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Alias Born 08/13/2010

Re: aquaspin post# 440

Monday, 10/17/2016 7:38:13 AM

Monday, October 17, 2016 7:38:13 AM

Post# of 461
$FDBL Friendable, Inc., formerly iHookup Social, Inc., is engaged in the development and dissemination of a proximity-based mobile social media application that facilitates connections between people, utilizing global positioning system (GPS) and localized recommendations. The Company offers Friendable, which is a location specific social platform, as well as a discovery application that facilitates communication between two or more users on a one to one meeting or group style event-based meet ups for concerts, sporting events, coffee, movies and night out, among others. Friendable bridges its mobile community of users with the meeting of new friends, building relationships and connecting them with local venues or events tied to their interests. Its application is available on the Apple iOS platform $AAPL and in iTunes stores, where Friendable offers a free version and a paid version of the application. Its application is also available on the Android platform and in the Google Play Store $GOOGL

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