB or MARKETWIRED he said I think

He said he would PR to IHUB and TWITTER in the future

He said hes got a bunch of deals (we all know this) that will be announced soon... but said all are big $$ contracts... literally DOUBLE DIGIT 6 figure sized contracts (000's) and MULTIPLE 7 figure sized contracts (M's)....

His contract with the 500 member law group just announced gives him a one on one meeting with every single car dealer in their network (attorneys get a commission if there's a deal)

That's HUNDREDS of dealers - and the attorneys will be recommending they install the app as a feature in the car when they sell it, for liability reasons.


The app we've all been talking about (drive alert) is NOT the app we have... that app has NO SALES and he said they "f*cked him over years ago"

Also no connection with TXTM



He couldn't say the name of our app but said we will know very soon, maybe even as soon as next week.

Attorneys have delayed thus far but longest it would be is 2 weeks max.

Also says the company is working on 5 NEW APPS - all which have pre orders already in the 6 figure range (000's)

Mentioned wiping debt from books which was spoken about on the board today which likely means selling shares.

Everything we've been waiting for will likely be announced in less than a week and as long as 2 weeks. Attorneys say it should be earlier.

1.4B share reduction
Debt wiped away
New sales contracts
New website
Colorado Domicile

All should finally get announced in that timeframe

I asked about MJ and his response: stay tuned...
Extremely tough to get a hold of, but I was able to nail down 15 minutes on the phone last night...

I wanted to go over the previously announced deals in some more detail:

In order...

1) 500 Member Law Group:
Q: How did you find these people and secure the contract?
A: I have a very large rolodex built up over my 35 years in industry, and a close friend connected me.
Q: There were no revenue figures in the PR... do we have expectations for this contract?
A: We expect this contract to begin bearing fruit in mid Sept. Expectations are from between $20K-$80K/mo in gross REVS based on the amount of dealers we get put in front of.

2) Shopping Website:
Q: When will we get the name of this website?
A: NDA expires in about 30 days
Q: How did you find and secure this contract?
A: This was also a close business contact making the connection
Q: REV expectations?
A: This contract is expected to perform similar to LAW GROUP with
$20K-$80K/mo in gross REVS depending on their web traffic

Q: How did this contract come to pass?
A: This was an affiliate referral
Q: REV expectations?
A: We already recieved the 1st $100K in August and believe we can
make as much as $100K/mo from this contract. 1st few months very
important, which is why I will be travelling to South America in
Q: This seems the biggest contract yet.. why?
A: People are keeping their cars longer in ARGENTINA because of
inflation and the new car tax, which is why extended warranty
companies are making lots of $$. We chose to partner with ASSURANT
because they are expanding into CHILE COLUMBIA and PERU. Extended
warranty companies will sell this as a new revenue stream within
their REV umbrella.

Q: How did this meeting get on the calendar?
A: A very close personal friend helped begin the process over a year
ago. FORD has been testing our units for months now, and just
extended the invitiation.

Q: How did this meeting get on the calendar?
A: Same close personal friend made the connection a couple months
ago, and they have been testing the units as well. Call came
quicker than FORD and meeting will happen before FORD.

Wanted to have the CO Domicile process explained in a more clear way:

Q: Everyone is expecting the CO DOMICILE process to either begin or
be COMPLETED by Friday. What can we expect?
A: As stated previously I am making every effort to get this done
ASAP. There will be progress updates coming out beginning
tomorrow and Friday, and continuing next week until this F*%*
attorney fixes one last item. Shareholders will see it is
happening beginning tomorrow. Finality wont come until legal
finishes this in a few more days after that. Its a matter of days
not weeks.
Q: Finality gets us what?
A: 1.4B share reduction - New website announcement - APP NAME - Debt
wipe away announcement -

Q: Are you happy with our recent Q?
A: Im thrilled to be able to release it by 9/15, and I think you
guys will be very happy with the results. Many of these new
contracts are too late to be represented there, but you all
should be happy

***The man is a MASTER SALESMAN***... Said hes working on ANOTHER VERY BIG NAME he may be able to announce as early as next week. Nothing guaranteed ofcourse, but the man DELIVERS
I asked previously if he would call me after flying back to NY.

He said he would - promise kept.

Wanted to go over some recent contracts and potential deals:

Q: How did you get the FORD FLEET MEETING?
A: A close friend has a direct connection to the company. We sent them units to test and got the meeting not long after.

Q: How did you get the ENTERPRISE MEETING?
A: A friend works very closely with the company. They are testing units now. Interested in both the safe driving app as well as the tracking app. Goal is to have them installed in their rental cars to lower insurance rates, and track renters who break their contract by driving where they shouldnt.
Q: How could a deal like this roll out?
A: It would be a city by city state by state roll out.

Q: What can you tell me?!?
A: Meeting went fantastic... deal could be up to 10K units/year at $200/unit...Mayor is giving contract to the city council to vote on with an answer likely within the next 3 weeks. The reason he says "up to" 10K units/yr is city council could try to negotiate it or flat deny it. (Not politically expedient to turn this down) There is the labor day holiday in front of us which pushes the timeframe out a bit, but do the math this is potentially a $2M/yr contract which more than doubles our annual REVS overnight!

