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Re: F6 post# 253604

Saturday, 08/20/2016 7:41:33 AM

Saturday, August 20, 2016 7:41:33 AM

Post# of 481243
Racist Red Flags Follow Donald Trump's Breitbart Hire, Steve Bannon | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by MSNBC [ / , ]

Rachel Maddow notes the atmosphere of racism that was overseen by Stephen Bannon at Breitbart News, both on its pages and by its staff, before Donald Trump chose to put him in charge of his entire campaign.

[aired August 18, 2016] [with comments] [to have here the official MSNBC YouTube of the original segment included in the post to which this is a reply]


'Rally Effect' Convinces Donald Trump To Deny Polls | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by MSNBC

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, talks with Rachel Maddow about the remarkable lead polls show Hillary Clinton has over Donald Trump, and the "rally effect" that has Trump and his supporters convinced the polls are wrong.

[aired August 18, 2016]

Donald Trump’s Crucial Pillar of Support, White Men, Shows Weakness

Supporters of Donald J. Trump in West Bend, Wis., on Tuesday. One of the central questions of the presidential election has been whether enough white men will turn out to vote to lift Mr. Trump to victory.
AUG. 18, 2016 [with comments] [to have here the official MSNBC YouTube of the original segment included in the post to which this is a reply]


Who Are the Remaining Uninsured and Why Haven't They Signed Up for Coverage?
Findings from the Commonwealth Fund Affordable Care Act Tracking Survey, February–April 2016
24 million working-age adults were uninsured between February and April 2016
Many of remaining 24 million uninsured U.S. adults live in states that are not expanding Medicaid
Also read a companion "To the Point": Latinos and Blacks Have Made Major Gains Under the ACA But Inequalities Remain [ ]
August 18, 2016
Issue: The number of uninsured people in the United States has declined by an estimated 20 million since the Affordable Care Act went into effect in 2010. Yet, an estimated 24 million people still lack health insurance.
Goal: To examine the characteristics of the remaining uninsured adults and their reasons for not enrolling in marketplace plans or Medicaid.
Methods: Analysis of the Commonwealth Fund ACA Tracking Survey, February–April 2016.
Key findings and conclusions: There have been notable shifts in the demographic composition of the uninsured since the law’s major coverage expansions went into effect in 2014. Latinos have become a growing share of the uninsured, rising from 29 percent in 2013 to 40 percent in 2016. Whites have become a declining share, falling from half the uninsured in 2013 to 41 percent in 2016. The uninsured are very poor: 39 percent of uninsured adults have incomes below the federal poverty level, twice the rate of their overall representation in the adult population. Of uninsured adults who are aware of the marketplaces or who have tried to enroll for coverage, the majority point to affordability concerns as a reason for not signing up.


Six Years Into Obama’s Health Care Law, Who Are the Uninsured?
AUG. 18, 2016


A Final Look: California's Previously Uninsured after the ACA's Third Open Enrollment Period
Aug 18, 2016


Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks

Former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2005 in Washington.
Manuel Balce Ceneta - Associated Press

By Marisa Taylor and William Douglas
August 18, 2016 2:18 PM

Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Joseph Schmitz, named as one of five advisers by the Trump campaign in March, is accused of bragging when he was Defense Department inspector general a decade ago that he pushed out Jewish employees.

The revelations feed two themes that his opponent Hillary Clinton has used to erode Trump’s credibility: That he is a foreign policy neophyte, and that his campaign, at times, has offended Jews and other minorities.

Schmitz, who is a lawyer in private practice [ ] in Washington, says the allegations against him are lies. All three people who have cited the remarks, including one who testified under oath about them, have pending employment grievances with the federal government.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file [ ].

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

Meyer, who declined to comment about the matter, cited in his complaintanother former top Pentagon official, John Crane, as the source and witness to the remarks. Crane worked with Schmitz, who served as inspector general between April 2002 and September 2005.

In his complaint, Meyer said Crane also said Schmitz played down the extent of the Holocaust.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Schmitz said that Crane was the source of other false accusations against him.

