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Alias Born 10/21/2014

Re: None

Friday, 06/09/2017 10:43:51 PM

Friday, June 09, 2017 10:43:51 PM

Post# of 111976
Anyone reading the 8k's and quarterlies could tell management converted common to preferred. This was no secret. 8k

They converted, and rightfully so. Remember that a lot of those shares were given to management in lieu of salaries earned (some of it at 2+ cents).
Can we expect them to give up their earned shares? Not really.

Now what? Management is invested in this more than anyone. They are interested in growing PPS because that makes them thousands and millions.

Money under management? Check
Debt retirement? Check
Special opportunities fund? Check
Taking Duos to market? Check
Primesite ownership? Check

Next steps:
Closing of initial two acquisitions.
Duos price growth
Primesite success fee
Rebranding this summer