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Alias Born 03/02/2014

Re: MikeKnowsRunners post# 71874

Saturday, 04/22/2017 1:19:15 AM

Saturday, April 22, 2017 1:19:15 AM

Post# of 229539
There was no "if". Stop.


In fact you are now inventing stuff he never said at all! frown

He said multiple 8ks this week. If he has them signed and completed this week, he never lied. He never said they would be published this week. I'm sure that was his intent. But if they come out (multiple) on Monday or Tuesday, and they were dated this week, you can't argue that :)

And I never said he "lied". The current thought is that he "over promised" which I agree with.

But now, unfortunately, we making a bigger deal of this than need be. To me, he owes "us", those who are disappointed, an apology. No big deal one way r the other though. But, in the future, don't "PROMISE/GUARANTY" something you might not be able to deliver on. After all, some folk, like myself, get our hopes up more than others do. wink

You see, to me, this 8-K crap wasn't so much about what I wanted it was about shutting up those who say this is all a bunch of crap!! And the 8-K would have shut THEM up! wink

Get it yet?


P.S. Believe it or not, but we're really on the same side. smile