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Alias Born 01/07/2013

Re: None

Monday, 01/09/2017 7:25:42 PM

Monday, January 09, 2017 7:25:42 PM

Post# of 447432

The Democrats have not been this decimated since 1928. They’ve become hysterical, unhinged, wholly ineffective as a political party, repudiated, recalled, replaced, and marginalized by a nation they had not served.

Their media, their propaganda arm, has been discredited. Into this vacuum the Hacking Narratives arrived to explain away the disaster that was the Obama Presidency; to salve the wounds and medicate the collective self-inflicted anxiety experienced by the once-great party’s supporters.

The NARRATIVE concluded by the Intel Report was that Vladimir Putin wanted to make Donald Trump win.

By extension the True Believer wants to believe that Vladimir Putin MADE Donald Trump win. Quite a difference. They would like to impose on the people the belief, among other things, that Russian hacking of the voting machines destroyed Clinton votes and flooded the machines with Trump votes.
It’s the kind of narrative a mother might read to her small children so they won’t be afraid of the dark. The “dark” in this case lives at Trump Towers, which as it happens, is a dark colored skyscraper. Inside however, it’s brightly lit.

The intel report the Loyal Opposition hoped for would have proved, or left open to discussion, the notion that the Russians helped Donald Trump win. It hoped to connect WIKILEAKS to the Russian hacking.

It failed to conclude either to what would satisfy the hope.

That’s the point.

That was the deception and the distraction.

The powers that wanted to diminish and delegitimize Donald Trump’s massive, overwhelming landslide victory – meaning the losers wishing and hoping - conflated the leaking with the inconclusive and arguably specious evidence of hacking by Russians, Chinese, Albanians and the Senegalese. Behind all these was the sudden, and for all appearances, politically-motivated expulsion of the Russian delegation.

The leaking (widespread release) of information, which is not the same thing as hacking (intrusive, illegal collecting) of information, appeared from a source that was independent and not connected to the Russian hackers. This sleight of hand of language and meaning is the two-legged stool upon which the politically-motivated disingenuous intel report was mounted.

In other words, the hand that was moving (WIKI) distracted the audience from the real story: the hand that was not moving (the Russians.). Otherwise known as a magic trick.
WIKI did the leaking. The Russians may have, maybe, possibly, likely, done hacking.

We don’t know whether the information that was hacked by one party was the same information that was leaked by another not connected to the first.

Of the five possible cups being moved, or the five countries that hacked into Hillary’s emails according to the same intel agencies, under which cup or country, is the marble?
Have you seen reports that the Russians “leaked” anything, as opposed to hacking the DNC while failing to hack the RNC?

Neither did I.

Donald Trump and everyone else accepts that Russia, China and many others have been hacking into US government and business concerns. He has no reason however to accept, just because Vlad likes him more than Hill, or just because someone interested in changing the facts on the ground, that the Russians influenced or “helped” him win. The reason is that there’s no evidence to support that contention; and Trump was not provided with any evidence from the intelligence briefing to support it.

The Russian hacks could not have affected the outcome of the election for at least three reasons among a number of others:

1. The Russians didn’t leak any information to the best of our knowledge that they had hacked. What we assume is that they had collected intel from the hacking. In other words, we don’t know what information they hacked and what they had kept, if any. What we can assume - and it is just a guess at best - is that they hacked unsecured servers and email accounts, courtesy of Hillary, Podesta, DNC and the White House.

We do know that during the same period the Chinese, the Romulans and Klingons also hacked into the same servers. The Russians are being blamed for the crimes of all; and Donald Trump is being blamed to have alone benefitted from the information that, no evidence exists that anyone received.

We also know that Obama’s Rasputin-impersonator, Valerie Jarrett, promised Hillary that she will never become president. Reports are that she was the one who released Hillary’s emails.

2. WIKI leaked information it certified it did not get from the Russians. WIKI does not deny that it leaked the emails. It is proud of it. It implied, or it is the conventional knowledge not denied by anyone, the leaks came from a Democrat source. The initials VJ, as a probable track behind the leaks, was not confirmed.

3. No evidence exists that voting machines were hacked or tampered with anywhere, because none of the voting machines were connected to the Internet, and the ones examined were duly filled with Trump votes, aka, the Will of The People.

