SC, To post a picture found within an article you just right click over the picture, then click on 'properties', then highlight what is in the 'Address URL' and copy it (via right click and click 'copy'). Then go to the IHub post where you are posting and click 'image' found on the left, and this will come up - (img)(/img). Then just paste the 'Address URL' that you copied exactly between the (img)(/img), and the picture should show up after you post the message. Some pictures won't post though, but most will.
Well, I'm starting to get cold feet again about the reality of 'President Trump'. Rationalize as I may, there's no denying that the guy is an ego driven buffoon on many levels. I'm wondering how long this stock market 'honeymoon' can last, once the inevitable anxiety sets in over Trump. Rickards sounded pretty sure about a Chinese yuan devaluation, possibly coming within a few weeks. Oh well, 2017 is setting up to be a crazy year, so might as well get used to it..