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Re: F6 post# 269644

Monday, 05/29/2017 12:50:05 PM

Monday, May 29, 2017 12:50:05 PM

Post# of 482758
Kushner may have sought Russian back channel for loans

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss the bombshell allegation that Jared Kushner sought to establish secret communications with Putin via the Russian embassy, to bypass U.S. government agencies. Duration: 14:20

©2017 , [with comments]


Donald Trump’s disastrous foreign policy trip

AM Joy

Why did the president fail to reaffirm our commitment to protect our NATO allies, while appearing to cozy up to Saudi Arabia after an arms deal with the authoritarian country? Joy Reid and her panel[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss. Duration: 10:20



Gianforte and the thug politics of the GOP

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel discuss the trend of many in the GOP targeting the media with threats, jeers – and physical violence in the case of Congressman-Elect Greg Gianforte. Duration: 7:34

©2017 , [with comments]


Shock as White House fails to address Kushner allegations

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss Trump official refusing to address the bombshell report that Jared Kushner sought to set up secret communications with Russia via the Russian Embassy. Duration: 12:46

©2017 , [with comments]


Experts agree: Trump is obstructing justice in Russia probe

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel discuss the mounting evidence that could be used to press charges against Donald Trump for obstruction of justice as the investigation into the Trump camp’s Russia ties continues. Duration: 13:07

©2017 , [with comments]


Trump gives speech to U.S. troops about himself

AM Joy

After chastising NATO leaders for ‘not paying their fair share,’ the president used a visit to troops abroad to brag about a foreign trip many see as a disaster. Joy Reid and her panel[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss. Duration: 9:51



President Trump Gives Remarks to United States Military Personnel at Naval Air Station Sigonella

Published on May 27, 2017 by The White House [ / , ]

Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily.

[no official transcript yet available at ] [with comments]


Hillary Clinton Is Furious. And Resigned. And Funny. And Worried.

Watching CNN’s coverage of the Russia investigations on May 23.
The surreal post-election life of the woman who would have been president.
May 26, 2017 [big piece; with embedded video, and comments]


Graham: It's 'stunning' Comey never told Congress about fake email

Graham called the report "stunning"
He said Comey needed to answer for it

By Eli Watkins
Updated 11:48 AM ET, Sun May 28, 2017

Washington (CNN) — Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that former FBI Director James Comey would have been "incredibly incompetent" if he took actions based on email he knew to be fake.

Graham said in an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" that Comey told the Senate and House select committees on intelligence about such an email, but never indicated it was fake.

"He talked to members of the Senate and House intel committee that he was sitting on emails that the Russians had between the Democratic Party and the Department of Justice that were highly explosive," Graham said. "He never once told a member of the House or the Senate that he thought the email was fake."

Graham is not a member of the Senate intelligence committee, but is helming an investigation from a Senate judiciary subcommittee into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

On Wednesday, The Washington Post [ (included in full in the post to which this is a reply)] reported that the FBI received a document detailing a supposed email from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was at the time the head of the Democratic National Committee, where she said someone in the Department of Justice told her Attorney General Loretta Lynch was containing the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices as secretary of state. The report said the details came from "a dubious Russian document" and that this document influenced Comey's decision to make his thinking on the case public. On Friday, CNN reported [ (also included in full in the post to which this is a reply)] that Comey acted on this document, even though he knew it to be fake.

Graham called the report "stunning" and said Comey "needs to be held accountable."

"I can't imagine a scenario where it's OK for the FBI director to jump in the middle of an election based on a fake email generated by the Russians and not tell the Congress," Graham said.

Graham said that if the email described in the document was fake, the US needed further sanctions on Russia, but also allowed for the possibility that it was real.

"I want to get to the bottom of it," Graham said. "I want to see the email."

Wasserman Schultz has denied knowing the people in the report, let alone writing the email.

© 2017 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. [with embedded video]


The World That Trump and Ailes Built

Illustration by Tom Bachtell

The measure of their influence lies in the distance between today’s media and politics and those of the years they were born.

