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Re: Stock Farmer post# 81247

Sunday, 06/25/2017 1:24:31 AM

Sunday, June 25, 2017 1:24:31 AM

Post# of 207163
I think the C3 was the original "testbed car" with Cowin/Chery. If I remember correctly, they put it through over 100,000 miles of testing with the Wuhu Panther battery/motor/electronics configuration before they configured the V3 and began testing.

I believe (don't have email confirmation from the company yet) that the V5 (compact low speed) model is being done in cooperation with Long Star Electric Vehicle Manufacturing out of Shandong. I've got an email into the manufacturing/marketing contact there. Hope to hear back from them soon.

Blue model ?? I think I have seen it one other place and will dig - but I don't think they are doing anything with them.

It's getting late - so might not be until mid-Sunday that I get the info out on the prior posted slide-show.

Sleep well, if you can (smile)