“The allegations are completely false and defamatory,” Schmitz said in an interview Tuesday.

“I do not recall ever even hearing of any ‘allegations of anti-Semitism against [me],’ which would be preposterously false and defamatory because, among other reason(s), I am quite proud of the Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years,” he wrote in an email.

Later in a phone interview, he said his wife was not a practicing Jew but “ethnically Jewish” because her maternal grandmother was a Jew.

Meyer, who previously oversaw the Defense Department’s decisions on whistleblowing cases, said he could not comment because his case is still pending. Meyer is now the Obama administration’s top official overseeing how intelligence agencies handle whistleblower complaints.

Crane would not comment directly about his conversation with Schmitz but said, “if, when, I am required to testify under oath in a MSPB hearing, I would then comment on the statement attributed to me by Mr. Meyer.”

“Statements made under oath at the request of a judge in a formal proceeding would also remove my vulnerability to any potential civil litigation by any party involved in the filings by Mr. Meyer,” he added.

Crane’s lawyer, Andrew Bakaj, also refuted Schmitz’s charges about Crane. He said Crane “has had no association or involvement with any of the numerous news accounts challenging the actions or decisions made by Mr. Schmitz when he was Inspector General.”

The anti-Semitic allegations have also become part of another case.

David Tenenbaum [ ], an Army engineer at the Tank Automotive Command (TACOM) in Warren, Michigan, is now citing the allegations in a letter this week to Acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine as new evidence that current and former Pentagon officials helped perpetrate an anti-Semitic culture within the military that left him vulnerable.

“The anti-Semitic environment began under a prior Inspector General, Mr. Joseph Schmitz,” the letter from Tenenbaum’s lawyer Mayer Morganroth of Birmingham, Mich., states.

Trump’s campaign did not return multiple calls and emails over a week about Schmitz.

Clinton, Trump’s Democratic opponent, has campaigned on his lack of foreign policy experience. Trump has said he relies on news talk shows [ ] to inform himself about foreign affairs – a remark that Clinton has turned into a TV attack ad. Earlier this week, he called for “extreme vetting” of immigrants [ ] to determine whether they share American values – a softening of his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States.

Trump himself was accused of being anti-Semitic when he told the Republican Jewish Coalition in December: “I’m a negotiator, like you folks [ ].”

Trump also retweeted an image [ ] of what appeared to be a Star of David surrounded by cash.

His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has publicly defended him [ ], saying that as a Jew and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, he has never found Trump to be anti-Semitic. Kushner is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism.

Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said he was “very worried about what the candidate says from time to time and the nature of the people who are around him.”

“There are many around him, and I would include Schmitz in there, who I don’t know at all,” he added. “Where do they come from?”

Schmitz has spoken on behalf of the Trump campaign as recently as the end of July. In interviews, he has said he has helped write one of Trump's foreign policy speeches [ ] and that Trump consults his advisors regularly [ ].

The Trump campaign recently denied that Trump has relied on the advice of one of the five foreign policy advisers he named in March: Carter Page, an investor in Gazprom, the Russian energy giant.

The campaign earlier this month described Page as an “informal foreign policy adviser” who “does not speak for Mr. Trump or the campaign” after an Aug. 5 Washington Post [ ] story revealed Page had publicly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Tom Marino, a Trump supporter and member of the House Homeland Security and House Foreign Affairs committees, defended Trump’s advisers.

“I have the utmost confidence in that foreign policy group,” said Marino, who attended a two-hour meeting with Trump’s foreign policy brain trust Wednesday at New York’s Trump Tower. “We just finished a meeting with 25 men and women who are experts, expert-ish in foreign policy,” Marino added. “There were some real heavyweight people.”

The allegations against Schmitz are in Meyer’s employment grievance that was filed in June with the MSPB, which decides such cases filed by federal employees. In the complaint, Meyer alleges former and current Defense Department Inspector General officials discriminated against him as a gay man and retaliated against him for investigating and reporting misconduct by high-level Pentagon officials.