By Jill Lepore
June 5 & 12, 2017 Issue

Roger Ailes died recently, at the age of seventy-seven, during a week when the ground shook beneath a stumbling Donald Trump. The two men were in many things near: in age and appetites, in temper and coarseness. They were also in many things far apart: in intelligence and energy, in talent and purpose. Ailes was formidable, Trump brittle. Ailes’s decline began last summer, when he was forced out of Fox News. Trump’s fall, if he falls, is still to come. And yet at times it has seemed as if the two men were Humpty and Dumpty, tumbling off a wall that they’d built together, to divide one half of the country from the other.

The measure of the world they made lies in its distance from the world into which they were born, when the question of whether democracy could be defended without violating the freedoms on which it rests was a matter of pained debate. Ailes was born in Ohio in May, 1940. Weeks later, President Roosevelt gave a commencement address in Virginia. “Every generation of young men and women in America has questions to ask the world,” he began. “But every now and again in the history of the Republic a different kind of question presents itself—a question that asks, not about the future of an individual or even of a generation, but about the future of the country.” He was arguing against America Firsters, who wanted the United States to be an island, a vision he declared to be a nightmare, “the nightmare of a people lodged in prison, handcuffed, hungry, and fed through the bars from day to day by the contemptuous, unpitying masters of other continents.”

Roosevelt had been trying to gain support for entry into the war in Europe, but he knew that it was possible to push too hard. In 1917, to marshal support for another war, Woodrow Wilson had created a propaganda department, a fiction manufactory that stirred up so much hysteria and so much hatred of Germany that Americans took to calling hamburgers “Salisbury steaks” and lynched a German immigrant. John Dewey called this kind of thing the “conscription of thought.” It was a horse’s bit crammed into the people’s mouth. The bitterness of that experience determined a new generation of journalists to avoid all manner of distortion and error. In 1923, when Henry Luce and Briton Hadden founded Time (their first name for it was Facts), the magazine hired a small army of women to check every fact. (“Add Fact Checking to your list of chores,” the founder of The New Yorker instructed an editor, not long afterward.) In 1929, Luce hired as an editor of his new magazine, Fortune, a poet named Archibald MacLeish. He had fought in the First World War, then lived in Paris, where he wrote poems about places where lay “upon the darkening plain / The dead against the dead and on the silent ground / The silent slain—.” He worked at Fortune until 1938. F.D.R. appointed him Librarian of Congress in 1939.

“Democracy is never a thing done,” MacLeish said. “Democracy is always something that a nation must be doing.” He believed that writers had an obligation to fight against fascism in the battle for public opinion, a battle that grew more urgent after the publication, in 1940, of “The Strategy of Terror,” by Edmond Taylor, the Paris bureau chief for the Chicago Tribune. Taylor reported firsthand on the propaganda campaign waged by Nazi agents to divide the French people, by leaving them uncertain about what to believe, or whether to believe anything at all. (In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler had written that most people “are more easily victimized by a large than by a small lie, since they sometimes tell petty lies themselves but would be ashamed to tell big ones.”) Taylor called propaganda “the invisible front.” Roosevelt decided that he could delay his assault on that front no longer. In October, 1941, he issued an executive order establishing a new government information agency, the Office of Facts and Figures. He appointed MacLeish to head it.

“The duty of government is to provide a basis for judgment,” MacLeish insisted, “and when it goes beyond that, it goes beyond the prime scope of its duty.” Under his leadership, the office mainly printed pamphlets, including “Divide and Conquer,” which explained how foreign agents weaken a nation’s resolve by undermining confidence in institutions like elections and the press, and by raising fears of internal enemies, like immigrants and Jews. Still, some reporters suspected that the agency was nothing more than a propaganda machine, the wartime conversion of fact to fiction. MacLeish was worried, too. In April, 1942, he spoke at a meeting of the Associated Press. To counter the strategy of terror, he proposed a new strategy:

That strategy, I think, is neither difficult to find nor difficult to name. It is the strategy which is appropriate to our cause and to our purpose—the strategy of truth—the strategy which opposes to the frauds and the deceits by which our enemies have confused and conquered other peoples, the simple and clarifying truths by which a nation such as ours must guide itself. But the strategy of truth is not, because it deals in truth, devoid of strategy. It is not enough, in this war of hoaxes and delusions and perpetuated lies, to be merely honest. It is necessary also to be wise.