Q: What's the latest here? We are past the 2 week timeframe you told me last call.
A: Since then, business has gone into overdrive... I've been working on, and traveling for SAN ANTONIO - FORD FLEET -
ENTERPRISE and one I cant name yet, but should be able to next week which has and continues to take up a majority of my time. These all could be millions each and they are an important part of our growth. I'm meeting the lawyers on Monday, and the clock that should have started 2 weeks ago should start then with the FORD FLEET MEETING happening TUESDAY. I will be travelling next week TUES - THURS. 10 more days after meeting lawyers should give enough time to finally finish this once and for all. Not happy I couldn't get this done when I said, but I think its worth another 10 days considering the possibilities that have come up since.

Q: What is the functionality of the safe driving APP?
A: When the wheels in your car start to move, all functionality for texting/talk/web browsing is disabled. When the wheels stop, functionality returns. It gives speed, and does have a kill switch, but if used it sends a text to the admin letting them know it's been disabled.
Q: What is the functionality of the tracking APP?
A: Its main use is 100% trackability, more precise than GPS, and can be tracked underground. ENTERPRISE is interested because rental contracts typically do not allow travel across state lines or a tri state area, yet people do just that. We have $400K in PRESALES already.

Q: Where do you see the company in 6 months?
A: We will have 4-5 different APPS and be a major global marketing company selling all over the world.
Q: This all seems to be ripe for a buyout. Would you be Interested?
A: I have already received several buyout offers but not interested at this time. My goal is to get to a buyout in the next 12-24 months. Its the natural course for a business like this, and really the only plausable way for me, my family and friends to turn our shares into cash. Between now and then I may need to sell some shares (I haven't taken a salary since I've been here, ive let my salary accrue until the company can pay me and stay healthy. Ive funded much out of my own pocket early on)

7) RS?
Q: There are rumors you are looking to do a reverse split here. True?
A: I get calls from shareholders everyday asking me that question. It is not even a consideration, and there are no plans any time in the near future. If I thought we could get on a major exchange and I couldn't get a satisfactory buyout, that would be the only way I would even consider it.
Same as previous calls, looking for clarity on latest PRs and future.

Q What can you tell me about the FORD FLEET meeting?
A Meeting went as well as I could have imagined. FORD FLEET would never give anyone a large order without making sure everything works out for them technically, and that their clients expectations are met. The government has specifically asked them to help with the distracted driving epidemic. Both FORD and FORD FLEET are now aggressively putting things in cars to protect people from themselves. FORD FLEET has also been asked by their clients to find a way to track their vehicles at all times, to make sure vehicles are being used for business only. In 3 months we will get feedback about how they would like to implement our tech nationally or globally.

Q You mentioned to me previously that FORD FLEET had us sign an NDA. What did that cover?
A Price, client names and implementation plans.

Q You mentioned a 15000 SF manufacturing plant we locked up the rights to in Kuala Lumpur. How are we going to pay for that?
A I have financing in place for *ANY* PURCHASES we have before us.. anything that can be collateralized but stock shares.. The main repayment method for this financing is a loan against RECEIVABLES. That is NOT the only plant we are looking at. We have our eye on plants in WYOMING, MASSACHUSETTS and NY. Same financing structure if any of those pan out.

Q Does this mean there will be NO MORE DILUTIVE FINANCING?
A No, part of the CO DOMICILE process is clearing the debt from our books. Ive negotiated large discounts with all our creditors who came before my tenure here, and the remaining amount will have to be paid down with shares, BUT THAT WILL BE THE LAST DILUTIVE FINANCING THIS COMPANY WILL SEE. The financiers I have locked up do not finance debt repayments which is why this was the only way out. I need every dollar I get to reinvest in the company.

Q Speaking about the CO DOMICILE process, where do we stand today?
A I can finally say, that all is done to be able to file with FINRA next week, and then its up to them how long it will take for approval. I can also tell you that there will be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT next week, AND NEW WEBSITE WILL BE OUT BY 9/15

Q Any update on the ONLINE SHOPPING WEBSITE sales? Its been a few weeks.
A We actually began selling on 8/12 as they had a problem setting us up initially. We are up to roughly 20-40 units a day selling there and growing FAST. I will also have GOOGLE sales updates next week.

Q Anything new with MAYORS office in SAN ANTONIO?
A I should have a phone call with the MAYORS OFFICE today at 11:30 AM. There is a hurricane over there so it may be moved but we will see. Call should cover feedback from city council and date when it will go up for a vote.

A I have a conference call with them next THURSDAY to discuss. Theyve been testing units.

Q Anything you can say that you havent mentioned yet?
A Plenty. I am heading to EUROPE 9/7 or 9/8 for big meetings with automakers, dealers and extended warranty companies in GERMANY, FRANCE, HUNGARY and BRITAIN. Also expanding to cell phone service providers as well.

In OCT I will be going to ASIA to meet with cell phone service providers to sell the APPS in stores where people buy phones directly. We are also going to expand into the FLEET business. I have meetings lined up with UPS and PSEG for OCT. We have been concentrating on dealers recently, and now looking more to FLEET business.

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