Most importantly, no rational mind would think that after more than a half century Russian spying is news.

It is only news when there’s an agenda to distract from other, more important news. For example the analysis in the foregoing that shed light on a false narrative being readied for the next four or eight years to obstruct America’s future.

A rational mind might conclude that the entire hacking narrative was fabricated, conflated and manufactured fiction, or among the literati better understood as FAKE NEWS.

Take last week’s WashPo story of a utility having been definitely hacked by the Russians. Problem: The utility’s computers were not internet connected. What was definite one day turned out to be indefinite the next. Possibly the Russians have no idea why they, and not the Jews this time like almost every other time, are being blamed for everything imaginable, including sunspots.

WashPo, one of the nation’s premier news outlets purchased by Amazon honcho Jeff Bezos for the express purpose of defeating Donald Trump, had to withdraw its FAKE NEWS story that was shortly picked up by The New York Times that had to withdraw its FAKE NEWS story that was picked up across the international media that respectively had to withdraw their FAKE NEWS stories, but continued to blame Donald Trump for the utility’s woes.

Many other fake news stories from the same “reliable” media sources have not been withdrawn. For example, the sexual escapades of 11 unknown Hillary-voting women put on the national stage by Clinton delegate-attorney Gloria Allred, who made daily FAKE NEWS indictments of sexual hacking by Donald Trump’s small hands and open lips. One might wonder what happened to all those FAKE women with fake breasts and FAKE stories?

The only story these “real news” sources, WashPo, Times, HuffPo and the rest did not withdraw, is the charge that Donald is a cannibal who eats black and Hispanic babies for brunch.

The intel report filled with allegations uncovered Russian intent to hurt Hillary’s chances of getting elected. It took the intel agencies eight weeks to come up with hostile Russian intent, as it appears they were ignorant of the hostilities for the last eight of seventy years – take your pick.

Otherwise, intent as divined from astral projection and alien visitations. The report did not mention that at least five nations, including Russia, according to Barry Soetoro and earlier reports not released, also hacked into Hillary’s illegal and unsecured server. The report did not even bother to imply that the emails leaked by WIKI were not Hillary’s or Podesta’s – or that their contents were FAKE NEWS.

The only Americans surprised by the contents of Hillary’s emails were progressives who did not want to hear the gory details of corruption and collusion with the mainstream media wholly in the Democrat’s pockets.

The emails were unquestionably authentic and damning, their contents were leaked to the press and the public deliberately and timely, and arguably if your sentiments are boundless HOPE, they could have had some small, insignificant effect on the election results – let’s say three votes - even though the intel report stated it had no effect at all.

To date there’s no conclusive evidence that the Russians had anything to do with the leaks and little evidence about the nature, value and effect of their cyber attacks. I trust that if he’s not a liberal-prog the reader can follow the sequence, the distraction, diversion, and the deception. We move on to the delusion and the depridation next.

PART II: The response to the leaking
It suggests that The People had no right to know the truth about Hillary, her conceit and criminality before the election. That 1. The information had no business being released to The People, 2. That Donald Trump was in cahoots with Vladimir Putin, and 3. That at worst, the emails should have been released after the election when Hillary had full control of the executive, State, the Justice Department and the FBI, and could sink the evidence and investigations against her, and fabricate some evidence against Trump Steaks and Donald’s wet lips.

So far, if the reader has been following the true narrative, the intel report satisfactorily proved the startling and novel idea that the Russians spy on us.
Who woulda’ thunk it?

??Sean Hannity’s interview with Julien Assange appears to be of an astute, honest and sincere man. The host presented few leading questions and the guest showed little, if any, partisanship.

After watching it in its entirety, whom do you believe: DNI James Clapper, DCI John Brenner, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, or Julien Assange who is hounded and under house arrest by these three because of his activities, and what he knows about them? Consider this may be upcoming next from WIKI: The goods on Obama and some of his associates.
One charge by the political left is that the Trump dismissal of America’s intel agencies on whom he is to rely is unpatriotic, un-American, and disingenuous.

Speaking about being unAmerican, the CIA’s John Brennan voted for the Communist Party in 1976, and spent his youth in Cairo studying Mideast and Islam.

