RTROD About 112K Float and 560K OS with 2 insiders holding 80% of that. Soon to be 18.6M OS it appears post merger.
OS about 560K with 2 insiders holding 80% of OS
Pending merger with Ammo, Inc where 18M shares or less will be issued in exchange for the real company.
Was 14.d MILLION and just had a 25 to 1 RS pre merger
Prior to the RS the opinion was they were merging with Ammo, Inc
and in conjunction with the RS there was a company name change as well
14M /25 = 560K * .2 = 112K FLOAT in my opinion
Now the 2 holders of 80% of the stock would no longer be restricted from selling under the 5% rule once the 18M shares were issued for the merger.
At that point one might argue the float was really 560K but then again about 450K would be held by 2 investors
Just my opinion but thus far predictions of what was happening have been spot on. Much of this info can be found in the 8Ks of late and the most recent 10Q
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!
Robert Montgomery Knight - The General