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Re: boston745 post# 9531

Friday, 07/28/2017 12:37:07 PM

Friday, July 28, 2017 12:37:07 PM

Post# of 42226
In the June 8 news amda 3 times mentioned R&D (shown below) and I like that they mention R&D "group"...The fact they are indicating this, and pursuing R&D partnerships and external funding, would seem to give more support to Boston's contention that the line item $2.5 million in R&D on ZB statement could have been paid to AMDA IMO...

Here are the three mentions of R&D:

"Since the beginning of 2017, Amedica's R&D group has published 10 peer-reviewed journal articles and 7 scientific proceedings on various aspects of silicon nitride. 7 additional manuscripts are in preparation or are at various stages of submission and peer review."

"The company entered a multi-year agreement with Texas A&M University's School of Dentistry to evaluate silicon nitride in maxillofacial surgery, where osteogenic and antimicrobial properties are highly desirable. This partnership is expected to yield funding from the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) programs to continue support for Amedica's R&D efforts."

"Going forward, we are focused on growing spine sales, first and foremost, while pursuing a robust R&D program with academic and industry leaders, to assure leadership in medical ceramic technology," said Dr. Bal, Chairman and CEO of Amedica. "
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