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Alias Born 06/14/2004

Re: None

Sunday, 08/20/2006 9:33:36 AM

Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:33:36 AM

Post# of 169277
FWIW CSHD is mentioned but not one of the top picks but he does have a pretty big following from what I have heard in the past.

WillyWizard's Weekly Stock Report

THIS EMAIL COULD MEAN BIG BUCKS FOR MANY so it’s important you read carefully and travel to the links I am providing for your due diligence. For months I have been conditioning readers to buy carefully and ride the wave higher. You have ridden a few waves to heights beyond what many of you expected. I have tried to deliver stock plays that have the ability to move to the top of the wave and WINNING PLAYS ARE HAPPENING DAILY!!! Readers can see I like energy plays. This is the best PinkSheet/OTCBB market we have had in many years

Take advantage and ride the waves of winners

Buy Low & Sell High!

I changed Email Services so excuse no charts in this email. In this email I did provide hot links to charts. I will have charts next week.


ARET had a great week coming off it's bottom in the .008s running to .065. This was a 100% move in one day. After the run the trading range was .012 to .014 which was acceptable. The run was triggered by callers speaking to the CEO responding a filing was coming later in the week, Thursday or Friday. The filing did not come out by the close of day Friday. I would personally like the filing to come out at the beginning of the week then the end of the week. Next week could be an exciting week. I do expect the filing to address the process of the merger. This alone should make shareholders content to wait until the merger process is completed. I have always maintained I hear nothing to suggest the merger is not taking place.

News Source:

The short position for ARET is still present as of 8/19. When looking at the short I see they are not as aggressively shorting in August as they did in July. Regardless a short is still present. The current price of .014 is well above the Squeeze Trigger Price of $0.01. Also notice the Monthly Squeeze Trigger Price is currently 0.0107. This suggests shorts should be concerned about filing contents.

SqueezeTrigger Price: $0.01
Days on Threshold List:
Current Price: $0.01
Current Volume: 5,169,972
Report Month Aug-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06 Apr-06
Short Volume (number of shares) 6,833,311 16,673,788 1,323,4521 10,282,110 307,3016
Short Dollar Value 72,911.4284 256,442.8594 202,488.1713 111,663.7146 1,3890.0323
Monthly SqueezeTrigger Price 0.0107 0.0154 0.0153 0.0109 0.0045
Price at End of Month 0.014 0.013 0.009 0.015 0.004

Buy Low & Sell High!

Chart TA

ARET has had a nice move of it's bottom. I have written for a couple weeks the chart was indicating an oversold condition. The RSI is holding a higher leveling condition. The upper Bollinger Band was tested but not broken. The price is riding on the 50 day ma. The MACD moved higher trading above the 0.0 line. The Stochastic is in mid-range, still has room to move higher. At this time the chart is in a neutral condition.

Please Click This Chart Link


SLJB formerly LFWK has been on my radar for months. This is a company that has a lot going on inside building a solid infrastructure. In the next 4 months shareholders should see a lot of action in the share price. So far many of you have 'made bank' on this play. This is a core portfolio holding stock. I suggest for those that are trading SLJB you might always keep a core block for long term.

In recent press releases the company released a pro forma "CEO Steve Sulja states, "Sulja Bros. had an excellent year and the Middle East projects are already affecting the bottom line. The pro forma estimated revenue is $307,007,451.50 and estimated net profits are $93,951,965.18. The pro forma for the current fiscal year is available for our shareholders to view at The pro forma numbers will grow as we obtain our market share of the Middle East construction boom.""

There has been so much good news from this company I suggest you go to Yahoo Finance and start reading past press releases. You will be amazed what is taking place building the infrastructure of Sulja Bros. News Link:

News Source: Because of the new symbol no report is available. Next month we should be able to track the short.

Buy Low & Sell High!

Chart TA

I have written for a couple week SLJB was overbought. The correction from the high of .15 was needed to build a new support range. It looks like this support range is in the .07 to .08 range. The RSI is flat moving sideways. The Bollenger Bands are finally catching up on the high/low sides. The stock is trading well above the 50 day ma. The MACD is coming down showing some selling pressure but this was needed to bring the indicators down fro that overbought condition. The Stochastic Indicator is just starting to become oversold. It's not hitting that 20 line so has just a little ways to go but news could turn it upward at any time. My opinion of this chart is neutral to positive close to an oversold condition.

