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Re: conix post# 270340

Monday, 06/19/2017 4:00:21 AM

Monday, June 19, 2017 4:00:21 AM

Post# of 477683
Trump supporters' jaw-dropping hypocrisy
Trump supporters "outraged" by Shakespeare play
A 2012 production of "Julius Caesar" starred an Obama-lookalike
June 18, 2017 Updated June 18, 2017
Many Donald Trump supporters are expressing outrage with The Public Theater's production of "Julius Caesar" because it features a President Trump-like Caesar.
In fact, one Trump supporter rushed the stage [ ] in Central Park on Friday night in an effort to stop the show -- claiming those behind the production have "blood on their hands because it contributes to the overall desensitization of violence." The play depicts the Trump lookalike being stabbed to death.
The protester documented her actions on Periscope.
After she was arrested, prominent Trump supporters tweeted [ ] their defense of this attempt to silence the play. Ironic to see this response, given that many on the right are so often outraged when college students interrupt or try to silence political views they don't agree with [ ].
In any event, the person who stormed the stage was far from the only one on Team Trump going after this production of Caesar. Trump's cheerleaders-in-chief Newt Gingrich and Sean Hannity also railed [ ] against the production, claiming it incites political violence.
But targeting this production of Caesar is the soul of hypocrisy. Where was this outrage in 2012 when a Minneapolis production of "Julius Caesar" starred [ ] a Barack Obama-lookalike as Caesar?
The conservative publication "The American Conservative" reviewed the play at the time, explaining in no uncertain terms that this Caesar was clearly intended to be Obama while praising [ ] the production as "riveting."
And where was the outrage in 2015 when the Trinity Repertory Company in Providence staged [ ] the headline-grabbing production of "Julius Caesar" that featured a middle-aged female Caesar wearing a pantsuit who was stabbed to death? Media outlets at the time, from NPR to reviewers, noted [ ] that this production was clearly intended to evoke Hillary Clinton.
We could possibly forgive this lack of consistency if the Trump supporters had at least called out their candidate when he explicitly called for and defended political violence on the campaign trail on various occasions [ ]. Some of the most alarming examples include Trump's words after one of his fans beat up a protester, "I thought it was very, very appropriate." Trump shockingly added [ ], "And that's what we need a little bit more of." At another event Trump reminisced [ ] about the "old days" where protesters would "be carried out on a stretcher."
Candidate Trump even offered to provide legal fees if his supporters would attack people in his name, "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?" Trump added [ ], "I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise."
[...] [wuth embedded video, and comments]]


Bill Maher flunks history during free speech debate with head of Breitbart News
June 17, 2017
mong the most admirable and reliable qualities of Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” are his pointed intellect and relentless attention to detail. The man really does his homework.
At least he did before Friday.
In a segment on free speech, Maher demonstrated a lack of preparedness when he and Breitbart News Network editor in chief Alex Marlow discussed how Delta Air Lines and Bank of America pulled corporate funding from the New York Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius Ceasar,” in which a Caesar clearly modeled after President Trump [ ] is brutally stabbed and assassinated.
The right-wing Breitbart News raised the first loud outcry with a headline “’Trump' stabbed to death in Central Park Performance of 'Julius Caesar.” Fox News also expressed outrage.
On “Real Time,” Maher said he understood the furor. “If [President] Obama [ ] was Julius Caesar and he got stabbed, I think liberals would be angry about that,” Maher said.
“Absolutely,” Marlow said. “It would be bedlam in the media.” He compared the staged killing to Kathy Griffin [ ]’s controversial in which she help up a bloody mock-up of Trump’s decapitated head.
“I really think they should not have Trump playing Julius Caesar and getting stabbed,” Maher said.
But supporters of the Public Theater have pointed out in the wake of the controversy that a 2012 production of "Julius Caesar" at Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater cast the tyrant as a tall, lanky African American with a resemblance to Barack Obama, and that sponsors of that venue, including Delta Air Lines, did not object.
Other theater historians say that past Caesars have resembled former Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, Reagan and Lincoln. [with comments]


Another Noose Found Near D.C. Museums, Police Say
The noose was discovered hanging from a lamp post outside the National Gallery of Art.
A noose was discovered hanging from a lamp post outside the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., marking the third such incident on the National Mall in recent weeks.
The noose was found Saturday around 3 p.m., U.S. Park Police Sgt. Anna Rose told HuffPost. Authorities are continuing to investigate how the object got there.
Two other nooses were discovered near museums on the National Mall last month. On May 31, tourists visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture found one lying on the floor [ ] while walking through an exhibit on segregation. Less than a week earlier, a security guard found a noose hanging from a tree at Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
The noose is widely regarded as a hate symbol, stemming from the Jim Crow era of mob lynching. According to the Anti-Defamation League [ ], “the hangman’s noose has come to be one of the most powerful visual symbols directed against African-Americans, comparable in the emotions that it evokes to that of the swastika for Jews.”
A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police Department said there have been several reports of nooses around the nation’s capital in the last couple months.
Another noose was discovered at a construction site in southeast D.C. earlier this month. Students found bananas hanging in nooses on American University’s campus [ ] in early May and a noose was discovered in a fraternity house at the University of Maryland [ ] in April.
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]


