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Re: F6 post# 267685

Friday, 04/07/2017 2:07:49 AM

Friday, April 07, 2017 2:07:49 AM

Post# of 481295
Syria: Under Russia's fist - People and Power

"Gas Attack Is Said to Kill Dozens in Syria"

Al Jazeera English
Published on Feb 27, 2016

Since September 30, 2015 Russia has been carrying out air strikes in Syria in support of its ally President Bashar al-Assad. The campaign has been relentless and growing in intensity, with Russian jets flying 444 combat sorties against more than 1,500 targets between February 10 and 16 alone.

Moscow insists these attacks have only been aimed at fighters from ISIL and other "terrorist groups" such as al-Nusra Front. But monitoring groups, including the Violations Documentation Center and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, say thousands of non-combatants have also been killed or wounded. Amnesty International and others have said the bombings may be war crimes. Indeed, Amnesty has also cited consistent reports of second bombardments from planes returning to kill and injure rescue workers, paramedics and civilians attempting to evacuate the wounded and the dead from earlier raids.

So are civilians being deliberately targeted - and could Russia be guilty as charged? In this exclusive report for People & Power, Danish born filmmaker and journalist Nagieb Khaja went to investigate. His remarkable film, shot in Aleppo, Idlib and other rebel-held areas of Syria at the end of last year, is a harrowing, tense and at times breathtaking portrayal of life underneath the Kremlin's bombs.

Viewers may find some of the images disturbing.

That video is embedded in

Syria's civil war explained from the beginning

The Syrian civil war is the deadliest conflict the 21st century has witnessed thus far.

Al Jazeera
17 hours ago .. with about 45 links .. insert-text-here

[YouTube of embed, a 2nd good video]

As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year, more than 465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population - have been displaced from their homes.

In 2011, what became known as the " Arab Spring " revolts toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak .

That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb , was killed after having been brutally tortured.

The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war.

..sorry, imags i can't reproduce ..

What caused the uprising?

Initially, lack of freedoms and economic woes fuelled resentment of the Syrian government, and public anger was inflamed by the harsh crackdown on protesters. Successful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt energised and gave hope to Syrian pro-democracy activists. Many Islamist movements were also strongly opposed to the Assads' rule.

In 1982, Bashar al-Assad's father, Hafez, ordered a military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama, which killed between 10,000-40,000 people and flattened much of the city.

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Even global warming has been claimed to have played a role in sparking the 2011 uprising.

A severe drought plagued Syria from 2007-10, spurring as many as 1.5 million people to migrate from the countryside into cities, which exacerbated poverty and social unrest. Although the initial protests were mostly non-sectarian, armed conflict led to the emergence of starker sectarian divisions.

Minority religious groups tend to support the Assad government, while the overwhelming majority of opposition fighters are Sunni Muslims. Although most Syrians are Sunni Muslims, Syria's security establishment has long been dominated by members of the Alawite sect, of which Assad is a member.

The sectarian split is reflected among regional actors' stances as well. The governments of majority-Shia Iran and Iraq support Assad, as does Lebanon-based Hezbollah ; while Sunni-majority states including Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others staunchly support the rebels.

READ MORE: What's left of Syria?

Foreign involvement

Foreign backing and open intervention have played a large role in Syria's civil war. An international coalition led by the United States has bombed targets of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL , also known as ISIS) group since 2014.

In September 2015, Russia launched a bombing campaign against what it referred to as "terrorist groups" in Syria, which included ISIL, as well as rebel groups backed by western states.

Russia has also deployed military advisers to shore up Assad's defences. Several Arab states, along with Turkey, have provided weapons and materiel to rebel groups in Syria.

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Many of those fighting come from outside Syria. The ranks of ISIL include a sizeable number of fighters from around the world. Lebanese members of Hezbollah are fighting on the side of Assad, as are Iranian and Afghan fighters .

Although the US has stated its opposition to the Assad government, it has hesitated to involve itself deeply in the conflict, even after the Assad government allegedly used chemical weapons in 2013, which former US President Barack Obama had previously referred to as a "red line" that would prompt intervention.

In October 2015, the US scrapped its controversial programme to train Syrian rebels, after it was revealed that it had spent $500m but only trained 60 fighters.

In February, the CIA froze funding and logistical support for rebel factions in northern Syria but according to Free Syrian Army (FSA) sources, the funding has been restored to a certain extent late March.

[This video is the one at the top of this post]

WATCH: Syria: Under Russia's Fist ..

The situation today

Chemical attacks

Chemical weapons have been a recurring footnote in the bloody narrative of Syria's civil war. On Tuesday, a suspected chemical attack, that killed at least 80 civilians in the Idlib opposition-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, is being investigated by the United Nations as a potential war crime.

Despite the fact that 1,300 tonnes of sarin nerve gas and its precursors were removed from Syria, chemical attacks persist there nearly four years later.