That’s American, the Brennan kind: Communism and Islam. PBUH.

Historically Assange attacked Republicans for years mostly and ignored the left. He assertively and repeatedly denied getting any information from the Russians. He categorically denied having any relationship with Putin, the Russians, and Trump and his associates, or any desire to interfere with US elections.

In other words, Assange is partisan as his critics claim: He will reveal what your dad did on that business trip back in 1955 at the porn convention in Vegas while your mom was home alone.

No one said or suggested that the Russians were not trolling the internet with paid operatives. No one said they did not stir up and litter the net with agitation-propaganda to serve their interests and not ours, or use their own news organizations, RT for one, to obfuscate their goals and distract our media, or use and deceive our politicians, or that they are not spying on everyone around the globe.

US intel report devotes 7 pages to Russia Today’s role in influencing election outcome

Available on You Tube and broadcast, Russia Today (RT) is the Kremlin’s propaganda channel, also filled with conspiracy theorists, UFO sightings, invasions by the Illuminati and the NWO, ex-hippie conspiracists and various antisemites from disinformation and conspiracy outlets of the Veterans Today kind, zoids, trolls, nature and phallus worshipers and New Agers, and freaks and loons of every stripe, mostly from Berkeley, the Louisiana swamps, Paris and the fringes of Outer Mongolia.

Not mentioned is that we are doing exactly the same to Russia. Obama hacked Angela Merkel of Germany, did far worse to America’s ally with taxpayer money, Bibi Netanyahu of Israel when he sent his own election team to defeat the prime minister.
He’s the same president who is unashamedly worried about Russian hacks. He’s doing the same to Europe using Radio Free Europe and other propaganda outlets filled with reporting from White House-paid operatives at CNN, BBC and NBC. If you don’t believe me, you haven’t heard the name Donna Brazille.

??The four intelligence agencies out of 17 that agreed with each other about the Russian story also agreed with the usual suspects #NeverTrumper FORWARD!-thinking Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham who, 1. Did not see the intel report before coming forward with their conclusions filled with innuendo, and 2. were repudiated themselves by The People, along with Obama and Hillary, in the last election. McCain and Graham learned after their behavior and stunning defeat in the primaries that the American People would have voted for Vladimir Putin before they would vote for these two bozos.

The report took some time to appear after eight years - eight weeks to be exact - because Obama’s ghost writers needed time to develop the Democrat-and-#NeverTrump-approved narrative, to refine the lawyerly language meant to distract, deceive, divert, delude and cast doubt on Donald Trump’s legitimacy. And to give the Democrats and #NeverTrumpers in congress hanging on by their nails to sanity, something by which to explain away Hillary’s and Obama’s monumental incompetence followed by their monumental loss.

Meanwhile, the other 13 intel agencies not participating in any significant manner (in a fashion similar to the 11 women who accused Trump of cannibalism with small hands and other unmentionable infractions), promptly disappeared.

Presumably they’ll have none of the political circus, assumptions out of thin air, and stories that would stretch the imagination of young children, that asserted facts a priori the publication of the report itself. Clearly, the career civil servants and patriots at the non-participating agencies have no interest in furthering the fragmenting, dividing and misleading of their nation. Or the fact that the same intel agencies, John Brennan and James Clapper gave us THIS!

DNI Clapper, DCI Brennan and the rest are wholly partisan agents who had no future at their respective agencies in the future Trump administration. Their intel report is arguably crafty, sophisticated and specious - the product of the few participating intel agencies to the report having been wholly politicized first, and fictionalized later by Obama, to do his, and not America’s, bidding.

They are the agencies that have cast doubt on themselves, not as they might have wished, on the legitimacy of the election.

The authors of the link above if you remember, Brennan and Clapper, went along with Hillary’s Benghazi fictions about a video out of California, and neither ever pursued the secrecy and Espionage Act violations inherent in Hillary’s unsecured secret server. They had ordered the redacting of the internal report consisting of five hundred blank pages.

