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Re: Sleepy2016 post# 69287

Tuesday, 11/08/2016 9:48:20 AM

Tuesday, November 08, 2016 9:48:20 AM

Post# of 98671
Nobody can explain how Nate and Marc "founded" this company with the $150 purchase of 148K preferred B's yet in the K a year later they only had 100K.

So what happened to the 48K "B"s convertible into 48M free trading shares in mid 2015?

AT the prices then, that was worth about $8M to our generous founders. I am sure they appreciated all the support by the buyers of those shares.

I have no humble opinions, but I do have opinions and those are what I express in my posts. BUT...I have been wrong before and likely will be wrong again so do your own research and don't blame me if you are too lazy to do so.