Battle for Raqqa

Last March, an alliance of US-backed fighters said it has begun a new phase of its campaign on the ISIL-held city of Raqqa in northern Syria, aiming to complete its encirclement and sever the road to the group's strongholds in Deir Az Zor province. The multi-ethnic Syrian Democratic Forces' alliance, which is dominated by the Kurdish YPG fighters, is waging a campaign to capture the group's stronghold in Raqqa, with support from a US-led coalition. The SDF also includes Arab factions, Syrian Christian fighters and Turkmen units.

Aleppo takeover

Last December, the Syrian army announced that Aleppo has been fully recaptured from rebel fighters, the government's biggest victory in the nearly six-year civil war. Syrian government forces used chemical weapons in rebel-held areas of Aleppo during the final weeks of the battle to retake the key city, killing at least nine people and wounding hundreds more, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

A new military alliance of rebel groups in northern Syria was formed with the aim to consolidate military control over Idlib province, the western part of Aleppo province and parts of Latakia province, according to an FSA commander.

Besides, Aleppo, the Syrian government currently controls the capital, Damascus, parts of southern Syria and Deir Az Zor, much of the area near the Syrian-Lebanese border, and the northwestern coastal region. Rebel groups, ISIL, and Kurdish forces control the rest of the country.

Also in March, fighting in and around Damascus has intensified after surprise attacks by rebel fighters in the northeastern parts of the city. The United Nations said fighting around Syria's capital has cut off 300,000 people from humanitarian assistance and pauses in the conflict are needed to allow aid convoys to get to the area.

WATCH: Death of Aleppo [45:00] .. [embed YouTube]

Rebel groups continue to jockey against one another for power, and frequently fight each other. The FSA has weakened as the war has progressed, while explicitly Islamist groups, such as the al-Nusra Front, that has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda, became empowered. Last July, al-Nusra front leader, Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, announced his group's name has also changed to Jabhat Fateh al Sham, or The Front for liberation of al Sham.


Western Jihadis in Syria

Syria's Electronic Armies

Syria's White Helmets

Why is Iran backing al-Assad?

In 2013, ISIL emerged in northern and eastern Syria after overrunning large portions of Iraq. The group quickly gained international notoriety for its brutal executions and its energetic use of social media.

Meanwhile, Kurdish groups in northern Syria are seeking self-rule in areas under their control. This has alarmed Turkey's government, which fears its large native Kurdish population may grow more restive and demand greater autonomy as a result.

Last August, Turkish troops and special forces, backed by the Free Syria Army, launched operation "Euphrates Shield" against ISIL to liberate the strategic Syrian city of Jarablus on the border with Turkey.

Euphrates Shield operation is considered to be the first Turkish ground intervention in Syria since the Syrian crisis started in 2011.

Last month, Turkey has officially ended the "Euphrates Shield" military operation it launched in Syria last August, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on March 30, but suggested there might be more cross-border campaigns to come. Turkey sent troops, tanks and warplanes to support FSA rebels, push ISIL fighters away from its border and stop the advance of Kurdish militia fighters.

The Syrian war is creating profound effects far beyond the country's borders. Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan are now housing large and growing numbers of Syrian refugees, many of whom have attempted to journey onwards to Europe in search of better conditions.

Fighting has occasionally spilled over from Syria into Lebanon, contributing to the country's political polarisation. Several rounds of peace talks have failed to stop the fighting.

But with much of the country in ruins , millions of Syrians having fled abroad, and a population deeply traumatised by war, one thing is certain: Rebuilding Syria after the war ends will be a lengthy, extremely difficult process.

[can't reproduce .. ] Infographic: Syria Snapshot 03


Fact Check: Trump contradicts himself on Syria

European PressPhoto Agency

A Syrian victim received treatment after an alleged chemical attack at a field hospital inSaraqib, northern Syria.

By Linda Qiu New York Times April 05, 2017

In 2013, the Obama administration concluded that the government of Syria’s president, Assad, had used chemical weapons in an attack that killed hundreds of people on the outskirts of Damascus. At the time, critics noted that Obama was stepping back from his own “red line” threat to punish Assad for deploying chemical weapons.

Trump also mentioned the red line threat, but to counsel restraint.

In more than a dozen messages on Twitter in 2013 and 2014, Trump repeated his advice, emphatically stating that “Syria is NOT our problem,” appealing directly to Obama to “not attack Syria” as “there is no upside and tremendous downside” and telling him to “stay out of Syria.”

Trump had a noninterventionist stance during the 2016 election.

Trump shrugged at calls to use force against Assad’s government and endorsed Russia’s support of the Syrian leader.

“You have Russia that’s now there. Russia’s on the side of Assad, and Russia wants to get rid of ISIS as much as we do, if not more, because they don’t want them coming into Russia,” Trump said in a September 2015 interview with CNN. “Let Syria and ISIS fight. Why do we care?”

In a May 2016 interview on MSNBC, Trump said the United States had “bigger problems than Assad.” He added, “I would have stayed out of Syria and wouldn’t have fought so much for Assad, against Assad.”

See also:

all -- over 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles launched -- targeting an airfield near Homs, Syria --
reportedly the airfield from which the Syrian jet(s) which dropped the chemical weapon(s) flew

this____Israeli army 'among world's child rights violators'

It was Plato who said, “He, O men, is the wisest, who like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is in truth worth nothing”

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