Crane, a former assistant Defense Department inspector general, resigned in 2013 when he learned he was going to be fired after an administrative inquiry. He filed a whistleblower disclosure saying retaliation had forced his resignation. The disclosure is still before the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates such complaints.

The letter from Tenenbaum’s lawyer Mayer Morganroth also alleges Schmitz made remarks about firing Jews and playing down the extent of the Holocaust, citing a “sworn statement” from an unnamed source with knowledge of the Tenenbaum case.

A federal official with knowledge of the matter told McClatchy that Crane testified, under oath, about anti-Semitic remarks Schmitz made to him. Crane was interviewed in at least two investigations involving Pentagon inspector general officials.

Schmitz was accused of shielding Bush administration officials from investigations, including an inquiry into a Boeing contract. He was cleared of the allegations.

Schmitz left the government to become general counsel of the parent company of the defense contractor then known as Blackwater.

A fellow Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, was one of Schmitz’s biggest critics.

Grassley, for example, complained to the Pentagon about Schmitz’s plans [ ] to send Pentagon officials to an event in Germany honoring Baron Friedrich Von Steuben, a Prussian-born Army officer who served under George Washington during the Revolutionary War.

Schmitz, who speaks German, was described as fascinated with Von Steuben, who was known as the nation’s first U.S. inspector general.

Schmitz’s father, the late Republican Congressman John Schmitz who represented California, was a fervent anti-Communist and drew criticism in 1981 for remarks about Jews, including his press release that called the audience at abortion hearings “a sea of hard, Jewish and (arguably) female faces [ ]."

Bart Buechner, Joseph Schmitz’s former military assistant at the inspector general’s office, said he had frequent contact with Schmitz and never witnessed any anti-Semitism.

“He would not say anything negative or pejorative about any ethnic group,” Buechner said.

Former Interior Department Inspector General Earl Devaney, who served during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations, said he was surprised to hear Trump picked Schmitz as his adviser.

“I was shocked,” Devaney said. “In fact, a bunch of us former inspectors general called each other when we saw the news, and we couldn’t stop laughing because it was so ridiculous that someone so odd and out of the mainstream would be selected, particularly for that position.”

Tenenbaum, who is alleging officials in the Pentagon inspector general’s office contributed to anti-Semitism against him, was targeted as an Israeli spy by the Army, which launched a criminal investigation of him.

Bridget Serchak, a Pentagon inspector general’s office spokeswoman, declined to comment on the case. Her office concluded in 2008 that Tenenbaum had been singled out for “unusual and unwelcome scrutiny because of his faith” as an Orthodox Jew.

His treatment from 1992 to 1997, the inspector general’s report concluded [ ], amounted to discrimination.

Tenenbaum got his security clearance back and it was even increased to top secret. He was never charged with any wrongdoing. In his letter this week to Pentagon authorities, he asked the inspector general to review his case because he said the office never intervened on his behalf.

“... In light of the information recently obtained, (we) believe your office has and continues to engage in discriminatory behavior,” his lawyer wrote.

Though Schmitz left the government in 2005, he has inserted himself in public affairs often through writing editorials and giving speeches [ ].

Schmitz spoke to law students in March 2015 at Southern Methodist University in Dallas in a forumabout communism and its impact on society.

Renwei Chung, a student who took notes of Schmitz’s speech, said it appeared to him that Schmitz was calling Obama a communist. He described how Schmitz held up the book: “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis – The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor” and said to the forum, “The Chinese worship Mao. They have pictures of Mao everywhere. Do you know who the second most popular person in China is? Obama. … Why is that?”

Jeffrey Kahn, a professor who also spoke at the forum, said the encounter with Schmitz left him “chilled.”

Kahn wrote in an opinion piece published in July in the Dallas Morning News that “I had witnessed a ghost from McCarthy's staff [ ],” a reference to former Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who was obsessed with exposing communists in the 1950s.

“What foreign policy advice will Schmitz whisper into Trump's ear?” Kahn wrote. “I shudder to think what he might do in such a position of power.”

