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Re: SAMNOTSAMUEL post# 38615

Thursday, 08/10/2006 6:33:20 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:33:20 PM

Post# of 311077
Hey Sam, you gotta know by know that this is a high stakes poker game played by people that have way more resources than us retail investors.

Is it naked shorting?

Is it a scam?

Are MM's selling to grab shares?

Are disinformation agents operating?

All those theories could be argued and you see all of them in the pinkie world.

I"m a bottom line person and I'm still sticking with it based on this = THere are easier ways to scam. They've left a huge written trail. Look at the pinks. Most of the scams just dilute and go away. You don't see trails. See, e.g., VWKM.

Furthermore, everytime I spoke to the people putting the deals together, they were much different from most CEO's and CFO's. No sales pitch. No enticement. They answered my quesions and listened and said basically "Sell if you are nervous. We have too much involved. Come with us for the ride if you have the nerve." That was the essence and, despite the past couple of days, the gains are still enormous and the reality has reflected the hype.