Critics called MacLeish naïve: winning a war requires deception. F.D.R., to some degree, agreed. In June, 1942, he replaced the Office of Facts and Figures with the Office of War Information. MacLeish left, and the agency drifted. Much of the staff resigned in protest. When a former advertising director for Coca-Cola was hired, a departing writer made a mock poster that read, “Step right up and get your four delicious freedoms. It’s a refreshing war.” In 1946, the year that Donald Trump was born, MacLeish published a poem called “Brave New World,” about Americans’ retreat from the world: “Freedom that was a thing to use / They’ve made a thing to save / And staked it in and fenced it round / Like a dead man’s grave.”

A lifetime later, Barack Obama greeted Roger Ailes at the White House. “I see the most powerful man in the world is here,” Obama said. “Don’t believe what you read, Mr. President,” Ailes answered. “I started those rumors myself.” Other rumors that Ailes helped start include Trump’s charge that Obama is not an American. Also: science is a hoax, history is a conspiracy, and the news is fake. It’s not always possible to sort out fact from fiction, but to believe that everything is a lie is to know nothing. Ailes won’t be remembered as the man who got Trump elected President; he will be remembered as a television producer who understood better than anyone how to divide a people. And Trump’s Presidency, long after it ends, will stand as a monument to the error of a strategy of terror.

Jill Lepore is a staff writer and a professor of history at Harvard.

© 2017 Condé Nast [ ]


‘We are in a constitutional crisis!’

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her guests discuss the shocking report that Jared Kushner allegedly sought an unorthodox ‘back channel’ to Russia, revealed as Trump’s foreign trip left our NATO allies reeling. Duration: 14:56



Trumpcare called ‘cruel’ and ‘deadly’

AM Joy

What will happen when 23 million people lose their health insurance if Paul Ryan’s AHCA bill becomes law? Joy Reid and her panel discuss this, plus the White House’s austere budget proposal. Duration: 10:54

©2017 , [with comments]


Democrats: Ignoring black women voters?

AM Joy

Joy Reid moderates a debate on the strategy of the Democratic National Committee—should leaders do more to connect with extremely loyal black women, or focus on the white working class? Duration: 8:38

©2017 , [with comments]


Waters: ‘I believe it was collusion’

AM Joy

Rep. Maxine Waters joins Joy Reid on why she believes there is now enough evidence to start impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. Duration: 11:02

©2017 , [with comments]


No, Kushner didn’t seek a legitimate back channel

AM Joy

Joy Reid makes it clear: what people are comparing to Obama facilitating the Iran nuclear deal in no way resembles Jared Kushner’s alleged attempt to communicate with Russia outside the purview of our government. Duration: 12:06

©2017 , [with comments]


Takei boldly silences ‘Star Trek’ diversity attacks

AM Joy

Actor and activist George Takei joins Joy Reid to take down the Twitter trolls complaining that the new ‘Star Trek Discovery’ series is evidence of ‘white genocide in space.’ Duration: 6:14

‘White genocide in space’: Racist fans seethe at diversity in new ‘Star Trek’ series
24 May 2017 [with comments]

White Genocide In Space!

Oh, the moans! The whines! The cries of the incredibly privileged white dudes! Will no one think of the bros? I can answer that one: No. You’re free to fuck off and not watch the new Trek, which, horror of horrors, is not stuffed to the starship ceiling with white men.
May 24, 2017 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]

For Alt-Right Trolls, “Star Trek: Discovery” Is an Unsafe Space

The franchise’s claim to fame, dating back to the days of Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk, is its advocacy for science, non-belligerence, and multiculturalism.
May 26, 2017



Trump returns home from abroad — with a Twitter rant about fake news, leaks and ‘the enemy’

President Trump addresses U.S. military troops and their families at the Sigonella Naval Air Station in Italy on Saturday.
May 28, 2017
President Trump returned home Saturday night to a country wondering how he would address a crisis of bad news that has only grown more dire during his nine-day tour abroad.
As the FBI continues an investigation of Trump's top associates and as he reportedly considers a White House staff shake-up, the president's attorneys have urged him to lay off his habit of aggressive and impulsive tweeting — lest it make matters even worse for him.
So what did Trump do upon returning to his embattled White House? He went on a Twitter rant, of course.
[...] [with (approaching 4,000) comments]


Reported Talks by Jared Kushner With Russia Would Be ‘Good Thing,’ Trump Official Says

