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Re: F6 post# 254548

Monday, 09/05/2016 12:11:30 PM

Monday, September 05, 2016 12:11:30 PM

Post# of 481142
Trump Foundation Investigation | All In | MSNBC

Published on Sep 2, 2016 by MSNBC [ / , ]

Donald Trump's Foundation gave money to a state attorney general's re-election bid. Shortly after, she didn't pursue a case involving Trump University. Joy Reid talks with Washington Post reporter David Farenthold about the latest developments in the Trump Foundation saga. [with comments] [original at ]


A Texas teacher named her class the j-word. Her racial slur defense: ignorance.

By Katie Mettler
September 2, 2016

The nicknames were meant to create togetherness for the sixth-grade classrooms at Bell Manor Elementary School.

The school, in a town between Fort Worth and Dallas, intended to begin the school year with a trip to Camp Thurman, reported the Star-Telegram [ ], a day camp with “fun in the woods” activities. The nicknames would be used during a team-building exercise.

One group of children claimed the name “Dream Team.”

Another got “Jighaboos.”

And when one student’s father found out, he was appalled.

“You put Dream Team and then you have the Jighaboos. Really? Really with that?” he told Fox 4 [ ]. “That’s, that’s unacceptable.”

The father, who spoke on camera to the TV station but asked not to show his face, said he learned of the nickname when he asked his son, like he does every night after school, what he had learned that day. He couldn’t understand how the teacher, who he told Fox 4 was white, could assign such a derogatory — and commonly known — racial slur for a black person to a group of children in a school that is majority-minority.

“I had to see it myself,” he said.

He stopped by the classroom when it was empty, the father told Fox 4, and found evidence of the nickname tacked to the wall. On a laminated sheet of white paper, bordered by green construction paper, a classroom mantra-type sign bore the slur:

“Mrs. _____’s Jighaboos are at school today to achieve our 6th grade goals and prepare for 7th grade,” the sign read, according to a photo the dad sent Fox 4. “We want to achieve higher reading levels and score level III on the Reading STAAR test. We can make this happen by reading more challenging books, working as a team, and always giving 1oo percent while having fun!”

Around the sign’s border, it appears the students scrawled their initials.

School administrators conducted an investigation once the slur was brought to their attention, the Telegram reported.

“The teacher took [the sign] down,” school district spokeswoman Deanne Hullender told the newspaper [ ]. “She was mortified, and she cried.”

The district told local media the teacher, who has not been identified, was not aware “jighaboo” — proper spelling jigaboo [ ] — was a racial slur.

“[We] would like to extend an apology for the inappropriate actions taken by one of our elementary teachers who failed to vet a class name,” a statement [ ] from the district said. “We take this situation seriously and the issue was immediately addressed with the principal and classroom teacher. Both the principal and the teacher have apologized to the parent reporting this concern.”

Fox 4 reported that the parents of the rest of the children in that class were to receive an apology as well, but it was unclear whether that had yet happened. The students in that class are white, African American and Latino. State data shows that during the 2014-15 academic school year, the 759 elementary students were 36 percent Anglo, 23.5 percent African American and 26.9 percent Hispanic.

The father who initially reported the transgression said he was unimpressed with the teacher’s response.

“Ignorance is not a defense,” he told Fox 4. “It is not a defense.”

But it’s a defense that has been used before.

In 2015, a Fox News anchor in Cleveland was commenting during the morning show about Lady Gaga’s performance at the Oscars when she said this [ (next below; with comments)]:

“It’s usually so hard to hear her voice with all that — jigaboo music, whatever you want to call it [in the background].”

The Internet promptly exploded, and the next day she issued an apology [ (next below; with comments)].

“I just want to take a moment to address a comment that I made yesterday that got a lot of attention,” Capel said [ ]. “It’s important for me to let you know that I deeply regret my insensitive comment. And I truly did not know the meaning of the word and would never intentionally use such hurtful language.”

In the wake of criticisms that followed, political analyst Jason Johnson wrote a scathing critique on NBC News.

“ ... The idea that Kristi Chapel had no idea that ‘jigaboo’ was a negative reference to black people is a total stretch,” Johnson wrote [ ]. “She didn’t make an ‘insensitive’ statement she made a racist statement, and to believe her story you’d have to believe that a woman with a degree in journalism uses words on television that she doesn’t know the definition of.”

