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Re: GrandAdmiralThrawn post# 4622

Wednesday, 09/28/2016 4:57:42 PM

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 4:57:42 PM

Post# of 4713
Yes. FEECQ is a great Reverse-Merger (R-M) or Buy-Out (B-O) target as an hot Energy company with Giant Assets base --- $109.616M ~ $77.812M or $0.3166 ~ $0.2248 a share! The FIXED Small SS is also perfect for a R-M or B-O deal. With any such kind of deal we should see the Penny Land again in a couple of days!

For sure it will be Huge or Giant investment return (12000% ~ 100% or more) for those New shareholders who bought the FEECQ shares after the bankruptcy.

For those old shareholders who bought the FEEC shares before the "Q" they might not easy to recover unless they did significantly Average-Down their costs base by buying those dirt cheap 0.0002s ~ 0.0007s!

OTC-Killers-Club has spot 346 stock killers from 9000-Bagger to 2.2-bagger since 03/05/2011

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