President Trump and Melania Trump arriving at the White House on Saturday night after a nine-day overseas trip.
MAY 28, 2017
WASHINGTON — John F. Kelly, President Trump’s homeland security secretary, on Sunday defended a reported effort [ ] by Jared Kushner, the president’s embattled son-in-law and key adviser, to establish a secret channel with Russia during the transition, calling it “a good thing.”
“Any information flow into the government and then considered by the government, I won’t criticize that,” Mr. Kelly said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.” “All of these lines of communication are a positive thing, in my opinion.”
Mr. Kelly’s remarks came amid news that Mr. Kushner was a focus of investigations into possible collusion between Russia and Mr. Trump’s associates during the campaign and transition, a development that has consumed an already-beleaguered White House.
The president, home again after a nine-day trip overseas, quickly turned his Twitter account back into a political weapon on Sunday, assailing what he called the “fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media.”


As White House defends Jared Kushner, experts question his back-channel move

Donald Trump with son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump on Nov. 9.
May 28, 2017 [with comments]


Trump's obsession over Russia probe deepens
But the president's senior aides say he has yet to decide on a strategy for confronting the crises.
05/28/2017 Updated 05/28/2017
President Donald Trump has been aggressively working the phones since returning this weekend from his foreign trip, talking to friends and outside lawyers as he obsesses over the deepening investigations into his aides and Russia.
Two White House officials said Trump and some aides including Steve Bannon are becoming increasingly convinced that they are victims of a conspiracy against Trump's presidency, as evidenced by the number of leaks flowing out of government — that the crusade by the so-called “deep state” is a legitimate threat, not just fodder for right wing defenders.
[...] [with comments]


Kushner’s Relationship With Trump Tested as Russia Accusations Swirl

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, at a news conference this month at the White House.
MAY 28, 2017
WASHINGTON — The most successful deal of Jared Kushner’s short and consequential career in real estate and politics involves one highly leveraged acquisition: a pair of adjoining offices a few penny-loafer paces from his father-in-law’s desk in the White House.
Over the past week, Mr. Kushner, who at age 36 occupies an ill-defined role somewhere between princeling and President Trump’s shadow chief of staff, has seen his foothold on that invaluable real estate shrink amid revelations he is under scrutiny [ ] in a federal investigation into whether there was collusion with Russian officials during the presidential campaign.
Mr. Kushner, an observant Jew, spent the Sabbath in fretful seclusion with his wife, Ivanka Trump, at his father-in-law’s resort in Bedminster, N.J., unplugged, per religious custom, from electronics. But he emerged defiant and eager to defend his reputation in congressional hearings, according to two of his associates.
What is less clear is how Mr. Kushner’s woes will affect his hard-won influence on a mercurial father-in-law who is eager to put distance between himself and a scandal that is swamping his agenda and, he believes, threatening his family.


Trump expresses 'total confidence' in Kushner
“Jared is doing a great job for the country," Donald Trump was quoted as saying.
05/28/2017 [with comments]


Kushner Asked to ‘Lay Low’ After Russia-Related Reports, Source Says
May 29 2017 [with embedded videos]


Kushner’s Russia ties questioned as Trump cites media ‘lies’
May 29, 2017's-Russia-ties-questioned-as-Trump-cites-media-'lies'


AP FACT CHECK: A rash of Trump statements under scrutiny

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk from Marine One across the South Lawn to the White House in Washington, Saturday, May 27, 2017, as they return from Sigonella, Italy.
May 29, 2017
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has reopened his Twitter spigot now that his foreign trip is over, so brace yourself. The intensifying investigations into Russian interference in the election and the potential involvement of associates have reached his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and appear to have caught the president in a bare-knuckled mood.
Even the past week of tranquility on the tweet front, though, brought a rash of questionable statements to the surface, by the president and his aides.
A look at some of the assertions under scrutiny in recent days, before Trump flew home and raged about “fake news” leaks from the White House.
[...] [with embedded video]


Globalists Panic As Attacks On Trump Fail: 5/28/17 Full Show

Published on May 29, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Sunday, May 28th 2017[, with an appearance by Roger Stone]: Hillary Urges Impeachment, Fox Coup & Trump Shakeup - Trump goes on a tirade against the enemy fake news media, as the leftist establishment continues its subversive efforts. Also, Hillary's name is again tossed around as a potential presidential candidate, as she re-emerges from the woods calling for Trump's impeachment. And is Fox News host Sean Hannity's job in jeopardy? We'll break down the latest and take your calls during this worldwide transmission. [with comments]


Attacks like Portland’s will keep happening unless we all fight white supremacy

Simply being sorry isn't enough.