Jenner On GOP Baseball Shooting: ‘Liberals Can’t Even Shoot Straight’
College Republican crowd goes wild in response.
06/18/2017 Updated June 18, 2017
A crowd at the convention of the College Republican National Committee erupted in laughter and applause when featured speaker Caitlyn Jenner joked Friday about the attack on a group of GOP lawmakers, saying: “Liberals can’t even shoot straight.”
The comment was captured on videotape posted by a College Republican group in Virginia on its Facebook page [ ]. Jenner made the disturbing joke when she was asked by a moderator at the Washington dinner about the shooting Wednesday [ ] in Virginia at a baseball practice that critically wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise [ ] (R-La.) and injured several others.
Scalise’s condition has since been upgraded to serious [ ]. Suspect James Hodgkinson was fatally shot by police. Hodgkinson had a violent history [ ], railed about Republicans and was a supporter of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.
Jenner is an unusual champion for Trump and his supporters, given the president’s history of supporting North Carolina’s anti-trans HB2 [ ] and his rescinding of President Obama’s trans student directive [ ] earlier this year. The party also passed an anti-gay and trans platform [ ] at its convention last year.
[...] [had an embedded video, now showing as 'unavailable'; with comments]


Anti-LGBT Member Of Congress Shot; His And Other Lives Saved By African American Lesbian Officer
Will it change their views on guns and civil rights?
06/17/2017 Updated June 18, 2017
It is my hope Congressman Scalise (R-La) and the others who were wounded in the shooting in Alexandria, VA. fully recover. But after praying for their lives, one must think about the brave Capitol Police officer, Crystal Griner, who herself was wounded, and the other officer David Bailey, who saved him and the lives of the other Republican members of Congress on the playing field that morning.
Gun violence is epidemic in the nation and now for the second time in seven years a member of Congress has been shot. This time Republicans, some viciously anti-gay and opposing any common sense gun control, were saved by an African American Lesbian police officer. One has to hope if Scalise survives his life-threatening injuries he might just change is mind on some issues.
Yet listening to Steve King (R-Iowa), one of the most right-wing venal members of the House, one has to wonder if anything rational can get done. According to the Washington Post [ ], “Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) — was not present at the time of the shootings, but he traveled to the scene and spoke with reporters. King blamed “the left” for the shooting, even before authorities had released any details about the shooter or his political views. King said he saw the shooting as connected to the large protests that happened after President Trump’s election.” He blames Americans who have demonstrated peacefully against the Republican efforts to injure them by taking away their healthcare; and curtailing the rights of immigrants, minorities, women and the LGBTQ+ community. This is the same Steve King who, when he opposed Obamacare, told [ ] people if it passed to “Riot if the bill passed.” Speaking of Washington D.C. in a Huffington Post interview in 2010 he said “Fill this city up, fill this city, jam this place full so that they can’t get in, they can’t get out and they will have to capitulate to the will of the American people.”
[...] [with comments]


Six Top Experts Resigned From Donald Trump’s HIV/AIDS Advisory Panel

An AIDS ribbon hangs from the North Portico of the White House in recognition of World AIDS Day, November 30, 2010.
And the big question is, what are the other 15 panel members waiting for?
06/18/2017 Updated June 18, 2017 [with comments]


Virginia police arrest suspect in abduction, beating and murder of 17-year-old Muslim girl

The missing 17-year-old Virginia girl 'Nabra' (Screen capture)

Darwin Martinez Torres
[ ]

18 Jun 2017
Police in Fairfax, Virginia have found a body that they believe to be a 17-year-old girl missing after she was abducted walking from an IHOP restaurant to her mosque on Saturday night.
NBC Washington reported [ ] that 22-year-old Darwin Martinez Torres was taken into custody and charged with murder after the remains were found in a pond on Sunday afternoon.
According to witness, 17-year-old Nabra Hussein was with a group of teens from their mosque when they were accosted by a man in a red car who shouted insults at them. The man stopped his car and got out wielding a baseball bat and attacked Hussein, then disappeared with her.
Hussein’s friends called police and a frantic search was mounted for the girl to no avail.
Remains believed to be the girl’s were found in a pond at around 3 p.m. on Sunday after police saw a car driving erratically and pulled the driver over, only to take him into custody on suspicion of murder.
Police recovered a baseball bat believed to be the murder weapon from the area. A medical examiner’s certification will be necessary before police positively identify the body.
The number of hate crimes in the U.S. — and fatalities resulting from them [ ] — has skyrocketed since the election of President Donald Trump. His name is being used by white school children to bully and taunt their black and Latino classmates [ ]. Earlier this year, a Trump supporter gunned down [ ] two Indian software engineers who he mistakenly believed to be Muslim, killing one.
“Get out of my country!” shouted gunman Adam Purinton before pulling the trigger and ending the life of Srinivas Kuchibhotla.
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]


