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Alias Born 06/17/2004

Re: **D*A** post# 140015

Thursday, 12/01/2016 4:35:02 PM

Thursday, December 01, 2016 4:35:02 PM

Post# of 140146
Howdy DA...good to know I've had a positive influence and hope it helped a lot of folks through the years...this response to your post is my first post on the board in quite a while now..retirement aint what I expected(LOL) time for posting here and I hate that..sure do miss all the good times and friendships that have been made in past years.My twin grandsons are a year and a half old now and the little buggars are wearing me out!...I love them dearly and guess I wouldnt have it any other way.I still manage a spareing amount of trading in FOREX but now no time for scalping..just go in fairly small and ride longer term trends for a few bucks here and there..mostly on AUD/NZD...just trading its cycles which I've yet to make much sense out of..I dont argue with the market tho..I just try to get in and do what they seem to be out fine so far.I wish you and the board a HAPPY belated THANKSGIVING as well.Miss you all more than I can say!

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