Copyright 2016 McClatchy Washington Bureau [with comments]


Jared Kushner's Second Act

His father-in-law's bid for the White House is in shambles. Is he the man to fix it?
AUG 18, 2016


Ivanka Trump's Brother-In-Law Is Voting For Hillary Clinton

08/18/2016 [with comments]


Ivanka Trump orders earring, company donates her money to Hillary Cinton campaign

August 19th, 2016


White supremacist stabs interracial couple after seeing them kiss at bar, police say

By Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
August 19, 2016

Daniel Rowe was apparently enraged at the sight of a black man and a white woman kissing on the streets of Olympia, Wash., Tuesday night. But police say he hid his violent intent behind a stony face until he was close enough to strike.

The attack happened about 8:30 p.m. in the state’s capital city on Fourth Avenue,  a classic downtown street busy with people going to a local movie theater or visiting bars and restaurants.

Rowe had recently been released from Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla, about 300 miles away. Police say he may have been among the ranks of the state’s homeless, who flock to Olympia for help on their way to Portland or Seattle.

Police say the man accused of racially motivated attack in Olympia is Daniel Rowe, 32. …
4:00 PM - 17 Aug 2016
[ (with comments)]

Rowe, 32, walked up to the couple and, without warning, yelled a racial slur and lunged with his knife, police say. The blade grazed the woman and went into the man’s hip, according to a news release from Olympia police.

“The suspect is unknown to the victims and the attack appears to have been unprovoked,” police said in the statement.

After the attack, Rowe ran off as stunned onlookers dialed 911. The 47-year-old male victim, not realizing how badly he was injured, chased Rowe and “tripped him up,” said Lt. Paul Lower, a police department spokesman. Rowe hit his head on the ground and was knocked unconscious.

No one involved had life-threatening injuries, but police said Rowe’s behavior grew stranger as officers tried to wrestle him into the back of a patrol car.

“He tells them, ‘Yeah, I stabbed them. I’m a white supremacist,'” Lower said. “He begins talking about Donald Trump rallies and attacking people at the Black Lives Matter protest.”

Kristen Drew
Judge on unprovoked attack in #Olympia: "Those allegations are extremely serious" #komonews
3:38 PM - 17 Aug 2016
[ (with comments)]

According to court documents obtained by the Olympian [ ], Rowe, who was unconscious when police encountered him, had tattoos that read “skinhead,” “white power” and “hooligan.” One tattoo showed the Confederate flag.

Rowe was arrested and booked into the Thurston County Jail on two charges of first-degree assault and possible malicious harassment, which in Washington state is a designation used for hate crimes. The investigation continues.

“This has all the hallmarks of a hate crime,” Deputy Prosecutor Joseph Wheeler said at Rowe’s court hearing  Wednesday, according to the Olympian. “This black-and-white couple was simply expressing their love for one another.”

According to the newspaper, Rowe had been imprisoned for a 2008 conviction for second-degree robbery.

Rowe told police he had come to Olympia in response to anti-police graffiti that had been written over the weekend. Police were still investigating who wrote the graffiti, the spokesman said.

As the capital city and seat of the Washington state government, Olympia has seen its share of protests on controversial national and local topics, Lower said.

A year ago, protesters organized several demonstrations after a police officer shot and wounded two black men accused of stealing beer. The Seattle Times [ ] described the protest:

It all began Saturday night when 150 protesters, some wearing masks, marched through downtown to counter-protest a planned gathering of white supremacists, an Olympia Police Department spokeswoman said Sunday.

Some vehicle windows were broken and car tires were slashed. A man was stabbed in the arm about 9:30 p.m. Saturday, although that incident was thought to be unrelated to the protest, police spokeswoman Laura Wohl said.

In 2014, the FBI reported [ ] 5,479 hate crimes across the United States, a 14.6 percent decrease from 2013.

Lower stressed that Rowe is not connected to any of the city’s protest groups.

In fact, investigators aren’t sure whether he is connected to anyone in the area, Lower said. And officers were scratching their heads at Rowe’s comments about fighting Black Lives Matter during a Donald Trump rally. Neither had events planned in Washington this week.

Read more:

‘Go back to Africa’? This man will - if racists pay his way.