Five other nations hacked Hillary’s server according to the same non-participating agencies who did nothing about it for eight years. That their sponsor, Barry Soetoro is about to leave power, and tried and failed to connect Assange with motives he never had, Russians with unknown motives, embarrassed America with the Russian delegate fiasco, his only achievement leaves us Fake News narratives for release by the New York Times, Wash Po, CNN and MSNBC, specially embellished for their brain dead audiences.??Now you have the context and you can take it to the bank.

?The final intel report turned out to be inconclusive, so far not corroborating in what way the Russians helped Trump, and not corroborated by Team Trump. It produced no reliable charges or evidence that the hacking had any effect on the national election. In fact the report said so. The lawyerly language of the final product, filled with maybes, may haves, probablys and possiblys, mean something if “maybe” means something to you. And if you do not believe this was a partisan intel report, you also believe government does not deliberately lie to you.

Just forget the words Benghazi, You Can Keep Your Doctors, You Can Keep Your Health Care Plans, I landed in Sarajevo Under Sniper Fire, and I Only Had One Cell Phone.

The difference between the lies we get from America’s leftwing administration run by Soetoro and Rodham and its complicit media is just slightly different from earlier propaganda efforts from Goebbels’ Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Russia. The people of those nations listened to the propaganda, shut off the radio afterward, quietly looked at each other, rolled their eyes heavenward, took a few swigs of vodka or schnapps, and went to sleep. Russia found the solution to placate the masses: Vodka.

America’s “The People” listen, get agitated about it among themselves in their echo chambers and Safe Spaces, and take the narratives seriously, to bed. America has found a way to placate the masses: Weed.??Having nothing left after their collective unhinging for their demolished, repudiated and rejected Party, the political left will continue to insist the election was hacked in Trump’s favor, and Putin forced Americans to push the button for the clown who built Trump Tower rather than the clown who fended off sniper fire in Bosnia after the war had ended. Afterward they’ll take Prozac.

The reality is, since that fortunate day Hope & Change rewarded the world with his presence, Democrats lost 71 congressional seats, 13 governorships, 90%+ of America’s counties, and 1042 legislative seats nationwide (see HERE ). In other words, Russian hackers made Americans smart, Trump Triumph over 90% of counties across the nation, leaving only slivers of coastal counties blue. What the progressives can’t explain is the Republican landslide in the House and Senate and state legislatures nationwide; or provide non-fiction evidence that the Russians had anything to do with it.


Most amusing to We, The Informed People, who’ve eaten eight years of stale leftwing propaganda for lunch, is that the real reasons for the hacking narrative are actually twofold.
I covered the first in the foregoing. One is partisan: to take away the edge from the monumental and sooo-satisfying to many-an-American, Trump Triumph. The second is strategic, and would have remained mostly secret until you’ve read this report.

Not secret to the Russians of course, and that is why they did not retaliate and throw out the American delegation. Remember they had hacked Obama’s bedroom, they know what time in the middle of the night he gets up to do his leaking and in which direction. They know what he’s thinking.

The narrative has taken life because government does not expect the people to understand Psy-Ops – psychological counterintel operations and warfare. Psyops is by nature deception, diversion, distraction, depredation, creating illusions, magic tricks and delusion, and more, in a nutshell. Fake News, fake narratives. These black operations are performed perfunctorily in the everyday executing of false flag intel disinformation ops, and are kept for good reasons secret from The People, as well as from the target.

In the subject case, they are meant to put pressure on Putin about matters wholly unrelated to the relatively unimportant issue of hacking - or even the blatant spying Obama allowed to take place for a solid eight years under his watch. That is, to put pressure on Russia, now stretching itself thin with its costly expansionism and modernizing of its military during a period of a global oil glut, while their costly Crimea and Syria adventures are ongoing; and to put the kibosh on the hope that Putin will fail more or less the same way every single one of Obama’s and Hillary’s foreign policy adventures had failed them and wound up in disaster.

Putin is seen by the world at large as being wildly successful and popular, even while the Russian economy is exhaling its death rattle.

For Obama, Hillary & Co., Russian success (and Israeli success) was the problem in the first place that goes to the heart of the matter of the hacking narratives, the recount narratives, the 11 women narratives, the expulsion of the Russian “diplomats,” the attacks on Israel at the UN and the White House, and the inevitable deconstruction of ObamaCare and failure of the Obama/Clinton legacy.

(c) Andrew G. Benjamin

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