In that same vein, an editorial board member for the Dallas Morning News critiqued the Bell Manor teacher in a column [ ] Thursday, echoing the outraged dad, writing, “her ignorance is not excuse.”

“It’s mind-boggling that a teacher in racially sensitive 2016 would adopt a term she doesn’t know, display it and have her students recite it,” Leona Allen wrote. “I’m left with a lot of questions.”

She said this situation demonstrates why a diverse staff is important, and that it prompts teachers to be more proactive in learning about the historical backgrounds of their racially diverse students.

She also offered background on the origins of the slur:

"A little history:

The slur is rooted in slavery. It was used as a derogatory term for a black person deemed too dark-skinned, hair too kinky, and therefore somehow thought of as less attractive — just undesirable period — than someone born with lighter skin and straighter hair.

It insidiously became a way that black people compared themselves."


Read more:

A lynching kept out of sight
Pvt. Felix Hall died in the only known murder of its kind on a U.S. military base. How hard did the government try to find his killers?

Trump visits Ben Carson's Detroit neighborhood
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump joined former GOP rival Ben Carson on a brief visit to the Detroit neighborhood where Carson grew up.

Trump says he'll 'never, ever forgive' voters if he loses the election
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says he'll "never, ever forgive" voters in several battleground states if he doesn't win those states in November.

Garrison Keillor: God help us. We’re in trouble down here.
We made mistakes in the 20th century, but never was there a nominee who bragged about not reading.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with comments]


Trump’s Goon Squads


By Mark Siegel
09/03/2016 04:44 pm ET Updated September 3, 2016

If you look at Donald Trump’s website you’ll find an application form for election monitors “to help stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election.” It is Trump’s purpose to undermine the fair electoral process as a face-saving alibi for his impending electoral defeat.

Trump has said that he expects fraud in “certain areas of states”. Given all of his campaign rhetoric it is not unreasonable to expect that Mr. Trump’s vigilante “monitors” would harass and intimidate voters specifically in black, Asian and Hispanic communities where he has little support. The resulting images of chaos, and the possibility of violence, that would likely ensue would undermine the very sanctity and legitimacy of American democracy.

Given the hostility between Trump and the Republican National Committee, it is highly unlikely that these so- called monitors would receive appropriate instruction or education, but rather would simply be turned loose on these “certain areas of states”, Trump’s euphemism for minority districts. As a long-time poll watcher in the United States, South Asia and South America, I have seen how electoral processes can be disrupted by frivolous challenges, malicious signature and ID checking, and other forms of voter intimidation.

Such harassment would likely lead to huge back-ups, multi-hour-long voting lines and even potential violence. It would ultimately undermine the confidence of the American people in the election outcome.

And this is exactly what Mr. Trump wants - a preemptive alibi for his anticipated electoral catastrophe.

Electoral violence is rare in the United States but not uncommon in the developing world. Violence abroad is most often incited by incumbent governments who believe that they will lose a fairly contested election, or by opposition parties that know they are about to lose and thus attempt to preemptively delegitimize the outcome.

International Federation of Election Services (IFES) officials William Sweeney, Chad Vickery and Katherine Ellena have recently noted that they have “witnessed the emergence of a campaign strategy whereby candidates...cast doubt on the integrity of the electoral process and the institutions that manage it during the pre-election derail or establish lasting doubts about the legitimacy of the outcome.”

Let’s look at Pennsylvania as one case in point. Although Donald Trump has said the only way he can lose Pennsylvania is by election rigging, the Pennsylvania voter ID law, enacted by a Republican legislature and governor, was overturned by the court when not a single case of voter fraud could be produced as evidence to support the restrictive law. So when Trump claims that he can only lose Pennsylvania to Clinton as a result of rigging - despite polls consistently showing him ten points behind her - we should assume his comments are deliberate attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the Pennsylvania election.

And Pennsylvania is only one of many possible examples. Seventeen Republican-controlled states have enacted restrictive voter ID laws ostensibly to prevent fraud. But given the absence of any credible evidence of fraud, we must assume that voter suppression is the agenda. In case after case challenging these restrictive state laws, courts have found them to be unconstitutional, most recently in North Carolina.