‘I was just reading a book’: Canadian cops called on black man reading C.S. Lewis in his car

Donald Trump is getting ZERO percent of the black vote in polls in Pennsylvania and Ohio

Father ‘utterly terrified’ after trooper points gun at his 7-year-old during traffic stop

‘George Zimmerman 2.0’: Family demands justice after white homeowner kills black man

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded video, and comments]


Washington man stabs kissing interracial couple, cites Donald Trump when arrested

Daniel Rowe, 32, of Richland, Washington.
Photo via Q13Fox

By Sophia Tesfaye
Friday, Aug 19, 2016 08:55 AM CDT

Unfortunately for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, two different violent criminals on opposite ends of the country reportedly held superficial links to the troubled candidate’s campaign while carrying out their attacks this week.

In Washington, a 32-year-old white man, described by local authorities as a likely white supremacist, attacked an interracial couple he witnessed engaged in a kiss.

Daniel Rowe stabbed a black man in Olympia, the capital of Washington state, outside of a bar at around 8:30pm after seeing the black man kiss a white woman. The 47-year-old black man and his white girlfriend, who is 35, had left the bar when Rowe approached them with a “weird” smile, according to a probable cause statement filed in court. Without warning, Rowe then yelled a racial slur and lunged with his knife, police say. The blade grazed the woman and went into the man’s hip, according to a news release from Olympia police.

“The suspect is unknown to the victims and the attack appears to have been unprovoked,” police said in a statement, calling the attack “purely racial.”

Police explained that Rowe’s behavior grew stranger as officers tried to wrestle him into the back of a patrol car.

“He tells them, ‘Yeah, I stabbed them. I’m a white supremacist,’” said Lt. Paul Lower, a police department spokesman. “He begins talking about Donald Trump rallies and attacking people at the Black Lives Matter protest.”

Rowe told police he had come to Olympia, from nearby Richland, in response to anti-police graffiti that had been written over the weekend. He told investigators he knew law enforcement officers “couldn’t hurt the black people on the street” and he would “continue the fight against all of the Black Lives Matter people,” according to the probable cause statement.

Court documents seen by KOMO [ ] say Rowe “took a blood oath to fight on the street, and if he was let go tonight, he planned on heading down to the next Donald Trump rally and stomping out more of the Black Lives Matter group.” According to court documents, officers said Rowe had “extensive” white supremacist tattoos including ones including the words “skinhead,” “white power” and the Confederate flag.

“This has all the hallmarks of a hate crime,” Deputy Prosecutor Joseph Wheeler said at Rowe’s court hearing  Wednesday, according to the Olympian. “This black-and-white couple was simply expressing their love for one another.”

While neither of Rowe’s victims suffered life-threatening injuries, there was the curious case of the face-eating Florida man who killed two people while wearing signature Trump campaign paraphernalia this week.

According to a newly released 911 call placed by Austin Harrouff’s mother, the 19-year-old who allegedly killed John Stevens II, 59, and his 53-year-old wife, Michelle Mischon, 53, outside their Jupiter, Florida, home before biting pieces of flesh off one of the victim’s face Monday evening was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

During the call, Mina Harrouff said her son, a Florida State student and fraternity member, was last seen wearing white shorts, a blue polo and a red “Make America Great Again” hat made famous by Trump.

Marc Caputo
Florida cannibal killer wore a Make America Great Again cap before zombie attack [ ]
6:14 AM - 19 Aug 2016
[ (with comments)]

Copyright © 2016 Salon Media Group, Inc. [with embedded video, and comments]


Manafort’s man in Kiev

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been relying on a trusted protégé whose links to Russia and its Ukrainian allies have prompted concerns.
The Trump campaign chairman’s closeness to a Russian Army-trained linguist turned Ukrainian political operative is raising questions, concerns.
08/18/16 [with comments]


Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign

Aug. 18, 2016 [with embedded video report]


Ukrainians saw Paul Manafort's political impact up close – and it wasn't pretty

‘Manafort worked with Victor Yanukovych – on one of the most notorious European politicians – for nearly 10 years.’
Donald Trump’s campaign chairman spent nearly a decade in Ukraine. His time here has raised many questions, not least in an ongoing corruption inquiry.
19 August 2016
Update, 10:20am EDT: Paul Manafort has resigned [ ] as Donald Trump’s campaign chairman [with comments]


Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns
Video [embedded]:
Detials emerge in Ukraine of alleged payments to Manafort
A Ukrainian lawmaker releases more details of what he says were secret payments made to Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign chief who resigned the same day the new details emerged.

