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Alias Born 03/19/2005

Re: Dragnet post# 690

Saturday, 10/01/2016 3:38:41 AM

Saturday, October 01, 2016 3:38:41 AM

Post# of 767
Nice job on starting this board Dragnet! wink

I'm still buying too as funds come available. I'm sitting in the 5M+ range with shares.

The shorts and flippers showed up this week in full force - OMG! It's very sad what they do - very false and misleading info being injected. Which new investors do fall into the short/flippers game/scam process!

I agree the pps will go way up from here as the catalysts play out. I look forward to seeing the company valuation will be for buyout! SFOR owns some master keys to the cyber security kingdom/ecosystem! I truly believe we could see a multi-billion dollar buyout next year!

Rock On $$SFOR$$ wink
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