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Alias Born 10/06/2011

Re: Goodtimes93 post# 230651

Tuesday, 10/18/2016 10:59:43 PM

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 10:59:43 PM

Post# of 417754
How do you know it is unnecessary silence and not the result of conditions and situations that we are in no position to comprehend because we are not inside the company? And, as someone who has been here for three years, the people who want PRs are usually not long term investors, but merely someone looking to flip a few shares. The game is not making noise with PRs or going on TV as did Northwest Bio, Ariad, Valeant, Kalobios, Gale Pharma, Chelsea Thera...shall I stop? I could go on if needed. But I trust the point is made, PRs without substance count for nothing. I trust that when there is something to say on behalf of Elite, it will be said.

Should you be unclear, Nasrat was very open some time ago; but between the critics and the MMs playing their games at CC time, the p/s got pounded and his words used to mislead. So he understandably got more temperate in his comments. As far as I am concerned, Elite could cease the CCs. All that happens is that the real investors listen in as the flippers and MMs sell out.

Cui bono?
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