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Alias Born 12/31/2016

Re: duelittle2 post# 10431

Friday, 02/17/2017 4:55:14 PM

Friday, February 17, 2017 4:55:14 PM

Post# of 207157
DOLV at this moment in time, given the new intel we have here, regarding the Senate of the United States of America assembling a committee (or caucus) in such that, the federal government can promote and illustrate the importance of MMJ is HUGE. Now, with DOLV having such a low float and new connection (through exemplary due diligence) to MJ, without a doub purchasing DOLV is the absolute best bang for anyone's hard earned dollar. I highly doubt the current SP sits below .01 for very long. All the work has already been done for you, just read the ibox stickies, research the DD, and connect the dots.... Also, take note of how there is no dilution on level 2. If you're bought in here then you know what you got, if your outside the glass house looking in, then Id suggest you take this long three day weekend to investigate and make an informed decision for Tuesday morning because folks, this is as good as it gets.....