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Friday, 06/23/2017 6:35:32 AM

Friday, June 23, 2017 6:35:32 AM

Post# of 207125

Ma, Wang, Yao Jinbo and discuss future Internet +

Over the past week, BAT three founder Jack Ma, Ma and Li have with their own activities to do outside sound, which is unusual for China's current mess Chinese Internet environment is worth noting that, this has always been low-key Ma Tencent founder and Chairman of the Board of directors flew to Beijing surface of the base, on the Internet + a summit, his good-based Friends - also in the past strongly objects Tencent investment - Qiang Dong, Wang, Yao Jinbo, etc. have to cheer, then a total Internet + bright future.

Although Liu Qiang East in a hurry to leave the surface of the base and hurried, but not difficult to understand, after all, 618 Jingdong battle it must not be lost, perhaps he was eager to go back to the strategic layout, from his point of view come and gone ten minutes, too .

Liu Qiang East did not, does not affect the next a roundtable - the financial channel of CCTV "Dialogue" column recording - the degree of importance, after all, Tencent Ma, Wang and new American and 58 YaoJinBo are one of the best entrepreneurs in the industry, not to mention also Chen Biao, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen and the China Internet Association, Academician Wu He Quan participate in the dialogue.

About this dialogue, I do not want to use their own language too much organization or dismantling, as far as possible to maintain their original words authentic dialogue, after all, this is a dialogue CCTV "Dialogue" column on.

The judgment of the air

Ma: 'I think' Internet + 'is giving all industries / all sectors a great opportunity, just as distinguished guests say, and the number of users and the number of terminals is actually more critical is that it and the degree of combination of industry, depth, we now see in the tertiary industry services industry began to combine a number of areas, but in fact is not enough depth, such as life support services are now progressing very well, but in finance has just begun. we have also seen the second industry, the manufacturing sector in mobile phones, televisions, appliances, and even intelligent electric vehicles has begun to have some start, but like agriculture, industry, and most have not yet begun. future space is still very broad.

I think the future will be to the manufacturing sector, China is also a manufacturing strengths very strong in this area will see a lot of signs of this industry is more complex, Flex, even with the new generation, the next generation of artificial intelligence also It should be combined, so that a future is multifaceted, multi-level such a cross-border, cross-border areas instead of two, possibly three cross-border areas, the birth of some new giants. '

Yao Jinbo: 'Internet coverage to a certain percentage, but the depth of the user, including its combination with various industries, especially in combination with the life services industry has just started so I next ten years is very, very optimistic.'

Wang: 'I think the Internet has just begun, with the help and improve all aspects of our lives to public comment in catering for example, the market hundreds of billions have very big space.'

Said the mobile Internet tickets

2013, also chaired the last session Chen Weihong, Mr. Ma said he got a mobile Internet platform ticket, then this statement widely circulated, and therefore around the board who left behind who had launched intense discussions III. years later, again recalled the words, Mr. Ma can see quite proud of, he said, he now WeChat Profile photos that is the theme of dialogue.

But then, he playfully one, he said: "But now we see that the arrangement have not yet had time to sit down to the shore, to the new continent and it was not too basic to catch the boat It will not come. '

Then micro-channel users only 300 million, it is learned, and now micro-credit households has exceeded 700 million, which means that the whole of China half of people are using the micro-channel (do not rule out a person has several micro-channel may) A detail worth noting in a keynote speech, when Mr. Ma, he said, we now generally time to power on your phone in a micro-channel.

In addition to data, Mr. Ma that, in the past three years, Tencent is the greatest invention of public micro-channel number:

'Over the past three years, the development of micro-channel is a big change. In addition to the familiar fourth anniversary of the circle of friends, had just launched a year, and now we should not do without. More importantly, our invention we call a public --- account. in fact, we are also the world's first to provide the social network 'public resolution' such an infrastructure to open up the 'Internet +'. that is, through the public service will be able to account under all service lines connected course it consumes more time from the media and so on, but in fact an increasing number of lines many stores will encourage everyone to scan code, scan code public attention to his account. '

Ma standard micro-channel public number of this platform is: valuable to users, Tencent connection services are valuable.

Tencent do those things connector

When asked about his own good service Tencent open to other people will not feel loss, Ma said: "inside many of my colleagues did not understand, he felt that the plots should give some of their company's business units to develop the actual. our position is very clear, I hope to do connectors, external services, which is one of our positioning. the only way you can in the shortest time possible to give the best service to the user, as long as the internet developed, other everything will come. '

