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Alias Born 04/16/2010

Re: aroarr post# 8893

Wednesday, 06/28/2017 4:37:31 PM

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 4:37:31 PM

Post# of 11296
Fact is Bruce Leitch scammed myself and 2 others in UK, why not give him a call and ask him, what facts do you want me to post I have every email ? He comes up with every excuse in the book. He is not to be trusted ! Fact is he promised the money back and we never got a single penny, he is the lowest of the low, a crook who stole from hard working people.

You know what if I get time I wil dedicate a website just for him and post every email and all the bank details on how he crooked us out of $30k +

Hi Mark,

I was out of my office for a couple of days as I am working furiously to get a couple of Company's financed. I know that BSI has taken longer than expected but I anticipate financing it shortly, and part of that effort will entail getting the cash back to you, Tanya and Adam as was the original plan. You will also keep the shares that you should have, that is not an issue and well deserved. I would ask that you give me the rest of the month of March to get something organized and at least at that point I will be in a position to either re-purchase the shares or give a date when I definitely can.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience. You more than anyone are aware that I am in here working constantly. I just did not want to take the Company public until I felt that the timing was appropriate.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for understanding that there will be no shortage of effort from me. I consider you a friend at this point and the LAST thing I wish to do is leave you and your "mates" in the lurch! There will be many things we can get involved in over the next years, this one just proved to be a little more challenging. I will get it done.


Hi Tanya,

I certainly agree with you that funding BioSecurity, Inc has taken longer than I had anticipated, although some of those reasons were certainly beyond my control. During the spring of 2007 and during the time period that we were selling seed shares in BSI my plan at that time was to develop the business for 12 to 18 months and then to file a registration statement to make a public offering of the Company. I had an extremely solid financing proposal, which I basically characterized to Mark as a done deal after being flown to Europe by the funding partners in the late spring of 2008, fall apart on me in the 11th hour. While we were almost able to put the financing back together with other funding partners before summer of '08 we were ultimately unsuccessful and as you can appreciate the summer months are a very difficult time to complete financings of that nature. In the fall of 2008 as we were once again getting ramped when of course the capital markets collapsed on us and it has been extremely difficult to finance start-up companies during the last 18 months.
I have been furiously working with two funding groups on funding two other Companies since I also do corporate finance consulting work for a few select clients. Those fundings are almost complete, as you know I suggested to you that they may be completed by the end of March but some last minute paperwork has held them up somewhat but I anticipate them both to be completed any time now.
The funding groups I have been working with have been impressed with the expertise I have brought to the table and have committed to assist me in funding BSI once the other situations have been properly consummated. I intend to start that initiative as soon as is feasible.
I can assure you that I am in every day working to optomize these other situations so that I can then subsequently finance BSI. I have a considerable amount of my own personal funds tied up in that project as Mark can attest and just the other day sent another couple of thousand dollars down to the Nevada Secretary of State so that BSI remains a corporation in good standing.
I very much appreciate your patience and understand entirely that it is getting stretched fairly thin at this point. I intend to have some hard answers with respect to the funding plan and your personal shares in a week or so because by then I will have a much better idea as to when funds will be forthcoming from the aforementioned other sources.

Best Regards,

Hi Mark,

I have been engaged in trying to close this financing over the last couple of days for another entity so that I can utilize at least some of those funds to re-invest in BioSecurity. I maybe need to remind you that I have invested over six figures in that Company, as well as having many friends/business associates invest as well.
Believe me I am moving as fast as I can to close these deals regardless of you contacting myself and John Boschert for updates or not. Everybody should be thankful I didn't take this venture public during 2008/2009 because we would have been hammered. I need to get my considerable personal cash out of this as well but you can't force things to move any quicker than they will move.
I will also let you know, and I am happy to do so, that I speak to you more than any other shareholder in BSI x 100. If I don't get back to you immediately always it is because I am simply busy working but will always respond on a timely basis.


Hi Mark,

Was actually out of the office last week quite sick for the first time that I can remember and had tonsilitis so I wasn't and couldn't really talk to anybody. Then a transformer blew on Monday morning on the downtown block that my office building is located on and we had no power until this morning.

Those are the primary reasons why I haven't communicated but give me a call tomorrow as I am available.


Hi Mark,

Sorry, been out of town and then in meetings off site all week. Will definitely call you tomorrow.


Hi Mark,

It turns out that between 10 days out of the office with my sons and a quick business trip I was out of the office for 2 weeks. Really only back at it today. Will definitely try to hook up with you tomorrow.

I am hoping (and they should be) that VMCT will be ready to get involved in some IR activities with you in early Sepember.


Hi Tanya,

My apologies for not corresponding with you sooner, it has been an incredibly busy last 10 days and I was unexpectedly called out of town on a personal matter. I will be back to you tomorrow with an update.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

Best Regards,

Hi Mark,

I was out of the office all of last week on an urgent personal matter and returned to find out that our whole building was screwed up with respect to both phone and internet service. You probably noticed that voicemail wasn't wotking if you tried to call.

