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Alias Born 04/01/2013

Re: None

Thursday, 10/13/2016 8:11:05 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:11:05 PM

Post# of 2206

So far DC is 2 out of 3 & going for 3 out 3 if AXU ends to the up

side Man'ana !! FDA will go out on a limb & predict his "Crystal

Ball" makes a perfect call after market close Tomorrow!

DC IMO hits 3 for 3 on Friday .....FDA

*** & what about those Cubbies?? Huuu...they haven't won a world series since 1908...Are you kidding me? EOY looking more & more like a season of change on many fronts...Cubs win WS....America changes direction for the better come Nov.8th...& Silver at long last breaks out big time!!!! ** & how about America already breaking losing steak @ The Ryder Cup !! Cheers...