I agree with you about your lease estimates. Even if Kalitta doesn't charge Baltia anything for the lease, they still need a bunch to pay for their "119 Managers and Members of the Board of Directors", http://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/baltia-signs-letter-of-intent-to-lease-aircraft-20161216-00578#/ixzz4TF29nvmA . However, no problem, following a reverse split they can resell 9.9 billion shares? This article gives approximate cost of a 767-300 lease. I would guess the 1990 767-300's Kalitta is more then likely going to Lease Baltia would be $100,000-150,000 a month at the most. My guess is that is at high estimate too since you can lease a new 767-300 for about $600,000 a month with a MSRP of 200 million. Like I said before though I don't see Kalitta charging much to Baltia during the certification process. He will make his money in future leases or even sales to add to the fleet once certified. Article: 247wallst.com/aerospace-defense/2015/12/19/how-much-does-a-boeing-767-cost/