August 19, 2016 [with an additional embedded video, and (over 4,000) comments]


Trump Campaign CEO Steve Bannon Failed To Properly Pay Taxes For Several Years
The former CEO of Breitbart News faced numerous federal and state tax liens in the 1990s.
08/18/2016 Updated August 19, 2016 [with comments]


Breitbart editor planned secret anti-Trump campaign to take down reporter

Stephen Bannon

Journalist Michelle Fields at the Glamour and Facebook brunch to discuss sexism in April.
August 18, 2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump’s New Chief Steve Bannon Called Republican Leaders ‘C**ts’

08.19.16 [with embedded video and audio]


Trump’s claim attributing the 20-year New York City crime decline to Giuliani’s policies

“Good policing saves lives. My dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, knows a thing or two about this. The policies put into place by Rudy ultimately brought down crime by 76 percent and murder by 84 percent. Think of how many families were saved, how much heartache was prevented, when police were put into communities and criminals were removed.”
- Donald Trump, speech [ ] about America’s inner cities and black communities, Aug. 16, 2016

August 19, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Full Show - Trump Gives Best Speech Of His Campaign - 08/19/2016

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Friday, August 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen discusses Hillary's deteriorating health and the Obama administration paying ransom money to Iran. Roger Stone covers Paul Manafort's resignation from the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton's attack on alternative media. Also, political cartoonist Ben Garrison gives insight on the current presidential race and more. Plus, we cover Trump's epic North Carolina speech. [with comments]


Trump Turns President in Louisiana as Obama Vacations

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

The mainstream media's hypocrisy knows no bounds as they attack Trump for his humanitarian mission in Louisiana. Alex breaks down the details. [with comments]


FULL VIDEO - FNN: Donald Trump Rally DIMONDALE, MI 8-19-16

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by FOX 10 Phoenix [ / , ] [with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments)]


A massive new study debunks a widespread theory for Donald Trump’s success

(Rachel Orr/The Washington Post)

By Max Ehrenfreund and Jeff Guo
August 12, 2016

Economic distress and anxiety across working-class white America have become a widely discussed explanation for the success of Donald Trump. It seems to make sense. Trump's most fervent supporters tend to be white men without college degrees. This same group has suffered economically in our increasingly globalized world, as machines have replaced workers in factories and labor has shifted overseas. Trump has promised to curtail trade and other perceived threats to American workers, including immigrants.

Yet a major new analysis [ ] from Gallup, based on 87,000 interviews the polling company conducted over the past year, suggests this narrative is not complete. While there does seem to be a relationship between economic anxiety and Trump's appeal, the straightforward connection that many observers have assumed does not appear in the data.

According to this new analysis, those who view Trump favorably have not been disproportionately affected by foreign trade or immigration, compared with people with unfavorable views of the Republican presidential nominee. The results suggest that his supporters, on average, do not have lower incomes than other Americans, nor are they more likely to be unemployed.


Trump is giving his supporters a misleading account of their ills, Rothwell said. "He says they are suffering because of globalization," Rothwell said. "He says they’re suffering because of immigration and a diversifying country, but I can’t find any evidence of that."



Although Trump voters tend to be the most skeptical about immigration, they are also the least likely to actually encounter an immigrant in their neighborhood.

Rothwell finds that people who live in places with many Hispanic residents or places close to the Mexican border, tend not to favor Trump - relative to otherwise similar Americans and to otherwise similar white Republicans.

Among those who are similar in terms of income, education and other factors, those who view Trump favorably are more likely to be found in white enclaves - racially isolated Zip codes where the amount of diversity is lower than in surrounding areas.

