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Alias Born 09/22/2015

Re: malp2009 post# 173

Wednesday, 02/22/2017 11:52:05 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:52:05 PM

Post# of 205
Well, I understand that management would like to make something on the whole process.

It's just that they look to make $10+ Million that makes it sickening.

If they offered $2 or $2.25, I would have considered it fair.

Yeah, it would have given them a good pay day after it was all said and done, but what they did was try and steal the company.

There is very little risk in waiting to see what further asset sales bring when management only offers $1.50 per share.

The company has proven that they have depreciated (or written down) assets below market value on their balance sheet.

Maybe this isn't a sexy play that will jump 1,000% in a short time but it seems pretty likely that we will see over $2 shortly.

Always good to have a few things going at the same time.
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