I am working furiously on a couple of things that will likely be publicly traded before BSI so that I can get some shares in those propositions over to you to begin to get you whole. I have a share certificate in VMCT coming that I can likely organize in some fashion to everybody's benefit but I need to both confirm and work on that.

Believe me, not holding anything back, it's been a tough grind, and I am out a big chunk of change myself for at least the time being.


Hi Tanya,

Please, no apology is necessary and I can certainly understand your frustration. If you had an inkling of how many times I nearly had closed off a financing only to have it collapse in the 11th hour for reasons outside of my control you would better understand why my estimates of positive things in the near term have not as of yet come to fruition.

The "goal posts" have dramatically changed with respect to taking a company public since I initiated BioSecurity. The public markets now demand that a company have some cash flow as opposed to just being in development stage in order that the share price does not get driven down to pennies. I have been diligently looking for an acquisition target or candidate such that in combination with an adequate financing I can finally list the Company on a recognized exchange. I will continue to do so. I have also been looking for an individual to "partner" with me by taking on the share positions of those who desire liquidity such as yourself.

I will continue to work forward on these things as I put an awful lot of personal money (as well as friends and family) into the project and need to see the Company listed at some point soon.

I will update you to the best of my abilities and hopefully something will break sooner than later. I know that doesn't exactly create the timelines you are looking for but I don't want to raise expectations until I know what those timelines are myself.

Best Regards,

Hi Mark,

Not avoiding you at all, got your calls, just in and out of the office a lot these days as the capital markets are heating up some and I am out there dealing with fund raising initiatives. It seems that after the rather crappy markets of the last couple of years people are enthusiastic again with repect to investing their money. I am definitely still around (thankfully)! Hope to talk soon.


Hi Mark,

Was out of town last week and just getting caught up today. Let's try to talk tomorrow.


Mark, Tanya,

I am well aware of the time frame as I too have had my personal funds and a considerable amount of them (as well as uncompensated time) invested without liquidity as well for that period. I do not need to be reminded. I have been on the road working and speaking with financing groups basically from December 1st through the 18th except for two days and am just getting my head above water now.

The good news is that I have not stopped working nor have I ceased operations. I will continue to work for all shareholder's benefit and can hopefully bring in other individuals to take out your positions ASAP. The capital markets are finally coming back to life after a brutal 2 1/2 year period which is the bulk of the period that we have all been invested.

Hoping For Much better Times Ahead,

Hello All,

Please be advised that I have been out of town and away from my office every day, save two or three, since February 12th. I am aware that you were trying to get in contact with me during that time period. I am getting on a "red eye" flight to Toronto this evening and will be gone again for approximately one week. When I return I will provide an update as to the status of things as they pertain to BSI.


Hi Mark,

You can give me a call and I will pick up. I am extremely busy endeavouring to get things moving forward and have been travelling some so communication is somewhat challenging. I have had nothing substantive to report and indeed have been trying to get compensated for the VMCT RTO which I had a hand in completing. There is no value in reporting every week that I have nothing to report.

I requested a number of times that the Subscription Agreement that you are referencing be executed and sent back to me and it was not done. The fact that the Sub Agreement and Disclosure Statement were sent and the funds forwarded is an acknowledgement of the terms by both parties as set out.


Hello All,

I am out of town right now but will communicate with you when I return. Expect an update early next week.


Hello All,

At this time I have unfortunately nothing substantive to report with respect to BSI and its proposed business opportunity. I have been working furiously on a couple of other situations that may well bear fruit in advance of any advancements that will be made by BSI and I would likely be in a position to issue some shares to you in those opportunities as a show of good faith.

I am as disappointed as you all are that the "Great Recession" of 2008-2010 took all the momentum and wind out of the sails of the BSI business opportunity and changed the landscape. I will likely at this point look for another opportunity to vend into BSI so that it can become a publicly listed entity with another opportunity in the food safety industry. The rules with respect to OTCBB listed companies with connections to B.C. also changed dramatically during the intervening period.

I am not obligated to transfer shares out of any other opportunity to you but am considering doing so. I would welcome any investigation by any authority as the funds raised went into building the business and I am currently out personally (along with a couple of partners) far more funds than any of you by a large margin. There has been no corporate malfeasance, just the usual start up company challenges.

Unfortunately my relationship with Mark has become somewhat adversarial so I do not communicate as often as I would normally. Please be advised that while I am willing to be subjected to any review, that will certainly slow down and curtail any progress I make and limit both my ability and motivation to assist.

Bruce Leitch

Hi Mark,

Been in meetings all day but will speak with you tomorrow. FYI, the SEC only deals with publicly traded reporting issuers, BSI is a private enitity. You would have to speak with commercial crime if you so choose.


This is just a few emails I have from him.