A pro-Trump group is using Obama's voice out of context in radio ad for Georgia's special election
Great America Alliance is running an ad that quotes Obama narrating his autobiographical book "Dreams From My Father."
The ad, however, does not mention that Obama is actually quoting someone else in the passage.
June 18, 2017 Updated June 18, 2017
An outside group that supports President Donald Trump is running a radio ad in Atlanta ahead of Georgia's special election Tuesday that takes the voice of former President Barack Obama out of context to make the argument that Democrats take black voters for granted.
Great America Alliance, a pro-Trump non-profit group that previously ran ads attacking former FBI director James Comey during his testimony, is running an ad that quotes Obama narrating his autobiographical book "Dreams From My Father." The ad, however, does not mention that in the selected passage, Obama is actually quoting someone else who is speaking about the black community and Chicago politics before the early 1980s.
The ad begins with narration from conservative activist Autry Pruitt.
"Hi, my name is Autry Pruitt, a fellow black American working hard every day, just like you. It may seem out of season, but all of a sudden, Democratic politicians have started coming around again. We normally only see them every other November, swarming around and making promises to get our vote. But nothing ever changes for us, does it? Here's what President Barack Obama had to say about it."
Then Obama can be heard saying, "Plantation politics. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we'd all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our souls for a Christmas turkey."
Pruitt then says, "Let's not sell out for another Christmas turkey. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Democrats keep taking our votes for granted."
In the book, Obama was quoting a barber telling him about the political system in Chicago before the city elected Harold Washington, the city's first black mayor, in 1983. Immediately after the Christmas turkey line in the book, Obama quotes the barber as saying, "White folks spitting in our faces, and we'd reward 'em with the vote."
[...] [with embedded video, and embedded audio of the ad ( )]


Monday briefing: terror hits north London mosque

Van ploughs into worshippers in fatal attack … Brexit talks begin … prostate cancer breakthrough
19 June 2017
Top story: Finsbury Park worshippers attacked
Finsbury Park has become the scene of what Theresa May called a “potential terrorist attack” after a van ploughed into worshippers leaving the nearby mosque, killing one and injuring eight others [ ]. A 48-year-old man, said by police to be the driver, was arrested at the scene after being detained by passersby.
We have a live blog here [ ], and the at-a-glance what we know so far here [ ].
The vehicle hit the crowd shortly after midnight, and police soon declared a “major incident” [ ] in north London, deploying armed officers. Hours later, they said counter-terrorism police were leading the investigation. May will chair a meeting of the Cobra committee this morning.
London mayor Sadiq Khan decried the “horrific terrorist attack”, saying in a statement: “We don’t yet know the full details, but this was clearly a deliberate attack on innocent Londoners, many of whom were finishing prayers during the holy month of Ramadan.”
One resident who did not wish to be named told the Press Association: “People were just conversing, talking, just doing what we’re doing. And he just came into all of us. There was a lot of people. We got told to move straight away. I was shocked, shocked, shocked. There were bodies around me. Thank God I just moved to the side, I just jumped.”


Finsbury Park attack: Counter terror police investigating after one man killed in van attack near mosque
Police say 48-year-old man in custody after being detained by members of the public
19 June 2017
Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “Shocked and outraged to hear a van has intentionally run over worshippers leaving Ramadan night prayers.”
The former EDL [ ] leader Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Lennon, was condemned for "attempting to justify" the attack by accusing the mosque of past [real, but long since completely gone] links with extremists.
“I genuinely hope the innocent people targeted tonight outside the mosque are ok,” he later wrote on Twitter.
It was unclear whether worshippers had been leaving the Finsbury Park Mosque or nearby Muslim Welfare House, which said the incident happened "five minutes from us".
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation Muslim organisation, said the incident came as members of both mosques left Tarawih prayers performed for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
“It happened outside the Muslim Welfare House but people were leaving Finsbury Park Mosque as well so there’s a lot of confusion at the moment,” he told The Independent.
“According to eyewitnesses it was a deliberate attack against innocent Muslims, and if that’s confirmed by authorities it should be classed as a terror attack, no doubt about that.”


Sinking Island Passes Fundraising Goal After Trump Says It’s Not Sinking
Chesapeake Bay residents hope to build a sea wall to hold off rising waters.
06/17/2017 [with (separate) embedded video, and comments], [embedded; with comments]


Donny Goes Home - The President Show - Comedy Central

Published on Jun 16, 2017 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

The president visits his childhood neighborhood for his 71st birthday. [with comments]


(linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding and (future) following

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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