There are approximately 185,000 precincts where Americans will vote in this year’s Presidential election. In the more closely contested states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia there are over 45,000 precincts. Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio allow citizens to carry concealed weapons anywhere.

Let us assume that 20% of the precincts in contested states are in areas where a majority of the voters are black, Hispanic or Asian. That would leave 9,000 precincts as ripe targets for harassment and intimidation. If goon squads provoked violence even in only 5% of these precincts, America and the world would see a spectacle of political chaos in 450 U.S. voting precincts.

The danger of violence is real. Mr. Trump shouts at his rallies for his supporters to “beat the crap out of them [demonstrators]” and “take them out on stretchers” significantly contribute to this danger. A coalition of 76 civil rights organizations has thus recently urged both the Republican and Democratic Parties to denounce attempts to have untrained citizen monitors positioned at or near polling centers on election day.

Is the possibility of harassment, intimidation and violence far-fetched? Anyone who has observed Trump rallies where Trump’s hyperbolic rhetoric has turned crowds into mobs, cannot but be concerned that the rabidity of his most ardent supporters could morph into such a result on election day. A Pew survey recently found that only 11% of Trump supporters believe that the presidential vote will be accurately reported all across the country. Thus close to 90% of Trump supporters already accept Mr. Trump’s declaration that the election will be rigged against him. These are the people that Donald Trump wants to fan out across America in black, Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods on November 8th. And thousands of them could be armed. In the biggest contested electoral prize - Florida - over one million citizens are licensed to carry concealed weapons.

What can be done to prevent this threat to American democracy? Local and state officials must immediately rise to the unfolding challenge. Clearly, Democratic and Republican state parties should carefully train and educate monitors for election day, and certify only legitimate poll watchers. Any group of de facto Trump election monitors, not trained and certified by responsible party committees, should not be permitted on or near polling sites. Police should be assigned to polling places in minority areas to make sure that voters who are waiting in line to vote are not harassed or have their identities frivolously challenged.

In addition, if it appears that significant harassment and possible violence are likely at polling places, state governors should preemptively mobilize their National Guards. And if governors refuse to act, the President should be prepared to federalize the National Guard.

The press should be positioned at black, Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods to record incidents of harassment and incitement to violence.

The League of Women Voters, the Urban League, the NAACP, La Rasa, CAIR, various Hispanic and good government groups all across the nation should prepare to have their own monitors at potential flash points in minority precincts.

Mr. Trump’s rhetoric, policy and personality have already fundamentally undermined the Republican Party of the United States. But we should not allow him to unleash goon squads to undermine the American political process itself.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Trump Debuts ‘A New Civil Rights Agenda For Our Time’
The GOP nominee claimed that “civil rights” include anti-crime programs, school vouchers and industry trade protections. [with embedded videos, and comments]


Dr. Ben Carson on Trump's outreach to African-Americans

Published on Sep 4, 2016 by Fox News [ / , ]

Donald Trump supporter and former Republican presidential candidate on 'Fox News Sunday'. [with comments]


Rep. Gregory Meeks: Trump's minority outreach is 'not real'

Published on Sep 4, 2016 by Fox News

Clinton supporter and Democratic congressman from New York goes on 'Fox News Sunday'. [with comments]


Same-day voter registration at issue in Illinois lawsuit

Sep. 4, 2016


Mike Pence Really Doesn’t Want To Talk About The Accused Sexual Harassers Working For The Campaign
“I trust Donald Trump’s judgment,” Pence said.
09/04/2016 [with comments]


How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone

SEPT. 2, 2016


Dental patient high on nitrous grabs gun instead of phone, shoots himself, police say

[ (with comments)]
September 3, 2016
It was a routine dental appointment, until James White went to reach for his cellphone.
Instead of grabbing his phone, the 72-year-old from New Carlisle, Ohio – who was under the influence of nitrous oxide – grabbed something else: his pistol.
Still sitting in the dental chair, the woozy patient fired off a round that struck his hand and grazed the left side of his stomach, according to the Springfield, Ohio, News-Sun [ ].
He would later tell police that he thought the phone was ringing before he decided to answer it, the paper reported.
[...] [no comments yet] [original at (with comments)]


AJ Show (FULL VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday 9/4/16: Special Reports

