Oh man, with all due respect my brotha, this stock was never hyped. Hyped is stocks like BVT$, AML$, DOL$, etc. I'm not saying they're not great stocks, I'm just saying they're HYPED? What's my proof? lol they're always on most read or most posted.. that's hyped. Hyped = a lot of people talking about it or posting about it at once or in one day. Now if you look at the ETBI board , the last post before me was 11 hours ago, and before that on Friday. Don't tell me it's hyped lmfao. If you want to see hyped go to the top boards that haven't even had volume or % changes to back up the hype .. ETBI is not hyped, there's a lot of unexplained volume which can or can not be risky we'll both agree on that.