Please Click This Chart Link


PGPM has a been announcing record production on a monthly basis since they started traded as a public company. They are also in process of autited financials to filing for fully reporting OTCBB status. The main thing I am waiting for is The Gustavson Report due in Sptember. I am expecting a very bullish report.

News Source:

Very little shorting has taken place this month. This is a good sign for higher prices. This suggests short believe there isn't much downside to the price so no reason to short.

SqueezeTrigger Price: $0.09
Days on Threshold List:
Current Price: $0.05
Current Volume: 418563
Report Month Aug-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06
Short Volume (number of shares) 977,492 4,273,315 3,561,735 18,842,593
Short Dollar Value 4,9812.9923 291,696.4819 24,2839.0923 222,6440.789
Monthly SqueezeTrigger Price 0.051 0.0683 0.0682 0.1182
Price at End of Month 0.049 0.047 0.054 0.1

Buy Low & Sell High!

Chart TA

PGPM is locked in a tight trading ranging. The chart is what I call a 'snake pattern' slowly moving up and down in a very tight controlled trading range. The RSI is also trading sideways. Notice the Bollinger Bands have started squeezing the trading pattern. This is a bullish sign and occurs before a breakout. The MACD is also flat. The Stochastic Indicator is coming down failing to become overbought. The price should hold it's tight trading range between .047 to .055 and the Stochastic will continue lower. I consider this chart neutral.

Please Click This Chart Link


Hurricane Season Stock Play

ECCI is a new play. ECCI is a fully reporting OTCBB company. Ecoloclean Industries, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture and sale of machines for the treatment of contaminated water through a process, known as electrocoagulation. It designs and manufactures portable electrocoagulation units for ground water cleanup; process rinse and wash water; potable water; sewage treatment; cooling towers; radioactive isotope removal; pretreatment for reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, nano-filtration, and photocatlytics; water reuse resulting in zero discharge; metal recovery; influent quality water control; and industrial waste water. The company provides its products and services to the petroleum exploration, petroleum, chemical, transportation, refining, and dairy industries worldwide. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in Crystal City, Texas

ECCI stock moves when a hurricane is reported in the South or S.E. part of the U.S. Hurricane season has arrived and will be here for the next couple months. We all know the U.S. should get at least one or two hurricanes hitting shore. When this papens I expect ECCI to move over the .20 cent range. The chart will show you many trades have given traders opportunities to trade the rolling pattern.

News Source:

ECCI short has built during August. Long traders like this because when a hurricane does hit the U.S. shorts will have heavy buying pressure forcing them to be concerned. The current avg. short is 0.1401. Notice the Short Trigger Price is 0.23 but the Monthly Short Trigger Price is 0.14. This stock could get very interesting the deeper we go into hurricane season. I am sure the shorts will pay close attention when a hurricane appears on the weather screens.
SqueezeTrigger Price: $0.23
Days on Threshold List: -298
Current Price: $0.11
Current Volume: 499653
Report Month Aug-06 Jul-06 Jun-06 May-06 Apr-06
Short Volume (number of shares) 1,195,710 498,698 857,726 92,169 104,766
Short Dollar Value 16,7483.1 57,863.9289 103,922.0822 11,296.2326 1,2031.3274
Monthly SqueezeTrigger Price 0.1401 0.116 0.1212 0.1226 0.1148
Price at End of Month 0.114 0.127 0.108 0.125 0.11
Amount Above/Below Avg, Short Price 0.014 0.007 0.013
% Above/Below Avg. Short Price 0.88976378 0.935185185 0.896
Volume Weighted Average Short Price 0.1401 0.116 0.1212 0.1226 0.1148

Buy Low & Sell High!

Chart TA

The RSI is down. Recent trading traded slightly under the 50 day ma. The MACD shows selling pressure turned down. The Stochastic Indicator is moving lower towards an oversold condition. ECCI stock is trading near the bottom of it's trading range. I am looking at a bottom where bottom fishing begins for serious traders.

Please Click This Chart Link

IVHN I entered a position last week from .10 to .125 looking for a beak-out heading to the high .20s soon.