Wang concept of connection there are some other understanding, he said: 'I think it is very important to connect everything a little to respond to the concept, the US group was originally made in 2010, when there was a time I felt a little obsessed. I walked the streets above, walking in the mall Kandian, in my eyes only two categories, one is the development of its Internet business, the better, the more one is the development of its Internet business is worse, because there is Moore's Law . presence (chipped Chen Weihong: I thought one is signing a US group, one is not signing the US group) If the phone speed ten times faster, cheaper traffic times, ten times larger screen, colorful times, shop which lines under the benefit, which business will be worse. at that time we need to do is to serve those businesses, those with business cooperation in the future no matter how fast the speed can not replace the feeling you eat a piece of meat, or haircut, massage, to cooperate, a few years, the uS group and the public still does not cover all user reviews, we cover more than 3 million businesses two or three million users, many users are not installed on our micro-channel platform. this time we through micro-channel platform will be able to push us to connect businesses to more users. '

YaoJinBo then recalls: "In fact, we should be late with Tencent access to our company, our IPO after the second year of our investment in Tencent, we serve gradually access to mobile QQ, micro letter, including 58 city, 58 at home. '

The answer is to go first in 58 city or Tencent Tencent initiative to come to want to connect (to vote) then (funding), the YaoJinBo answer was quite interesting, he said:

'In fact, the way BAT has come to us. The idea is earlier own independent development, we IPO later we clearly see if you are an island or a separate development, it may not go faster way to achieve that. So when Tencent find us, within two weeks of more than one billion dollars in investment in place.

I think this is our connection, the connection seems to me that two meanings, the first layer of meaning, itself a platform for any user the greater the amount, the more easy to use, the frequency he connected transactions reached match the efficiency becomes higher in addition to the mobile version of APP 58, PC version 58, we also want greater access to QQ, micro letter, allowing users to more platforms, more efficient completion of the transaction. this is a layer of meaning.

Second, once the online merchants, online users can communicate in real time, then the nature of the service changes, the two sides will further enhance the experience, and there will be some new services appeared. Many of the original price, no way to interact with the purchase, if the two sides online words will greatly improve the service life and the Internet combined with speed. '

Ma added that you have to do 'Internet +' First of all have to do subtraction, 'that is to say we have to promise to give up a number of areas, otherwise if you do not have a partner or are willing to invest and cooperate with you, that this cooperation is not long, so that we have to hold on, to restrain impulsive. '

Merging: US corporations and public reviews, and 58 go to the market

Whether the merger with US group of public comment, 58 city and go to the market or merge networks, all standing behind a shadow - Tencent, referring to the merger of view, Ma said frankly: 'In fact, we are a very simple idea, we this process of cooperation we are holding on to the Half-Life partner idea is that you have me, I have you, you grow up, we have grown up, you fail our platform also fails , holding this idea really want to develop a good partnership, the only way to go further. '

Wang's view is also very realistic, it is to reduce the consumption of time and energy to do more things on: 'US corporations and public comment is market first, second, and both sides have a common view of the future, this time our two go together to avoid low-level competition, low-level war of attrition, more resources, more time and effort spent on in-depth 'Internet +' on. before we just provide some information to provide some concessions now While we cover more businesses, on the one hand to work with more in-depth business, we help businesses to open up his system to help him enhance his operational efficiency, to provide consumers with a better payment experience. so, even though we only cooperation for six months, but more than half a year to do a year ago, a year and a half more, because you can free hand to do more constructive things. '

Internet + traditional service industries

'Internet + services' which in the end of our traditional concept of what services produced some impetus or changed?

YaoJinBo In answering this question on: 'China's service sector is lagging behind compared to the global, and now less than 50% share in the US, Europe, seventy to eighty percent of all proportion, China's service industry jumped out of the United States the kind of service industry chain highly developed stage, the United States several industry segments listed companies. China still remain in very small stages, because the development of China's service industry lags behind Internet at this point in time appears, gives us an opportunity to leapfrog development. in fact, many large companies intermediary services of the United States is the nature of the company, but it is the standard of service, iT systems do more to improve, China will be some of the Internet service provided by the company, a large skip the company's stage, directly to the people in need of services and the provision of services connected. '

Subsequently, he was naturally a bit '58 Amway home 'App. Subsequently, at pre-arranged a special character --58 home of hourly Li Jiao (sound) shared how she got home through 58 how to make their own income soaring, to YaoJinBo brought no small publicity.

Ma believes such services to the Internet changes brought more intermediary is to share the economic dividend, 'a lot of social resources, including each individual that he can make money, he can improve the better the chance for their own lives, in no internet before will be very costly and inefficient. in this case connected to the internet, this platform greatly improve the efficiency of services after connection, and can be matched to a more suitable customers. part-time or, tutor or, everyone personality is not the same, customers 'needs are not the same, this time you can reach this match, so that customer satisfaction is high, the efficiency has greatly improved.'

