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Alias Born 04/16/2001

Re: Churak post# 8418

Sunday, 08/10/2003 6:13:17 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:13:17 AM

Post# of 13856
8. Gotmilk still can't
9. Matt still has a Mattitude
10. Send a Yeti E-card to your friends!
- Yo! The Yeti looks like you in the morning!
- 'Sup Dawg! Have a chillin' day.
- Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, the Yeti smells like you!
11. Yeti Ads
Chill out and check out the latest Pop-Tarts® ads!
- video = 293k
- radio1 = 65k
- radio2 = 69k
... These clips require Real Player
12. The Legend of the Yeti
... known by most westerners as the Abominable Snowman,
has been a mystery of the Himalayas for centuries.
Standing about... this elusive furry monster has recently been
spotted eating frozen chocolate... For years [diet] consisted
of tree bark, and mountain climbers, until one day
it all changed. A mountain climber named Sir Edward O' Churak
was on an expedition in the Himalayas. While crossing a crevasse...
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Lactose Free Milkman

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