ADNL Is on the move. Readers should take a serious look at this stock. It's bounced off the bottom .0013 to apx. .0025 Friday with heavy volume.

IDWD is a very interesting play with a buyout of cash $2.35 from HLS

Readers, Understand I hold many positions not listed in the above section. Some are risk plays only so I list them below.

FGFC is a very interesting stock play. I traded it last week and looking at reentering a position next week.

AAGH is a play our room is playing. One of the main guys in the room is trading this stock and doing very good. It was a good call on his part...congrats.

QBIT is doing a 10 for 1 forward split. I bought last week a little high but a small position.

XKEM: is slowly moving lower. I took a position slightly above the current trading range .025.

ATWT had a nice move from .0031 to .009 and is now correcting apx. .0035 to .004 last week.

WWEN is turning into a nice trading stock. I made trade a week ago looking at reentering for another bounce. Entry should be under .10.

CHCT is another hurricane play. Entry under .10 is a good spot. I don't own it but like the prospect of a 100% possible gain.

IGAI should be watched for 3q earnings out before 11/15. If this stock reacts like it did last report it will be a huge percentage return.

KGBC is an interesting stock play. I am watching it at this time.

CSHD many are playing. Friday it had a nice run on news. many in our room are trading this one and doing very good.

MMAM is another stock of interest.

IMJX I closed my position. To many brokerage firms will not allow online buying. This is a crime on the part of brokerage firms trying to keep from selling naked short sells via markets makers such as NITE trading.

MUME is getting some attention in our room.

GZFX is in a nice buy range under .005. I did buy a very small position about a week ago.

IDCN remains a stock of interest. I do not hold any shares at this time.

BTMD is a very interesting Bird Flue play.

EXBX Is a new stock of interest. This stock has had a nice percentage move. It's a slow but steady move.

RDXM remains a stock of interest.

PAIM remains a stock of interest.

ETLC: Gave this one to the room awhile back but only one person bought in the .055 range. This stock remains a stock of interest.

SFPS: I really like this company and it's potential. In my opinion the revenue will continue to build every month. I still maintain my conviction this should be a core holding in everyone's portfolio. Adding shares should be under the .075 range and trade the rolls selling at the .09 range until news breaks it out.

CCWW: No new update. I closed my position at a huge loss.

AURC: I am not buying but remains a stock of interest.

SAOL isa mining stock of interest. Readers that remember GEMM might want to do DD on SAOL.

CKYS was added to my watch list Friday. One of our PalTalk members alerted us to this earnings play.

CTKH was brought to our PalTalk room and is an interesting play.

GSEG had a nice run last week.

PAIV is now PAVC after a name change and 200 to 1 RS. I will watch this stock out of curiosity only. Rumor still says a big short is on this stock.

TNOG remains a stock of interest gaining a little ground Friday.

DTMG: This is a roller so you can play the rolls. It's moved off the bottom in the high .02s trading in low .04s. I have monitored this stock for years. It's a safe play in my opinion. I am now loving DTMG at .0251 by .027.

EDIG is another stock of interest.

FSMH: After a forward split this stock has been stuck under .001 currently .0004. Eventually this one will run to the .0015 range for a 100% profit.

USXP: Now in the .003s and hopefully going lower! This is a old favorite of mine. Currently USXP is slowly selling off into the .0030 range. This one could go lower but it is an attractive play with decent bounces. I would watch it for lower lows hoping it goes sub-.001 again. I doubt this will happen but if it does big percentage gains will be presented to stock bottom feeders..

BKMP: Recently BKMP has been a great play for traders buying in the .0006 range selling in the .001 range. This stock is an attractive play if you can buy close to .0005. Don't chase this one when it runs. Buy low sell high is my advice on BKMP. I bought this stock last week and like the possibility of a run back over .001. BKMP did file financials and nothing bad was in filing. They didn't increasee the OS so this was good. Action has slightly picked up but many are expecting news in the Fall.

GWGO: Rumored play coming up on it soon. I am just watching but felt it was worth a mention. I traded GWGO for a small profit last week.

AOGS: This is another oil sector play that has some attention. It's a stock of interest to me on pull backs for a 10% to 30% gain as a sector play.