Wang: 'I think it is two points, one big wave of Internet + continuous change, independent of the mobile phone to the App, and then micro-channel, to the public number, in various ways, one is the change, on the other hand is not variable anyway becomes, '+' followed by the key, 'Internet + services', 'Internet + dining' speed no matter how fast, how high-speed mobile phone App, but also delicious dishes is the key. we do not will go to open a restaurant and a hotel, but we hope that with the best restaurants, the best movie theater, the best hotel cooperation, they can do less to worry about the Internet, we can serve it, they can do the main industry, the meals do. '

Chen Weihong Ma asked: 'May this year we are on the Guiyang Big Data Forum, our reporter interviewed when noticed a detail, with the Prime Minister reported total horse when mention Tencent mention very little mention of the US group, or 58 or more partners mentioning particularly, why the partners in such an important position? in so important to spend time node large space to mention them? '

Ma's answer is embodied in an uppercase honest: 'In fact, I put more of a' taxi drops' (the next field a laugh spray), because it really in the 'Internet +' industrial process last kilometer, as well as a regulatory problems. this format change, in fact, the traditional format has a great impact, the simplest like private cars can not enter the operators, everyone has idle resources, a car, have the time and ability to drive, and can can not be productive, this is a problem, the current policy has not been fully matched, but also more adapted to adjust, this is a very big problem. '

Letter 3Q after World War II, now laid open Tencent

Chen Weihong: Perhaps this letter will help us find this starting point, the letter letter letter whose content is now in what is total horse's mind began to rapidly search large data search is first published to this??. Ma is inscribed the letter. letter written the words, said, 'If there is no rival to launch an attack that we may not have so much pain, would not have so much reflection, someday, when we embark on a new level , we would like to thank today's opponents give us tempered. 'earlier remarks may be able to help a little horse always recall this opportunity to write the letter, which was once the industry's 3Q vigorous war era, but I do not want to trace the details of this war, I want to explore this letter is behind this, maybe today I can not ask you assert what kind of change, but we will try to inject Tencent future development of more openness and sharing elements, we will be more actively promote open platform, concerns the harmony chain, because Tencent dream is not to let themselves into the strongest, the biggest company, but respected companies. (applause.) such an opportunity to make yourself become more open in the Internet, in fact, is not a simple one that can be done, for Ma always, we want to know in these days after the letter you will experience what kind of psychological test or a decision on, only to today's Tencent has become the world's attention, more and more open company, you become a more open company leaders.

Ma: engage in a surprise attack.

Chen Weihong: So, it is a mysterious letter.

Ma: It was said that this passage external position, they also have a lot of people feel that this is not really, because in the past many developing Tencent, more accustomed to all their own, the feeling does not leave any chance to the outside world, our internal business units each department has a lot of product lines, such fertile land, how to do it will not be too bad, product capability is limited. Therefore, when the mind is this. in fact, we actually tried myself in many areas, still found there are a lot of frustration. you will feel the outside pressure, met a lot of Hom is not really a bad thing, on the growth of the entire enterprise is very favorable, let us also think what things should be done, what things should not be done, or priorities more clearly, rather than groggy anything to push forward. this is not acceptable.

The second is the pressure from the inside, in fact, a lot of our internal business also gave a lot of 'Internet +' opportunity to try a lot of money canal, but why in the hothouse flowers the wild beat thousands, hundreds of Mopa roll fight, the answer is obvious, especially in many sectors and industries more binding, or go down after taking the 'Internet +' piece, like electricity suppliers, the nature of retail is entirely from the store in Zhongguancun, the entire supply all very clear and tangible, so to build, a lot more is O2O areas, they may have tens of thousands of offline partners, employees, and there's water is very deep, and we generally Internet companies is no way to have such such genes and the ability to control, so it is forced to give up, you must to choose the best partner to do so, we developed a strategy, adhere to step forward to go now.

Chen Weihong: this choice allows us to see behind the more open Tencent, is their grasp of Half-Life, Half-Life to further their partners, in your opinion, the future is open in such a way will not presented in more rapid development of the future of the Internet era open what will bring what?

Ma: I just from Wang's picture, is also useful thoughts, each of his platform and his business partner, you want to know what you do, your position to be very clear that you do clear enough, enough thin, wide enough, your threshold is the highest, your cooperation in space is the greatest, you can gather ecology is the strongest, he lives in every industry they are also doing things with such an open mind , which we are the same.

The next outlet Where?

Yao Jinbo: No matter how many nouns, big data, cloud computing, AI, I think back to the core concerns of users, the most essential needs of your business objects and services, we will actively improve the technology and services used in our service, eventually everyone lives easier, so that the efficiency of each of our businesses to improve service, he can help provide better service using the Internet, the next ten years we will still be very focused in this area.

Wang: We know that the Internet originated in the United States, China in the past many successful Internet companies are learning the successful model of the United States, I think the 'Internet +' era, we are now in many places ahead of the US, also ahead of other countries, we in the 'Internet +' level exploration earlier. so, I think further down, Chinese enterprises, especially Chinese Internet companies may be an international outlet.

Ma: comes under a vent, just a few of our industry peers statements I agree, but I feel that is not comprehensive enough, I can use a word string them all together - the future of the traditional industry to use Internet technology to use artificial intelligence in the cloud way to handle large data.

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