Published on Sep 4, 2016 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

On this Sunday, September 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a variety of pressing issues including the plague of social justice warriors and the rise of the Trump campaign. We also analyze some recent Trump speeches you may not have heard because the mainstream media is censoring anything that makes Trump look good. And today's broadcast includes the release of several brand new, in-depth investigative reports. [with comments]


Tim Kaine Compares Trump’s Russian Hack Comments To Watergate

Tim Kaine criticized Donald Trump for encouraging Russia to hack Hillary Clinton.
“This is serious business.”
09/04/2016 Updated September 4, 2016 [with comments]


Merkel’s Party Beaten By Anti-Immigrant AfD In German State Election

Candidate Leif-Erik Holm of the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) enters a boat after first exit polls during the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election at the party post election venue in Schwerin, Germany, September 4, 2016.
Exit polls show a stinging defeat for the German leader’s party.
09/04/2016 [with comments] [original at ]


White nationalists use Twitter with ‘relative impunity': report

Sep 1, 2016

White nationalist movement growing much faster than Isis on Twitter, study finds

A member of the American National Socialist Movement.

Twitter users who self-identify as white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have grown 600 per cent since 2012, according to a new study
2 September 2016

Nazi Propaganda Tolerated On Twitter While Islamic Accounts Suspended

Public Outreach
If they are not worth defending, what is?
#WhiteLivesMatter [ ] #WhiteRace [ ] #WPWW [ ] #Trump2016 [ ] #Republican [ ] #TeamWhite [ ] #NS [ ]
10:00 PM - 11 Jul 2016
[ ]

September 4, 2016 [no comments yet]

Twitter may be cracking down on ISIS, but white nationalists are still thriving
Study says that white nationalists and Nazi sympathizers continue to use Twitter 'with relative impunity'
Sep 5, 2016 [no comments yet]

Nazis and nationalists on Twitter are obsessed with Trump: report

Donald Trump using a graphic from a fringe right-wing website at a rally last month. The original image featured a Star of David.
Donald Trump is #trending with neo-Nazis and white nationalists on Twitter.
September 4, 2016
A new report [ ] on online extremism found that haters on Twitter are obsessed with Donald Trump, and tweet about him more than nearly anything else.
The study, from George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, blamed the GOP’s hater-in-chief for fueling the fires of haters online.
His rise to the Republican presidential nomination mirrored the rise in viral hate — with the popularity of Nazi and nationalist accounts spiking more than 600% between 2012 and today.
“Followers of white nationalists on Twitter were heavily invested in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” the report says.
“White nationalist users referenced Trump more than almost any other topic, and Trump-related hashtags outperformed every white nationalist hashtag except for #whitegenocide.”
According to the report, the hashtags “#trump,” “#trump2016” and “#makeamericagreatagain” are among the most popular with Nazi and nationalist users — along with “#altright,” “#antiwhite” and “#stopislam.”
The paper also listed about 20 “seed accounts” that unite most haters, one of which is the personal account for David Duke — a former Ku Klux Klan leader who is a die-hard Trump supporter [ ].
The report found that even as Twitter has cracked down on accounts tied to ISIS, it has let extreme right-wing users spew hate “with relative impunity.”


Trespassed: Craig Jungwirth Arrested & Facing Federal Charges

By Tim Peacock
September 4, 2016

Scam artist and potential domestic terrorist Craig Jungwirth was apprehended by police this weekend and now faces federal charges for messages posted to Facebook promising to engage in an Orlando-style massacre of LGBTQ people in the Fort Lauderdale area.

Though he’s being charged for the threats made to Facebook, the arrest warrant issued Saturday related to unrelated charges. The Sun Sentinel reported [ ]:

A Broward County judge on Saturday held an emergency hearing to issue an arrest warrant for Craig Jungwirth, 50, for a violating bond conditions in an unrelated pending misdemeanor case.

But his attorney, Ron L. Baum, said he did not appear in court because he lives in Orange County, and was not able to get to the emergency hearing in time.

He was arrested by troopers after driving on a suspended license in Osceola County, said Orlando Police Lt. Richard Ruth. [SNIP]

The alarming Facebook posts were not openly discussed in court on Saturday.

Jungwirth was charged with defrauding an innkeeper for allegedly failing to pay a food and drink bill at a Wilton Manors establishment in late 2014. In a separate incident, in May, he was accused of damaging windows at Rumors Bar & Grill, also in Wilton Manors, and charged with criminal mischief, court records show.