By Arjun Singh Sethi
May 29, 2017

When Ricky Best and Taliesin Namkai-Meche [ ] boarded a light-rail train in Portland, Ore., on Friday night, they never could have imagined they wouldn’t make it home. The two men were stabbed to death after confronting a man for yelling slurs at two Muslim women. A third intervener, Micah David-Cole, is being treated for serious, non-life-threatening injuries. The suspect, a white supremacist known to police, openly performed Nazi salutes and shouted racial slurs [ ] at a rally last month in Portland. White supremacist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic posts were a fixture on his Facebook page [ ].

Communities of color experience hate in every aspect of our lives. It braids through our daily existence, just like friendship, work and family. We encounter it in schools, workplaces and public life. And what we fear most is hate violence, the kind that was on full display in Portland this weekend.

Muslims, Arabs, Sikhs and South Asians are acutely vulnerable to hate. Since the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center has tracked more than 1,000 bias-related incidents [ ], many against Muslims. It also has reported that the number of anti-Muslim organizations in the United States grew from 34 in 2015 to 101 in 2016 [ ]. Muslim women often bear the brunt of this mistreatment [ ], especially if they wear a hijab. The slurs uttered at the two Muslim women on the train in Portland occur regularly nationwide.

In the aftermath of a tragedy like this one, there’s usually an outpouring of emotion and an important set of rapid responses. We decry the violence, raise money for the victims’ families and push local prosecutors to file hate crime charges. Community groups also encourage the reporting and tracking of hate crimes, as reporting remains voluntary, not mandatory [ ]. In addition, we ask affected communities to be vigilant and watchful. The threat of copycat attacks is real and can be deadly. Some of these efforts already are underway [ ] in Portland.

These are important and time-tested interventions, but they aren’t enough. Hate violence will continue to be a scourge in the United States if we don’t root out the bigotry and animus that cultivate it.

We must acknowledge, condemn and combat white supremacy. The belief that white people are superior to other races is responsible for some of the greatest tragedies in modern history. Manifest destiny, the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, Jim Crow and even mass incarceration are inextricably rooted in white supremacy. This belief system proliferates in the United States, including in places such as Portland, where local community organizations such as the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon [ ] and Unite Oregon [ ] have fought tirelessly to combat it.

Hundreds of hate groups now champion white supremacy and draw inspiration from President Trump, whose rhetoric and policies have emboldened their nativism and prejudice. The number of hate groups in the nation increased in 2016 for the second consecutive year [ ]. Some of these groups skulked in the shadows before Trump; now they bask in the limelight.

In February, a white American allegedly killed Srinivas Kuchibhotla [ ], an Indian American in Kansas whom he had mistaken for Iranian. The attacker yelled “get out of my country [ ]” before firing. In March, a known white supremacist allegedly killed James Jackson [ ], an elderly black man in New York City, apparently because Jackson was black. Last week, a white American allegedly killed Richard W. Collins III [ ], a young black man, on the campus of the University of Maryland. The suspect was a member of a Facebook group called Alt-Reich: Nation [ ]. And now there’s Portland. These are just a sample. Threats, assault, vandalism, nooses and murder make the headlines almost every day.

Some of what these hate groups say and do is protected by the First Amendment, if it falls short of violence. But there are still plenty of ways to combat their ideology.

In the wake of Trump’s travel ban, people rallied in the streets and airports to condemn what they believed to be prejudice and discrimination against Muslims. This groundswell of support made a difference in the litigation and in the hearts and minds of Muslims and others worldwide. Why can’t the public show the same energy and resolve when white supremacy and hate violence strike our communities?

Many of you will have the opportunity to raise your voice soon. Act for America, the largest anti-Muslim grass-roots organization [ ] in the country, recently announced a series of anti-Muslim protests [ ] in 23 cities, including Portland. Counter-rallies and other forms of resistance are planned and will be announced soon. Local and national organizations [ ] nationwide have been fighting white supremacy for decades. Connect with them, support them and raise your voice. We cannot and must not shoulder this burden alone.