These places have not been affected much by immigration, and Rothwell believes that is no coincidence. He argues that when people have more personal experience of people from other countries, they develop friendlier attitudes toward immigrants.

Research from Pew suggests [ ] that there is a relationship between the character of people’s neighborhoods and their views on immigrants. A study from 2006 found that native-born Americans living in Zip codes with lots of immigrants tended to hold immigrants in higher esteem. For instance, they were about twice as likely to say that immigrants “strengthen the US with their hard work and talents.”

This was true, apparently, even after taking into account people’s backgrounds and their political leanings. “Analysis of the survey indicates that their more favorable views do not merely reflect their demographics or political composition, but suggests that exposure to and experience with immigrants results in a better impression of them,” Pew noted.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded video, and comments]


Hope Is What Separates Trump Voters From Clinton Voters

Eric Thayer/Reuters

Donald Trump's supporters haven’t necessarily lost a job to globalization. But they’re afraid they’re next.

Andrew McGill
Aug 19, 2016

It’s pretty clear who Donald Trump wants to help, because he names them at every rally. Miners [ ]. Steelworkers [ ]. Guys on the assembly line [ ], whose jobs are either being stolen by the Chinese or strangled to death by Obama’s regulations. If globalization has put your livelihood in jeopardy, Trump wants you on his side. And given his sky-high popularity among white men without a college degree, I’d argue this pitch is gaining traction.

But here’s the weird thing: Folks in hard-hit industrial towns aren’t voting for Trump. When Michigan Republicans went to the polls in March, economists expected to see huge Trump turnout in areas with the most shuttered factories. Instead, they got the opposite: Trump’s support was strongest in towns that had gained manufacturing jobs [ ]. He did about 20 percentage points worse in areas where layoffs were most intense. It was completely the opposite of what everyone expected.

Earlier this month, Gallup economist Jonathan Rothwell published a working paper [ ] expanding the Michigan analysis to the entire country. This time, he used opinion poll results instead of vote totals, making the data more current. Rothwell found the same trend: Trump did worse in towns that lost manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2007, and better in areas that gained them. Indeed, Trump is most popular in prosperous areas. Apparently, economic pain doesn’t guarantee votes for the Republican nominee, and economic success is no guard against him.


Copyright © 2016 by The Atlantic Monthly Group (emphasis in original) [with comments]



Published on Jul 25, 2016 by Bad Lip Reading [ / , ]

Ted Cruz speaks plainly about Donald Trump, and the crowd at the Republican National Convention turns on him. [with comments]


AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Referred for Criminal Contempt Charges



Judge Refers Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Criminal Prosecution

Sheriff Joe Arpaio last year in Phoenix. A judge found that Mr. Arpaio and his second-in-command ignored orders designed to guard against the racial profiling of Latinos.
Laura Segall for The New York Times

AUG. 19, 2016

PHOENIX — A federal judge on Friday referred Sheriff Joe Arpaio [ ] and his second-in-command for criminal prosecution, finding that they ignored and misrepresented to subordinates court orders designed to keep the sheriff’s office from racially profiling Latinos.

In making the referral to the United States attorney’s office for criminal contempt charges, Judge G. Murray Snow of Federal District Court in Phoenix delivered the sharpest rebuke against Mr. Arpaio, who as the long-serving sheriff in Maricopa County made a name for himself as an unrelenting pursuer of undocumented immigrants.

Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan “have a history of obfuscation and subversion of this court’s orders that is as old as this case,” Judge Snow wrote in his order.

Sheriff Arpaio and Mr. Sheridan had also made numerous false statements under oath, Judge Snow wrote, and “there is also probable cause to believe that many if not all of the statements were made in an attempt to obstruct any inquiry into their further wrongdoing or negligence.”

The referral does not mean the sheriff will face criminal charges; it is up to federal prosecutors to decide whether to pursue the case. Still, if the prosecutors do not take the case, the judge could appoint a special prosecutor.

