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Alias Born 04/05/2009

Re: Enterprising Investor post# 29

Friday, 09/02/2016 4:35:45 PM

Friday, September 02, 2016 4:35:45 PM

Post# of 50
FDVA hits new 52-week high (8/31/16)

Last Trade [tick] 9.4500[+]
Volume 2,996
Net Change 0.3000
Net Change % 3.28%
52 Week High 9.4500 on 09/02/2016
52 Week Low 7.7500 on 01/22/2016
Day High 9.4500
Day Low 9.2000

"Someone said it takes 30 years to be an instant success" - Gabriel Barbier-Mueller, CEO of Harwood International