The judge Saturday said Jungwirth’s violation of bond conditions and “escalating concerns of public safety,” along with his failure to appear in court Saturday, called for the “extraordinary measure” of revoking his bond and issuing an arrest warrant.

After being taken into custody, the FBI stepped in with the evidence they’d been accumulating (thanks to local and national advocates we’ve mentioned in previous coverage [ ]). Based on the information they assembled federal charges will be filed against Jungwirth this week.

Local NBC affiliate WESH in Orlando County, Florida reported today [ ]:

Craig Allen Jungwirth, 50, was arrested Saturday by the FBI, after messages were posted threatening gay people in Wilton Manors, a small city in Broward County. [SNIP]

The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, which is also investigating the Pulse shooting, began investigating these threats the day they were reported on Tuesday, Aug. 30.

FBI agents contacted Wilton Manors Police, who identified Craig Jungwirth as a known person and former city resident “… who had previously been the subject of numerous complaints involving the harassment and stalking of Wilton Manors residents.”

The arrest affidavit also said “Multiple complaints for stalking and harassing behavior were documented, as well as incidents of sabotage, vandalism, and trespassing.” [SNIP]

Jungwirth was arrested Saturday.

The FBI has charged him with one count of “threatening communications.”

He is in federal custody at the Seminole County Jail and is expected to have his initial appearance before a judge on Tuesday at the federal courthouse in Orlando.

The ‘threatening communications’ indictment charges Jungwirth with knowingly transmitting “in interstate commerce a communication containing a threat to injure the person of another.”

Though he denied allegations that he made the threats (as we reported previously, he attempted to argue he was “hacked [ ]”) the FBI announced they have evidence he indeed committed the threatening acts. “The FBI subpoenaed Facebook, which identified Jungwirth as the user of the Facebook account that posted the threats, and traced the internet account with Brighthouse Networks to Jungwirth’s address,” WESH reported.

Reacting to the news of his arrest, Wilton Manors residents breathed a sigh of relief.

“I absolutely feel relieved,” said Rumors nightclub employee Joshua Weigand [ (,AAAD-RGpAsk~,tkOCfHjYyVaWvHow7eZF_CF5mfXLxe-q&bctid=5112221890001 )]. Rumors is one of the LGBTQ businesses in the Fort Lauderdale area Jungwirth previously targeted earlier this year.

“Now with the new federal charges, he’s done. It’s over and we can all let our guard down and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend,” added Rumors owner Nick Berry. “Wilton Manors Police did a fantastic job.”

Another Wilton Manors resident – Robin Almodobar – added [id.], Wilton Manors doesn’t have to be in fear anymore.”

In his original threatening Facebook posts, Jungwirth stated [ ]:

My events are selling out cause you faggots are total patsies. None of you deserve to live. If you losers thought the Pulse nightclub shooting was bad, wait till you see what I’m planning for Labor Day.

After Facebook user David Herbert said he was contacting the police, Jungwirth added:

You can’t never catch a genius from MIT and since you faggots aren’t dying from AIDS anymore, I have a better solution to exterminate you losers. [SNIP]

I’m gonna be killing you fags faster than the cops kill niggers. It’s time to clean up Wilton Manors from all you AIDS infested losers.

Previous to that Jungwirth engaged in a myriad of illicit and illegal activities we outlined in a previous article [ ] including explicit harassment of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence [ ] and promoting a scam bear event to steal money [ ] from unsuspecting members of the LGBTQ bear community.

The FBI is urging anyone victimized by Jungwirth to contact them immediately at 754-703-2000.

[H/T to Jeff Black for the title inspiration for this article and for basically bringing Jungwirth to justice]


Beach Bear Weekend Bans Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence [UPDATED]

Beware: Beach Bear Weekend 2016

Beach Bear Scam Artist Threatens Orlando-Style Massacre

Craig Jungwirth: The Man Behind the Threats & Harassment

Copyright 2016 Peacock Panache [no comments yet]


Australia: Teenager Gets 10 Years for Anzac Day Kangaroo Bomb Plot
9/5/16 [no comments yet]


Chris Wallace Won’t Call Candidates On Their Lies During Last Presidential Debate
"That's not my job." [with embedded video, and comments]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following, see also (linked in): and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following (and any future following) and preceding and following (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and following

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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