“A criminal prosecution of Sheriff Arpaio is the right next step for justice to be done,” Cecillia Wang, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, one of the groups that filed the lawsuit resulting in the court orders, said in a statement. “When a federal court finds that a law enforcement official has lied to the court in an effort to cover up misconduct, and willfully flouted court orders, that official must be held to account.”

Judge Snow’s referral also extends to Capt. Steve R. Bailey, who was in charge of internal affairs investigations in the sheriff’s office, and Michele M. Iafrate, a lawyer for Sheriff Arpaio’s. They were both accused of withholding information from a court-appointed monitor about the existence of 1,459 IDs seized in law enforcement operations.

Ultimately, though, Judge Snow laid the blame squarely on Sheriff Arpaio. “The court,” he wrote, “has reminded Sheriff Arpaio that he is the party to the lawsuit, not his subordinates, and thus the failure of his subordinates to carry out this court’s orders would amount to his own failure to do so.”

In his decision, Judge Snow removed several of Sheriff Arpaio’s powers, including his ability to oversee internal affairs investigations. The judge had already found that Sheriff Arpaio and his deputies had mishandled and manipulated such investigations, in part to obscure wrongdoing or neglect by deputies.

The lawsuit has already cost taxpayers more than $50 million in legal fees and contributed to Arizona’s reputation for bias against immigrants.

Gov. Doug Ducey has worked to redefine the state’s relationship to Mexico, bruised by the immigration law signed by his predecessor that empowered the police to ask about the legal status of anyone whom they suspected of being in the country illegally. Sheriff Arpaio, meanwhile, has remained a loyal ally of Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, amplifying his calls for a wall along the Southern border, paid for by Mexico.

Sheriff Arpaio has alternated between meek and defiant in and outside court, openly criticizing Judge Snow to reporters and often characterizing the racial profiling case against him as a political vendetta by the Obama administration.

“The truth will come out,” he said in a recent interview from Tent City here, where inmates are housed in recommissioned Korean War tents, exposed to this city’s torrid summer heat.

The case was filed in 2007 on behalf of Latino drivers who claimed they had been systematically targeted by sheriff’s deputies during traffic stops and immigration patrols. Judge Snow agreed, ordering changes in training and procedures, including a requirement that officers relay by radio the reason for each stop before approaching a driver.

But in May, the judge found Sheriff Arpaio and his top deputies in contempt of court, saying that they had “engaged in multiple acts of misconduct, dishonesty and bad faith” and “demonstrated a persistent disregard for the orders of the court.” His decision to ask the United States attorney’s office to bring criminal charges came despite Sheriff Arpaio’s apologies and pleas by one of his lawyers, Mel McDonald, last month in court.

“One thing I’m convinced, judge, is that you want to see the process succeed,” Mr. McDonald said. He listed reasons against a criminal referral — Sheriff Arpaio’s age (he is 84) and “long career in public service,” his apologies for disrespecting the court’s order, and the “hundreds, if not thousands of hours” already spent to comply with it.

Judge Snow, who conducted the hearing on his feet because of a bad back, told Mr. McDonald that Sheriff Arpaio and Mr. Sheridan had “lied to my face” during the contempt hearings. Then he leaned closer to the microphone and said, “I am through putting up with that kind of stuff, and they’re going to be as responsible for what they do here as any other citizen of Maricopa County.”

In an interview, Mr. McDonald, who will represent Sheriff Arpaio in the criminal contempt case, said he was “bitterly disappointed in the order,” adding that the judge’s orders mean that more public money will be diverted to defending the sheriff. His hope, Mr. McDonald said, is to convince federal prosecutors not to pursue charges against Mr. Arpaio and, if it reaches that point, “to get the sheriff tried by a jury of his peers.”

Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union have argued that Sheriff Arpaio violated the court’s orders to score political points ahead of a re-election race in 2012. He is running for a seventh term in November and has raised some $10 million in donations, mostly from out-of-state supporters.

Judge Snow also called for compensation for drivers who were pulled over by Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies after he had ordered a stop to their immigration patrols. The judge ordered the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to create a $500,000 compensation fund, an amount that could be increased if it is paid out before all of the victims are compensated.

© 2016 The New York Times Company


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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