NMCX: Continue to watch NMCX. One of these days traders will read a surprising press release that they filed. The filing rumor is wearing off because it gets hyped to much but some day they should file. NMCX is attractive in the double zeros meaning under a penny.

ACMG: This stock was brought to my attention last week. I am not a buyer but I was told a nice run will eventually take place and it's currently trading slightly above bottom of it's trading range.


Readers and especially you new readers I follow many stocks/companies. You just read about a small amount of companies I follow. I added a few and also held back on a few that are of very high interest to me. Once I decide entry is right and timing is right I'll send them out in my weekly news letter with charts or as a stock I have bought. I will normally buy a stock before you read about it in the top section of my news letters. Some don't like that but I personally believe that is commitment to a trade that I send that readers might consider buying. I am no longer doing paid profiles and I haven't done any for close to two years. I hope this is acceptable behavior to my readers.


Every email I send should be conditioning you for the next big winner. Everyone prepare for new plays after we bust loose our current plays and take profits. Don’t get in a hurry to sell these plays because like me we leave valuable percentage returns on the table as they continue to move higher. In my opinion we should never sell all stock in one sell, we should hold part just in case the stock moves higher but nobody can get down on you for taking profits. Pigs do get slaughtered!!!

Forex Traders

If you are now trading new Mini Accounts through GlobalForexNow or COESfx send me an email We are about to start rewarding new account holders once they start trading the new Mini Accounts. Don't miss this incentive if you have started your Mini Account! Book Mark this site after you read!!!

Forex traders and those that are interested a lot has changed at Global recently. Here are a couple changes allowing traders to chose a main account for only $3000 or if you want to trade real time mini account it's $500 to open an account. Also we have a demo link at the web site. Try our demo for a month and see if you have what it takes to trade the fast moving Forex markets.

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COESfx has established “liquidity agreements” with several institutions, including large “Tier I” banks to provide continuous liquidity for all currencies in the system. Since COESfx does not operate a trading desk and does not act as market-maker, traders on COES Level I have direct access to “best-bid/best offer” quotes directly from the price providers. All quotes on the system are live and available for instant execution. Now, through COES Level I, anyone can trade electronically and/or make markets in major currencies via their personal computers from anywhere in the world, with direct access to the best possible pricing. A Trader’s order is routed into a central network and combined with other trader’s orders to create a truly open and unbiased marketplace. Traders deal directly with the Trading Platform and orders are not brokered by a proprietary trading desk. COESfx combines unprecedented access to executable prices with the world’s largest financial market.

PalTalk Trading Room

You’re all invited to our PalTalk Trading Room. Just about every day we have a 30% to 100% winners called out in the room. We have some key traders searching all the other trading rooms relaying trades that are about to move higher. Not every stock is successful but winners far advance the losers. Some of these trades last an hour or two and some like ARET last for days and weeks. Again you’re all welcome to join us. The room is a “G” rated room so we try to keep cussing to a minimum and we allow very little bashing. If we get on a bad stock we call it a bad play and move on to the next one. Most of the activity is about 1 hour after open right into the close of trading possible producing a gap play for the open of the following day.

Directions to PalTak Room

Business and Finance



“rumble” lower case is the password

Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor and the above info is my attitude and opinion about stocks in my emails. You always buy any stock I mention at your own risk. I do post a main disclaimer link in ALL EMAILS. I do reserve the right to buy or sell any stock mentioned multiple times per day without notice to readers. I will normally hold positions in stocks mentioned in my emails and they are for sale at all times. I will not post sells in most of my emails not wanting to create abnormal selling against long stock holders. I will from time to time mention that I no longer hold positions in a stock within my emails. None of these stocks are paid profiles. I am no longer soliciting paid profiles or accepting any paid profiles from any company. I am putting my own cash in these stocks so I am at risk like all my readers. In addition Forex, trading currencies on the foreign exchange, is not for everyone and carries a high risk level. The possibility exists that you could lose some or all of your deposited funds. Consider carefully your monetary objectives, level of experience and risk tolerance when trading.

Disclaimer Link: There have been additions and deletions from the front page disclaimer at my web site.

Thank you,

Hal Engel aka WillyWizard

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