In addition to condemnation and protest, hold teach-ins on white supremacy at your houses of worship and community centers. Invite and center communities affected by hate violence, listen to their stories — and be guided by their needs and leadership. As a Sikh American and a member of a community acutely impacted by hate, I can tell you every intervention matters. Hate thrives in company; it dies in solitude.

Nor should you wait for white supremacists to strike first. Coalitions of diverse professionals, including teachers, coaches, public health professionals, counselors and community leaders, should develop programing and interventions to track, treat and curb hate locally. Networks like this also allow us to more effectively respond [ ] to hate violence whenever it occurs. This programming should also include upstander [ ] trainings. We must honor the memories of those who were killed in Portland by standing for the same principles they did — courage, sacrifice and justice — not shying away from them.

We must likewise reject government policies that treat our communities as inherently suspect. Such policies foster misunderstanding, fear and bigotry. Muslims, Arabs and South Asians live under a specter of securitization and surveillance. Counterterrorism programs such as watch lists [ ], the recently dismantled National Security Entry-Exit Registration System [ ], countering violent-extremism initiatives [ ] and federal profiling guidelines [ ] look upon our communities as guilty and dangerous. Other communities are disproportionately affected by police violence, mass incarceration and deportation. Those with multiple identities, such as black Muslims or LGBTQ immigrants, experience a devastating compounding of these policies.

Trump has intensified this second-class citizenship through immigration raids [ ] and the specter of bans and walls. He continues to view Muslims as valuable only insofar as they fight and condemn terrorism. His recent statement commemorating Ramadan [ ] focused predominantly on violence and terrorism, and only of the sort ostensibly committed in the name of Islam.

An array of elected officials and civic leaders will condemn the Portland tragedy in the coming days. But will they condemn the criminalization and national security policies that cultivate hate and bigotry? Will they help illuminate and dismantle these policies, which inevitably reinforce notions of white privilege and prejudice? If the government sees our communities as inherently suspect and unworthy of dignity and respect, so will everyday Americans.

Finally, the media and public must be held accountable for double standards that mischaracterize violence and terrorism [ ]. White suspects who perpetrate mass atrocities are often humanized and described as shooters [ ] and mentally ill lone wolves. They’re seen as holding personal grievances and capable of rehabilitation. But when the suspect is Muslim, brown, black or a combination thereof, they are often described as terrorists [ ], who are deliberately evil, inspired by collective grievance, incapable of intervention. This familiar accounting happened just this weekend, when the spokesperson for the Portland police wondered whether the suspect had “mental-health issues [ ].” The result is that we obscure how white supremacy informs hate violence in the United States and lose an opportunity to combat it, just as we would other hateful ideologies.

This racist narrative also diminishes the pain and suffering our communities endure. It means the tragedies inflicted on us sometimes don’t even make front-page news. We fear the Islamic State as much as white supremacy. And so should you. The greatest threat facing our country [ ] comes from homegrown white supremacists, not Muslims or refugees. Yet we don’t treat it with the requisite level of urgency, because we dismiss these acts of violence as isolated incidents rather than manifestations of a deeper ideology rooted in hate.

I always celebrate Memorial Day by remembering those who stood for peace and justice. Today I remember Ricky Best and Taliesin Namkai-Meche, the heroes of Portland. Their selfless sacrifice will live forever.

Arjun Singh Sethi is a civil rights lawyer, writer, teacher and consultant based in Washington, D.C. He is an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center and Vanderbilt University Law School, where he teaches courses on policing, surveillance and counterterrorism.

Read more:

The Trump administration is showing white nationalists it won’t fight them at all

Being a Muslim in Trump’s America is frightening. Here’s how we can survive.

Why are white shooters called ‘mentally ill’ instead of ‘terrorists’ or ‘thugs’?

© 2017 The Washington Post [with embedded video, and comments]


How the Middlebury Riot Really Went Down
The protest has become a symbol of liberal intolerance, but a closer look reveals it’s as much about Donald Trump’s election, racist incidents and a clumsy response by school officials.
May 28, 2017 [with comments]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following, see also (linked in): and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following)

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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